Immagine dell'autore.

Freida McFadden

Autore di The Housemaid

37 opere 9,130 membri 260 recensioni 4 preferito



Opere di Freida McFadden

The Housemaid (2022) 2,230 copie, 59 recensioni
The Housemaid's Secret (2023) 1,134 copie, 19 recensioni
Never Lie (2022) 825 copie, 32 recensioni
The Inmate (2022) 635 copie, 15 recensioni
The Locked Door (2021) 598 copie, 17 recensioni
The Coworker (2023) 590 copie, 16 recensioni
The Teacher (2024) 580 copie, 14 recensioni
One By One (2020) 373 copie, 12 recensioni
The Housemaid Is Watching (2024) 341 copie, 4 recensioni
The Perfect Son (2024) 267 copie, 8 recensioni
Ward D (2023) 231 copie, 9 recensioni
The Wife Upstairs (2020) 190 copie, 6 recensioni
Do Not Disturb (2021) 183 copie, 11 recensioni
Want to Know a Secret? (2021) 141 copie, 3 recensioni
The Devil Wears Scrubs (2013) 128 copie, 9 recensioni


Informazioni generali

Nazione (per mappa)



Nate and Eve are both teachers. One of them is having an inappropriate relationship with a student. The student believes they are in love. The teacher manipulates the student into secret meetings and doing what he wants. There are several twists and turns you never see coming. If you like creepy, psychological thrillers this is wonderfully contrived story.
dara85 | 13 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2024 |
In a Nutshell: A bit farfetched but it still provided me with almost everything I look for in a thriller.

Millie has just been hired as the housemaid to rich Nina Winchester.

Millie is hiding a secret from Nina in order to get the job as she is desperate. She decides to become the perfect housemaid so that she can earn her way out of her maniacal employer’s clutches.

Nina seems to be delusional, even crazy at times. She loves her husband and her daughter Cece but for some reason, can’t stand Millie.

Andrew, Nina’s husband, is the perfect guy, too good to be true. He empathises with Millie’s plight but can he go against his own wife?

Someone has ended up dead in the prologue of the novel. Is it one of these three? Or was one of them the murderer? What happened in the Winchester household after the new maid was appointed?

The story comes to us in the first person perspective of two of the main characters.

Where the book worked for me:
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RoshReviews | 58 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2024 |
In a Nutshell: The good news is that this is just like ‘The Housemaid.’ The bad news is that this is just like ‘The Housemaid.’ A fun thriller, as long as you don’t overanalyse it. Better if you read the series in order.

Story Synopsis:
Millie is back, still working as a maid, and still struggling for finances. She is in a steady relationship with Brock, a lawyer who doesn’t know anything about her past. Not that she loves Brock, but as Enzo isn’t around, he will do.
After Millie loses her current job, she gets a call from Douglas Garrick, a wealthy tech specialist. He wants Millie to clean and cook, but on one condition|: she is NOT to interact with his wife Wendy, who is ill. As Millie is desperate for a job, she agrees. However, things are, but obviously, not as declared, and Millie finds herself in a quandary; risk her job by helping Wendy, or go against her values by ignoring what’s happening?
The book comes to us in the first person perspective of two of the characters, one being Millie.

This sequel doesn't exactly continue from the end of the first novel, but provides enough of context to help us bridge to the events of this book. Though this can work as a standalone, I recommend you read the series in order, because Millie’s personality is much better explored in the first book.

Since I complain about Bookouture blurbs quite often (Sorry, Bookouture! I still love you though!), I think I should also give them credit when they nail the task. The blurb of this book is spot on, revealing just as much as needed and creating enough interest without spoiling the fun or misleading. Good job!

On the pro side, the story has every positive element that was present in the earlier book:
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RoshReviews | 18 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2024 |
this kept me guessing all the way through, even when i was actively trying to work out who was who, and what they might have done. i got through this so quickly, especially as some chapters were told in the format of audio transcripts from dr. hale's psychiatry sessions. i knew going into this that there would be a twist of some sort (which might be why it's a four star, not five for me), but i absolutely didn't anicipate that it was going to be what it was, or that there would be multiple plot points catching me off guard.… (altro)
abiiharrisonn | 31 altre recensioni | Jul 19, 2024 |


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