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Opere di Kathryn McMaster


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Breve biografia
Kathryn McMaster is an historical crime fiction author of true and unsolved murders occurring during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Her debut novel, "Who Killed Little Johnny Gill?" was well received and swiftly became a best seller in the free Kindle books for British Historical Fiction. Her next novel, which is in the pipeline, is a maritime triple murder mystery which is set to be released in June, 2016.

Having lived in 5 different countries during her fifty-something years, namely South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea and the United Arab Emirates, she is now retired and finally has time to write her crime fiction novels from her stone farmhouse in Tuscany, Italy. She owns 8 hectares in the beautiful Casentino Valley and raises a small flock of sheep and goats. Having named most of her sheep she finds it difficult to eat any, including an extremely obstreperous and rambunctious ram called, 'Sylvester'. However, that sentiment could change at any time!



"𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭"
For anyone that doesn't know who this infamous couple is, they created Craigslist ads and lured men with the promise of sex via messages exchanged then Miranda Barbour murdered one man with the help of her husband Elytte Barbour.
Miranda Barbour (from Alaska) was the instigator of the premeditated crime, with the help of her husband Elytte who is vulnerable, naive, too trusting of the wrong type of people and a people pleaser, so he was a willing participant.
Miranda Barbour is now infamous for claiming to be a "self-proclaimed Satanist" that was supposedly in a Satanic cult or Coven & a serial killer but there is no evidence to back that up at all, so she is a delusional, mentally ill, attention-seeking, manipulative, coercive, pathological liar, fantasist & a opportunistic, greedy murderer.
Elytte was a willing participant, he could have said no & not helped Miranda but he didn't do that he chose to participate & help her, so he is guilty by association.
The victims should be remembered & respected.
The author signed the copy of the book that I have, thank you.
This is a short book, so anyone could read the whole book in one day.
I can't believe how blasé Miranda's mother was about her uncle sexually abusing her and her sibling. How/why is that not something a parent should/would be concerned about?
It's disgusting and disturbing, people are sick perverts.

Elytte & Miranda met in 2013, they both liked each other and got married.
They are both into a kink known as (bloodplay) they would probably like the (knife play kink/fetish) as well.
Their relationship is sadomasochistic with elements of a interest in the occult/witchcraft & a interest in Satanism/Satanic beliefs.
Satanism is about you being your own God or Goddesses, deifying or worshipping yourself, it is religious/spiritual freedom, it's about embracing your shadow self, your primal, animalistic, hedonistic self.
It's not for everyone for a reason, it depends what resonates with you spiritually, but it is religious, spiritual and sexual freedom/liberation.
Nothing they did or claimed to do was Satanic, they are not genuine authentic Satanists either.
In some ways Elytte and Miranda are perfect for each other, but they are also a negative influence on each other as well.
They enable each others bad habits or self-destructive behaviour, codependent tendencies that they have for each other.
Elytte is a paranoid schizophrenic that has auditory & visual hallucinations, when he described his visual hallucination that he named Isaac their description reminds me of the American Actor James Dean.
Miranda has her own mental health issues such as depression, ADHD, schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, she is already self-destructive and engages in self-destructive behaviour such as self-harm.
They created the Craigslist Ad to lure, entice a potential victim, the people they chose to kill together was Troy LaFerrara.
A married man that posted Craigslist Ads looking for casual sex, or as he described "companionship" from women & he paid for their time/company.
After being arrested & confessing to the murder of Troy LaFerrara, this is when Miranda's manipulative, pathological lies are exposed as just that a fantasists' boastful, fantastical lies.
Miranda claimed to be a "self-proclaimed Satanist" and supposedly a serial killer but the police never found any evidence of this so, it was just thought of as fabricated lies, because Miranda is a attention-seeking, manipulative, coercive, pathological liar, mentally ill, fantasist.
Was Miranda really a prostitute?
Was her s0-called Pimp/cult leader friend or boyfriend in a so-called Satanic cult or Satanic Coven even a real person?
Did she really have a swastika carved into the back of her neck, or did she really have the name of her Pimp Forest branded on her thigh like she claimed?
I think if Forest is a real person that he should have been questioned, since he could give valuable testimony, evidence, or information about Miranda & Elytte.
Miranda & Elytte may have thought that they got away with the murder of Troy LaFerrara by strangling and stabbing him to death, stealing his wallet, then dumping his corpse in a alleyway, but Troy phone lead the police to them.
A phone number registered to Elytte that was mostly used by Miranda was the last phone number to contact Troy LaFerrara, which disproves their so-called alibis of being somewhere else at the time they met Troy LaFerrara in-person and murdered him in their car.
Elytte strangled Troy while Miranda stabbed him 20 times, so they are both guilty of murder in the first degree.
They would be seen on the local area CCTV cameras, Elytte is seen on camera in a local shop buying cleaning supplies, they used bleach in their car to clean the bloodstain, but if the police used Luminol forensic spray then traces of blood would be visible with a ultraviolet light and it would glow blue under the ultraviolet light.
Since Troy was stabbed 20 times (which is overkill not self-defence) there would be a lot of blood stains.
There is no way for them to get out of this without being convicted and found guilty of first degree murder because they are both guilty of murder.
By the time they both confess to the murder and their motivation or reasons for doing it, they both give conflicting statements, in my opinion this makes their confessions unreliable, or not trustworthy confessions.
People lie all the time, they will confess to something they didn't do for attention sometimes, or agree to a plea bargain to get a lighter sentence so they they don't have to testify in court and admit what they did.
During the time the police questioned both Miranda and Elytte both seem nonchalant, matter-of-fact, not concerned, anxious, not nervous or questioned why they were being questioned by the police about the murder of Troy LaFerrara.
Elytte talked about the murder as if it was a mundane, ordinary and everyday occurrence.
Miranda made up a story about Troy LeFerrara aggressively groping her against her will and she supposedly stabbed him, in self-defense which isn't true, but she is attempting to justify why she murdered Troy LaFerrara.
The way Elytte describes Miranda's interactions with married, lonely & unhappy married men sounds like a Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby arrangement, or Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby relationship, it's for companionship & there isn't always a sexual component/context to the arrangement.
Elytte is going along with her made up story of self-defense, until the real scenario of what actually happened is revealed.
Miranda's confession is questionable because she was luring me into meeting her with the promise of sex, but her real intention was premeditated murder.
Troy LaFerrara was already married, but regularly made Craigslist Ads to seeking companionship & sex from various other women, he talked to strippers, prostitutes, so his intention was for sex, so is he did try to inappropriately grope Miranda then she murdering Troy LaFerrara would have been believable but that's not how things turned out, what they both did Troy LaFerrara was disgusting, unnecessary and underserved.
Both Miranda & Elytte both act unrepentant, show no remorse, empathy, respect or any sympathy for or towards their victim, Elytte especially seems happy, boastful, proud about what he did as if it's something to brag about, his behaviour exhibits signs of psychopathy.
They are both cold, callous, emotional detached, don't feel empathy at all, it's very narcissistic, both talked about the murder of Troy LaFerrara in a nonchalant, matter-of-fact and casual, dismissive way, as if what they are talking about is ordinary or a every day occurance.
Since they stole Troy's wallet the motivation for his murder is deemed as financial greed/gain, and premeditated murder since they "always wanted to kill someone together"
Miranda continues to make more and more elaborate, unbelievable fabricated, fantastical lies such as being possessed and "Super Miranda" taking control of her and supposedly murdering (22 people) but she supposedly stop counting after her (22nd victim).
Her Husband believes her, he knows about her uncle abusing her, he totally believes that Miranda is capable of being a serial killer.
She supposedly marked a knife after every murder, but no such knife exists and there is no evidence that she ever went to the American states that she said she supposedly murdered people, tere is not evidence of anyone (aged 12-13) murdering anyone.
One of the most pieces of evidence is the Church of Satan declaring that she has absolutely no affiliation to them, and they have never seen or spoken to her either in any capacity ever.
Even they thinks she is a delusional, pathological liar, the FBI dubt her because they don't even believe her, so both says a lot about how verbally/emotionally manipulative, coercive she is for her own gain, attention and for the purpose of creating drama, chaos on purpose, because some people thrive on the chaos that they create.
I am really happy that the part of the book that said about the Church of Satan explains that Satanists are atheists, they don't condone animal abuse, torture, or sacrifice, the same applies to people as well, they don't condone murder, they never have.
I wish people understand this about Satanism, Satanists and the difference between a Satanist & a devil-worshipper because they are not the same at all!
Both originally pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, but they both later decided to change their pleas to guilty instead which would grant them a harsher sentence, but they would or could avoid the death penalty.
Elytte is just as manipulative as Miranda, he attempted to gain sympathy by apologizing for his part in the murder of Troy LaFerrara, but he doesn't feel any empathy, sympathy or respect for the victim or for his family members at all, it is feigned so-called remorse, regret, because he is proud of what he did hence why he got has the teardrop tattoo below his eye which signifies that your a murderer and proud of it.
He was proud of what he did, so during his confession of murder, when he was being interviewed about the murder of Troy LaFerrara he was bragging & boastful, like he was happy about it.
The way he talked about the murder was very calm, casual, emotionally detached like he didn't really care what people thought about him or how he was perceived by people in general.
The confessions, feigned ignorance of the murder or of the murder victim, the fabricated lies, then feigning feeling any remorse, regret sympathy or empathy for the victim or their family members is a façade, a ploy to gain your sympathy, which they don't deserve at all.
Stereotypically their relationship is starting to fall apart & they are turning against each other, both are willing to testify against the other in a attempt to past off the majority of the blame for the murder onto them like they had no involvement at all when they did, they were they the day of the murder and they participated, they were a willing participant, not a innocent shocked bystander that reported the murder to the police like the woman that reported the seeing the corpse of Troy LaFerrara did.
There is no way that either of them wouldn't be convicted for first-degree, premeditated murder, aggravated assault and robbery for stealing the victim's wallet & money.
Also for after the murder, Elytte buying cleaning supplies and helping his wife Miranda to clean up the crime scene, take the victim's wallet & money then dispose of his corpse in a alleyway.
The murder itself, isn't well planned, it is sloppy and they seemed to murder Troy LaFerrara on a whim because they felt like doing it and due to being opportunistic, greedy murderers.
Troy Laferrara was there under false pretenses due to Miranda selling sex via messages that were exchanged between them, Troy was looking for companionship & sex, so he would have been eager to meet Miranda.
They always wanted to kill people together as a couple and after a few missed opportunities and failed attempts, they finally got what they wanted.
For a couple that originally would do anything for each other now it seems like they hate or blame the other person for the situation they are in, the consequences they are now both facing for their own behaviour which they are at fault for.
If Miranda Barbour wasn't trying to gain publicity, then why did she contact a reporter while she was incarcerated, to tell the reporter about supposedly being a "self-proclaimed" Satanist & serial killer?
She admitted that it was made up and that she did manipulate Elytte, I truly believe that he loves Miranda genuinely and if they didn't meet then none of this would have happened.
Miranda could have let a family member adopt her daughter Aria and helped her to take care of her daughter, she didn't need to murder anyone, just so she could remove herself and Elytte from her life forever.
Her motivation for a senseless horrific murder doesn't make sense, but in her mind, she did it to protect her daughter.

𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: Miranda & her sister, were sexually molested & sexually abused by their uncle who is a predatory, incestuous, peadophile, he molested & raped Miranda and her sister when they were very young.
This might be triggering, upsetting or disturbing for some people to read.
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EvilCreature | 1 altra recensione | Feb 4, 2023 |
The forgotten story of a gruesome murder in Victorian Bradford, told in a fictionalised or 'humanised' style. At the height of the Jack the Ripper murders in 1888, a seven year old boy named John Gill set out one morning to accompany local milkman William Barrett on his rounds but was never seen alive again. Barrett told the boy's parents that his young assistant had gone home for his breakfast but two days later, the viciously mutilated and dismembered remains of Gill were found outside the stables where Barrett stabled his horse and milk cart. With the whole community in shock, the police set about finding evidence to prove the guilt of the one and only suspect, William Barrett, who was arrested soon after. Twenty three year old Barrett, who had recently moved to Bradford with his wife and young child, was questioned and put on trial - twice, by local magistrates and at the coroner's inquest. He was acquitted, released, rearrested on the same circumstantial evidence, sent to Armley Gaol in Leeds, retried and finally released again.

The death of John Gill has generally receded into the mists of true crime blogs, despite the horrific details and tenuous connection to Jack the Ripper. I only recently learned about the case through a local history enquiry at work and discovered Kathryn McMaster's book on a local blog. The author recounts the grisly discovery of Gill's body - including a sexual aspect which isn't generally repeated elsewhere - and the arrest and trial (x2) of Barrett for the crime in a factual yet accessible narrative, with much of the evidence and witness statements taken directly from contemporary newspaper accounts, yet also tries to portray the emotional impact on the Gill family with traumatic scenes such as the father going to identify his son's body in the mortuary and returning home to confirm the news to his wife. Some of the Yorkshire dialogue is a bit laboured - lots of nays and ayes and people 'nipping' here, there and everywhere - and the author's own opinion on the case is evident long before her afterword, fleshing out vague witness statements about Barrett walking around in dark back alleys with a suspicious bundle, but overall, McMaster presents a readable and informative take on the murder.

Here's my main issue, though - I disagree with her vehemently biased judgement of William Barrett, a 'manipulative sociopath' whom she claims got away with the perfect murder. Why would he butcher the boy's remains and then leave the body outside his own place of work? Why must we accept what Mrs Gill said her son told her about Barrett to create a motive, yet discount the positive character statements about the young family man in favour of dubious witness accounts? And McMaster insists that Barrett probably went onto kill other children without being discovered, whereas he appears to have simply returned to farming and raising a family. The author seems to be guilty of the same tunnel vision that blinkered the police at the time, although her rant at the end of an otherwise credible true crime story is comparatively harmless. Yes, the unsolved murder of a child is hard to accept and the killer always receives more attention than the victim - Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson - but I think the author should either have prepared her own fictional 'cold case' or simply kept her views to herself and let the reader form their own opinion.
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AdonisGuilfoyle | Nov 29, 2022 |
A fictional account, though with a selection of their real letters that they wrote to each other, of the relationship between Madeleine Hamilton Smith, and her lover, Pierre Emile L’Angelier. Set in Glasgow, Scotland in 1857. The story recounts their meeting and following relationship which results in the death of L'Angelier.
An interesting read.
Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
Those of you who have read my reviews know that I’m a TOP CONTRIBUTOR for True Crime books which I’ve got a fascination in reading and at same the mainstay of the reviews I write for over a year have been for non-fiction Christian books dealing the bible’s scripture and the Lord. I’ve it once and I’ll say it again that while this on the surface might seem to be somewhat contradictory, the more I read/review Christian books, the more intrigued I’ve become in wanting to know what has driven adolescent individuals to go against the commandment of THOU SHALL NOT KILL. There’s even a deeper desire in wanting to gain knowledge of what has driven kids, children who are still in their teens or even younger to commit such a heinous act despite their apparent innocence of being that young.

While there are a few authors of these True Crime that I enjoy reading/reviewing, the majority of them happen to be males. It goes without saying there are a small handful of women who write in this genre, the author of this book, Kathryn McMaster, I feel is one of the best. It’s not easy writing books of this genre, as you can’t allow any personal feelings get into what’s being written. Ms. McMaster succeeds in doing this, by writing an episodic book which details the actual murder, the search for the perpetrator, the trial/conviction and then the aftermath along with some biographic information about, as is the case of this book, 17-year-old Austin Siggs.

Austin Siggs, who had not only abducted his 10-year-old victim, Jessica Ridgeway, but had also raped, tortured, murdered and dismembered her; actions so gruesome, one might have thought it had been done by a sadistic male adult.

By adding a quality only, a woman author in this genre can bring to the forefront, Ms. McMaster gives her readers a highly informative yet somewhat compassionate reading experience for which I’ve given this book 5 STARS.
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MyPenNameOnly | Dec 1, 2019 |

