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62+ opere 7,978 membri 74 recensioni 17 preferito


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Very pleased . . . to never have to read another book by this author again. Worthless.
3Oranges | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
Stunningly awful. McKiernan writes battle scenes with all the flair of Kent Brockman describing a futbol game. He pads the novel by having characters recount to each other scenes we just read. And he still couldn't finish it, so he added some totally unnecessary appendices. It is hard to believe this was put out by a major publisher.

Maybe I was supposed to read it more like The Silmarillion than Lord of the Rings, but I don't think that would have helped.
3Oranges | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
Slightly less awful than the first trilogy. But not enough to overcome my intense ill will toward the series.
3Oranges | 4 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
Slightly better than the first one, even as it's even more a rip off of LotR.
3Oranges | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
So formulaic that it makes David Eddings look experimental.
3Oranges | 7 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2023 |
I liked the strong female character.
JRobinW | 7 altre recensioni | Jan 20, 2023 |
Great read... Bit of a frankenstein rip off though.
Brian-B | 5 altre recensioni | Nov 30, 2022 |
Había transcurrido mil años desde la última ocasión en que el Ojo del Cazador brillara en los cielos. Mil años desde que la inmortal elfa Riatha comunicara la profecía a los warrows Tomlin y Petalo, con quienes se había aliado para perseguir y derrotar al baron Stoke, uno de los seres más malignos que jamás pisara las tierras de MIthgar. El precio de acabar con Stoke había sido la vida de un querido compañero, quien, abrazado al barón en mortal combate, cayó a un abismo helado que se tragó a ambos.
Ahora, el cometa conocido como el Ojo del Cazador surca de nuevo los cielos de Mithgar y las criaturas de las tinieblas regresan para asolar sus tierras, anunciando el inminente regreso de su temido señor, el barón Stroke.
Natt90 | 5 altre recensioni | Nov 22, 2022 |
Mil años antes de la Guerra de Invierno, Elgo, príncipe de los Vanadurin, mató a Dragon Sleeth y regresó a casa con la fabulosa riqueza de la guarida de la bestia muerta. Pero había más en la generosidad que las gemas y el oro, porque el tesoro estaba maldito, y con el tiempo trajo la muerte a nobles y campesinos, guerras entre Hombres y Enanos, luchas y destrucción sin límites.
Ahora, generaciones más tarde, mientras continúa el conflicto, el gran Dragón Negro Kalgalath, aliado con el Mago Andrak, aparece para vengar la muerte de Sleeth y reclamar el tesoro maldito por el Dragón. Contra esta alianza profana, dos enemigos jurados parten para encontrar un arma legendaria perdida hace mucho tiempo: un martillo de guerra de poder incalculable que puede ser la única esperanza de victoria. Peroi ni la doncella guerrera Elyn ni el enano Thork están preparados para los peligros que les esperan en esta misión.
Natt90 | 7 altre recensioni | Nov 22, 2022 |
not enough action or excitement till almost the end; not bad, but easy to put down
MarkLacy | 4 altre recensioni | May 29, 2022 |
I love retellings of "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" - just not this one, unfortunately. By the end, if I saw one more variation of "Oh Bear" or heard one more description of just how perfect Camille was, I was going to lose it. Pass on this one.
bookwyrmqueen | 7 altre recensioni | Oct 25, 2021 |
I know some people consider McKiernan the poor man's Tolkien and that's not off base - he's stated many times he did his Iron Tower trilogy as a tribute. Still, I enjoyed them and though I recognized the heavy inspiration Tolkien provided, I think they can stand on their own. I corresponded with McKiernan years back and had my first editions signed by him - he's a really nice guy.

That's why I was bummed by this novel. It's dated, so some of the info on AI (artificial intelligence) has been beaten to death, but I bet if I read it at the time of its release, it would have been somewhat groundbreaking or at least not mainstream understanding. McKiernan must really enjoy the topic - he delves deep and so many years later, so much of it still holds true. That said, the intro was way too long. I just didn't want a heavy thinking read and wasn't expecting one, but the "modern" or "real world" aspects of the book were a heavy mental lift. The other problem was the characters. They seemed less believable in the earth realm than in the other world where they were warrior healers, shadow thieves and other magical beings. I just didn't care for them like I did with his characters from his other books. I think I have one or two other books from his Mithgar world to read, I'm still looking forward to them, but I wouldn't want to revisit this crew.½
Sean191 | 2 altre recensioni | May 18, 2020 |
Many people are extremely hateful towards this series as it is clearly a 'rip-off' of Tolkien. However, I found this series very enjoyable. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was certainly a magnificent series, but it did have many many long drawn out battle scenes. McKiernan's novels, on the other hand, are significantly less focused on battles. There's still plenty of action and battle, but I found the series to be much faster paced and attention keeping. I love McKiernan's take on Tolkien's hobbits. The Warrows are not just simple, helpless characters. They are skilled with the bow and hunting techniques. Overall, I found this series to be extremely enjoyable. I for one am a huge fan of the Iron Tower Trilogy, and the Silver Call Duology.
sasta | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2017 |
Many people are extremely hateful towards this series as it is clearly a 'rip-off' of Tolkien. However, I found this series very enjoyable. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was certainly a magnificent series, but it did have many many long drawn out battle scenes. McKiernan's novels, on the other hand, are significantly less focused on battles. There's still plenty of action and battle, but I found the series to be much faster paced and attention keeping. I love McKiernan's take on Tolkien's hobbits. The Warrows are not just simple, helpless characters. They are skilled with the bow and hunting techniques. Overall, I found this series to be extremely enjoyable. I for one am a huge fan of the Iron Tower Trilogy, and the Silver Call Duology.
sasta | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2017 |
Many people are extremely hateful towards this series as it is clearly a 'rip-off' of Tolkien. However, I found this series very enjoyable. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was certainly a magnificent series, but it did have many many long drawn out battle scenes. McKiernan's novels, on the other hand, are significantly less focused on battles. There's still plenty of action and battle, but I found the series to be much faster paced and attention keeping. I love McKiernan's take on Tolkien's hobbits. The Warrows are not just simple, helpless characters. They are skilled with the bow and hunting techniques. Overall, I found this series to be extremely enjoyable. I for one am a huge fan of the Iron Tower Trilogy, and the Silver Call Duology.
sasta | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2017 |
Many people are extremely hateful towards this series as it is clearly a 'rip-off' of Tolkien. However, I found this series very enjoyable. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was certainly a magnificent series, but it did have many many long drawn out battle scenes. McKiernan's novels, on the other hand, are significantly less focused on battles. There's still plenty of action and battle, but I found the series to be much faster paced and attention keeping. I love McKiernan's take on Tolkien's hobbits. The Warrows are not just simple, helpless characters. They are skilled with the bow and hunting techniques. Overall, I found this series to be extremely enjoyable. I for one am a huge fan of the Iron Tower Trilogy, and the Silver Call Duology.
sasta | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2017 |
Many people are extremely hateful towards this series as it is clearly a 'rip-off' of Tolkien. However, I found this series very enjoyable. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was certainly a magnificent series, but it did have many many long drawn out battle scenes. McKiernan's novels, on the other hand, are significantly less focused on battles. There's still plenty of action and battle, but I found the series to be much faster paced and attention keeping. I love McKiernan's take on Tolkien's hobbits. The Warrows are not just simple, helpless characters. They are skilled with the bow and hunting techniques. Overall, I found this series to be extremely enjoyable. I for one am a huge fan of the Iron Tower Trilogy, and the Silver Call Duology.
sasta | 7 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2017 |
interesting story but tried to interject shallow negative religious explanations
BookstoogeLT | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
I read these in highschool and my second year of Bibleschool. My initial reaction was total Tolkien ripoff". Now I'm not so sure. It is a Tolkien knockoff of Middle Earth, with elves, dwarves, men, warrows[hobbits, just a bit more warlike] and the such, but the story is a bit more unique I can see this time through. Evil Modru is stalking the land, and his minions are protected from Adons ban[death by sunlight] by the Dimmendark. Follows 4 warrows in their adventures, as they start together in the Boskeydells and to their separation at the Fall of Challeron Keep. Don't think about Tolkien[ie, comparing it] and you'll enjoy this. If you compare them though, this doesn't come off very good. So don't :-)"
BookstoogeLT | 7 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
Lots of happenings. 2 of the warrows return to the Boskey to warn their folks, only to find they have to fight Modru's forces their. The other warrow throws in his lot with a dwarf, an elf and the new Highking, as they seek to gather the Southern forces to march north and defeat Modru. Walk through the Deeve[Kraggen-cor] and defeat the Gargon[a reptilian biped, who freezes victims with fear]. Ends with them going into a battle as they journey back North for a small scale assault on Modru's Iron Tower. Modru is Gyphon's servant and Gyphon was Adons adversary.
BookstoogeLT | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
dwarves successfully take Kraggen-Cor, but at fearful loss. The 2 Warrows learn the pain and heartache of war, and end up being historians after the war is done.
BookstoogeLT | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
wrapup to the IronTower trilogy. Tuck ends up shooting the Myrkenstone, which destroys Modru and sends Gyphon back beyond the spheres. He is blinded. Ends up him marrying Merrile Holt and living out the rest of their lives as historians.
BookstoogeLT | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
ever wonder what dwarves do? As much as this is a cutout Tolkien wannabe, I still found it very interesting. Analogous to the dwarves taking back the Mines of Moriah. Extremely slowpaced, ends with the main army arriving at the Dusk Door. But I rather enjoyed it. Just detailed, very lulling.
BookstoogeLT | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2016 |
Don't read a book just because a pretty girl likes it.
oswallt | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 25, 2016 |