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What interesting tales CiCi McNair has to tell! From her sad childhood, her rebellious young adult life of high adventure, and then her quest to become a PI, CiCi’s adventures come to life. The emotions in the book run from sad, to frightening, and at times hilarious.

She started in PI work by seeking employment with different PI firms at a very low wages. From this meager start she was eventually able to start her successful business, Green Star Investigations, out of Philadelphia, PA.

Not only did she have to deal with the problems of being a woman in a man’s world, but because of her unique background and travels, her employers and coworkers were always suspicious of her. Many of the people she worked with were rough characters, mostly retired male law enforcement, but she always held her own and made the best of the situation. She could make the most mundane stakeout sound exciting and the rather hum drum product knockoff case as interesting as a high profile case.

As the story of her life unfolds, the reader learns about her family, the mysterious and dangerous men in her life, and her desire for a life “outside the box”. Her personality and energy radiates throughout the book as she shares her very unusual life.
Tmtrvlr | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 26, 2010 |
Cici wants to be a detective, she loves the idea of tracking the clues and solving the puzzles. Unfortunately the business is run by who are almost all ex-law enforcement, and it isn't easy for a woman to get in the loop. The story is how she manages to not only get into the PI business, but also excel in it.

Cici was a fascinating character. She lived a life of adventure and used the skills she had picked up along the way to help her in her PI career. She was spunky and opinionated, but not in a way that made her overbearing or annoying to listen to.

Overall, I greatly enjoyed the book and the close up look into what a "real" PI works on.

jasmyn9 | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 18, 2009 |
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