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Pages: 220

Genre: poetry

"Leave this song behind" features the best poetry from many teen writers that has contributed to Teen Ink. The topics and styles varies widely, and all the poems are divided into seven sections based on techniques and theme. In this collection is all from simple, thought-provoking poems to longer ones that paint vivid images with their carefully selected words.

My thoughts
Rating out of five:

I think there's something a lot of "adult" poets can learn from these teenagers in that not every poem in a collection needs to be about the same thing described over and over. This collection had a lot of variation, surely because the poets behind it are so different personalities and it was nice to read through the different styles and themes. It also seemed to have made the collection especially difficult to fit together, as the subject of a poem can range from death and hospital visits to more light-hearted humor in a few pages.

It wasn't always obvious that the writers were teenagers in the writing itself, most of them did a much better job than I could've and my (untrained) eyes see a lot of talent in here. But inexperience was more obvious in the subjects that were written about and, even though I'm sure I'm the same age as a lot of them, that decreased my interest some while reading.

There were some poems in here that almost made me tear up, or that communicated something to me, among a lot that didn't. All in all, this seem like a fantastic project and I'm glad it exists to encourage young poets and creativity!
aquapages | 2 altre recensioni | Jul 8, 2020 |
Teens address their experiences as targets, as bullies and as bystanders through first-hand essays, poetry and images. It makes an important contribution to a crucial dialogue about bullying, by sharing the perspectives of people for whom bullying is fresh and immediate.
Cynthia_Parkhill | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 24, 2018 |
First of all, thanks to NetGalley and TeenInk for giving me a chance to read and review this book!

Leave This Song Behind is a collection of absolutely beautiful and meaningful poems!

The fact that all of the poems are written by teenagers only adds to its charms.

I enjoyed all of the poems. They were deep, meaningful and absolutely beautiful.

Though I did enjoy them all, some of them became my favorites. 'Year Of The Dragon by Miriam Himelstein', 'A Letter to the Past, Present and Future Selves by Sofia Wesley', were some of my favorites while 'The Sistine Closet by Hannah Livernois' was my absolute favorite!

Though at times I spotted some punctuation mistakes and the page formatting was a bit confusing, the poems were absolutely beautiful and I loved them all!
Swibells | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 28, 2017 |
“You aren't just runny punctuation. You are the story.”

Leyendo esto me di cuenta de dos cosas:

1.- Los adolescentes pueden ser los peores poetas del mundo. Mucho egocentrismo y poco estilo literario propio.

2.- Los adolescentes pueden ser los mejores poetas del mundo. Sienten todo tan apasionadamente. (Y ¿qué es la poesía si no una muestra de pasión?)

No importa si el poema trata acerca del amor, de la muerte o de un lavamanos que gotea; puedes sentir la emoción tras las palabras, la sinceridad del sentimiento.

Una antología bien pensada y que mejora a medida que avanza. Inclusive los poemas malos (que son unos cuantos) tienen un encanto especial por esa patente ingenuidad juvenil de que basta con escribir exactamente lo que sientes y dividirlo en versos para tener un poema.

Una colección que me deja gratamente sorprendida, con un nuevo poema para la lista de favoritos (“The Sistine Closet” es una maravilla) y con la certeza de que sí hay jóvenes con talento allí fuera.

Nuestro futuro literario no está solo en mano de booktubers y es un alivio.
Glire | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 22, 2016 |
Written by teens for teens, about issues as seen from their perspective and how they deal with them. This book in the series is about relationships between friends and family. Very well written pieces of prose and poetry. I very much enjoyed reading it.
MomsterBookworm | Jul 14, 2014 |
Bullying Under Attack edited by John Meyer is an anthology of essays about bullying. The book was compiled in response to the suicide of Meyer's son because of bullying.

The essays are divided into three sections: the bullied, the bullies, and the bystander. Each section offers essays and poetry on the pain, anger and fear that surrounds bullying.

This book is good for anyone affected by bullying.
pussreboots | 2 altre recensioni | May 23, 2014 |
This anthology of 100 of the best bullying essays, letters, and poems written by teens for teens is, in my opinion, one of the most significant works toward remedying bullying on digital steroids. From name calling and exclusion to silence treatment, ostracism, physical aggression, and public humiliation and broad coverage, vivid description of actions is enlightening, no longer allowing bullies and bystanders to say, “I didn’t know.” An unacceptable but age-old problem, extremes of hurt are made even more dangerous today with online exposure that doesn’t end at the close of the school day, and are subject to continuous instant replay. Attempts to “fix” the epidemic often fall short of changing behavior, especially in the long term. As these teens so poignantly describe, bullies, the bullied, and bystanders all play a part, and, in their own ways, are all victims. Real social transformation requires considering why the various roles are adopted, intervening by building understandings and skills to choose different reactions and behaviors. Whether standing up for self, befriending a victim, or recognizing one’s role and need to be a bully, these heart wrenching stories provide a window to the problem, hope and ability to see truth in painful situations, and examples of actions that truly changed outcomes. These remarkable teens have vulnerably documented noteworthy accounts of discovering their roles and of making authentic personal changes to end bullying in their lives and to impact the social climate.
This truly is must read for teens, parents, educators, and more as we seek to change culture. Sekunjalo! Now is the time!

I received this ARC from Teen Ink through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review..
mmeckenstock | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 1, 2013 |
Teens, mostly girls, share their personal stories and advice about issues relevant to other teens. The book is organized into sections including “friendship, family stuff, love stories, and fitting in”. This book is appropriate for late middle through high school readers. It may also be beneficial to adults who interact with teens.
iecj | Jul 9, 2009 |
A resource that aspiring teen writers, artists, and other teen readers will enjoy. It offers a variety of styles and voices that will appeal to many varied interests. The resources in the back are a helpful addition.
YAlit | May 8, 2009 |
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