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Jamie MageeRecensioni

Autore di Insight

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Hot, hot , hot! I loved this book, both the plot and the characters sizzled for me. Harley and Wyatt are both well written and intriguing characters. I am so glad I read this book and even more glad that there are more books by this author for me to enjoy.
KateKat11 | 1 altra recensione | Sep 24, 2021 |
Sometimes you just need a break from all the rush of the world and all the new books coming out. Sometimes you just want to sink into the kinds of books you read as a teenager. And sometimes, you just want to relax while you're reading, and I think this was that book for me. I think the idea of weaving multiple series together is a really interesting and unique idea, and I can't wait to check more of these books out. Overall, I really enjoyed it.

Check out my full review here!
radioactivebookworm | 5 altre recensioni | Jan 11, 2021 |
There was so much wrong with this book, I really struggled to finish it and was quite disappointed.

The premise was interesting and the world had potential. The ideas of different dimensions joined together by a 'string' seemed intriguing but unfortunately it falls flat, quite literally. The different dimensions aren't described in enough detail, I didn't understand why Chara was such an amazing place. The dimensions didn't have much character of their own, and far too much of the information was just dumped and told rather than being shown and discovered by the characters.

Willow was an incredibly wet main character, she barely ever does anything for herself and once she's found Landen, the love of her life, she can barely bear to not be touching him. Again, she gushes about how amazing he is, but there isn't really much evidence showing that he is. Originally, I was relieved that there wasn't a love triangle with her, Dane and Landen, but then Drake comes along. Despite her hatred for Drake a love triangle is created, and she has to 'choose' between them. It's a completely arbitrary choice, considering how much she's gone on about how much she loves Landen and hates Drake.

The whole pace of the book was far too slow, they spent far too long sitting around talking and there were whole chunks where nothing happened at all. I got incredibly bored with all the information being dumped and history being explained, it was all far too repetitive and not enough of Willow actually discovering or doing anything herself.

I found all the emotional manipulation and memory wiping quite problematic, it didn't seem right to me to do that to your friends. If you wipe away all someone's negative emotions then it doesn't actually help them deal with them and willow is only planting a false happiness and calm projected from her own life experiences. It seemed terrible to remove what happened to willow's friends on the boat, it would be terribly confusing for them, I felt they deserved more of an explanation.

The idea of searching out your soul mate seemed a cute idea in theory, but in practice it was just quite weird. As soon as they meet, they 'know' and are immediately in love, and everything is perfect. It felt too good to be true, and I kept wondering if some of the characters like Felicity were secretly unhappy with how they were treated.

I thought there were far too many characters who didn't really play much of a role. Landen has a lot of relatives that weren't entirely necessary. It probably would have been better with fewer, better developed characters.

I did enjoy the plot twist at the end, that surprised me a little and I thought that it was an interesting ending, but it wasn't enough to sway it to more than one star.
zacchaeus | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 26, 2020 |
This is a very entertaining book, dealing with a young woman who has special abilities of influencing the emotions of people around her. During nights she dreams with a boy with blue eyes. But alternating with this pleasant dream, she has nightmares about a boy hidden in shadows. Her world almost fall apart when her father tells her that they are from another dimension and what she thought were just dreams are more real than ever and new adventures begin when her family decides to go back "home". And the main love story between our heroine and the blue eye boy is something that defies time...
Very entertaining, it took me around 14 hours to read the whole book. I recommend this book to the permanent library of young adults or any reader that likes a well written fiction book.
I bought this book from in its electronic version. Opinions expressed here are my own.
rmattos | 5 altre recensioni | Jan 23, 2016 |
This one was tough. I liked it, but it took a lot of concentration and filling in blanks at first, in order to comprehend what was going on. I'm fully confident that the author knew exactly what these worlds, families and various beings were and how they were all intertwined, but in applying it to the written word, there was a disconnect. It felt like trying to read a story looking through a milky window- I got hints but it was hard to fully grasp.
That being said, I persevered, and enjoyed the story. The fantasy vs reality of these two souls was interesting, and the growing realizations between them were both invigorating and sexy. Once the story got rolling, about halfway through, the overall picture became clearer. I still feel there were holes, (and the text is in need of some editing!), but I'm glad I continued to read this one!
*I received an arc from NetGalley for an honest review
KimMcReads | 1 altra recensione | Nov 30, 2015 |
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. This was an amazing read. I really enjoyed the characters and the action from the beginning to the end a real page turner. I loved the relationship between Scarlet and Drakon in both realms. A true love story and boy was it hot and passionate. I love how they were able to learn to work together and each stand strong together and apart. Love and forgiveness. Great depth to the characters and excellent story.
thicks | 1 altra recensione | Nov 8, 2015 |
I found this a good start as you get to know the characters and their backgrounds and it sets the plot line up nicely for Harley and Wyatt, but it I found it a little slow at times.

Wyatt was a very consistently strong character, he never gave up on Harley. But I found Harley to be a scared, weak, creature, who wouldn't dare do anything she was told not too, or just for herself. She was driving me crazy.

The story is full of romance, drama and a wonderful HEA. I did enjoy the book even after the slow start and found the writing a little jumpy, and look forward to next book in the series.
JulieD2 | 1 altra recensione | Apr 21, 2015 |
Ok, part of a series I have found pretty entertaining, but pun intended.
GerrySD | Dec 4, 2013 |
I must say, I was rather surprised by this read. I thoroughly enjoyed the worlds she created. Infante (as this dimension is known) is wholly recognizable as today's society and it was interesting to see it positioned as the youngest amongst those explored. Chara is certainly a place that I would love to visit. The culture and beliefs...all peace and could one resist! I mean to have your true soul mate be found as an actual reality not a fantasy, the ability to use your insight for the good of others, and the chance to live in a land so beautiful in every way, what's not to love? Now Esterious is another story altogether and though it is dark and loathsome, there is a reason for it becoming that way that is revealed late in the text...but still, it's a land to be traveled around as opposed to through whenever possible. Moving forward....

The characters were varied and numerous. Seriously, you may need to take notes on more than one occasion to keep track of just who everyone is and their connections to each other, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few rough patches as well. There is no doubt that her dream boy is well....dreamy. Looks and attitude make a wonderful package indeed. The boy from her nightmares is equally memorable for several reasons but certainly not least on that list is the malice he emanates when push comes to shove. Perodine, on the other hand, remains a mystery till the final pages. She appears in a dream sequence that Willow has and although it seemed she was there to answer a few questions, she really only served to confuse the issues further. Also, when Landen is following his "beacon" to find his soul mate, it sort of just happens in the blink of an eye. One second he's searching and the next *POOF* she's there. I understand that the past events of the story play into the scenario that unfolds but it still felt sort of sudden when it actually happened. On the other hand...

The talents, or insights, that they each have (including Willow) cover a range of fascinating areas, one of the most predominate ones being that of the traveler as they are able to see the "strings" through which they can travel to the other dimensions or worlds. This is especially useful in aiding other travelers in their search for their soul mates. I loved the fact that the drive to find that one person that completed them was more of a given than a "group activity". The many insights encountered are explored throughout their adventure but never so much as to over shadow the story at the heart of it all.

In short, a magical yet realistic journey awaits all those willing to enter the "string"....and who knows, you may even find a bookish version of your soul mate. Recommended for Young Adult fans of all ages. There is not a hint of foul language nor are there any scenes that go beyond demure anticipation. Happy reading....
GRgenius | 5 altre recensioni | May 5, 2011 |
INSIGHT by Jamie Magee is an interesting YA urban fantasy/paranormal.Book One of the "INSIGHT SERIES". The plot is interesting,easy to follow,and will keep you turning the page.This story is about family,trust,magic,mystical powers,magical world that is rife with mystery,danger,adventure,action,true love,finding your soul mate,and good vs evil. This is an enduring love story for young adults ages from 15 +.It is a delightful tender love story of two different people with magical powers from an alternative diminsion,who are soul mates.It is also about the Zodiac,past lives and secrets.It is past paced and action paced.Although,it has an alternative diminsion it is so like as own world and problems. It will leave you wanting more.A great read for young adults who enjoy paranormal and fantasy.This book was received for the purpose of review from Nurture Your BooksBook Tours and details can be found at the author's website and My Book Addiction and More.
tarenn | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 28, 2011 |
I really didn’t know what to expect with this book, the blurb sounded very interesting but l felt it might have a few things which l would struggle to get into. This book was not in ANY way hard to get into it. It straight away draws you into the story, introducing you to Willow in a way which then leaves you with a lot of questions about what is going on, who they are etc. I found this a good thing and not in a confused way but instead very intrigued.
I didn’t feel all the characters in this book were amazingly developed; l would have liked to have seen some more depth to some of them. Mainly Willow’s parents as they just seemed to spend their whole time worrying about Willow so l felt that is the only side l really saw of them. Saying that, Willow is well developed and for me, the reader, she felt very real. Her emotions are clear and although sometimes she did annoy with me carrying out very silly actions you kind of feel like it’s acceptable with what she is going through.
Not only is Willow a very developed character who is great to read about, the story line is a very interesting one too. It is a very unique read which was never predictable in any places. When you first start to read this story you feel like everything is ‘set out in front of you’, so to say, but actually so much more happens in this book which is unthinkable. So much is so very unique and so refreshing to find out about this new world with Jamie Magee has written about in a lovely and easy way to understand.
Overall this is a great book which really does not have enough recognition at all! If you’re looking for a book which will pleasantly surprise you then this is the book =) I don’t really have anything negative to say about this book, the only reason it isn’t 4.5/5 is just because in some places l felt a bit disconnected from the story because of the way love is 'found'. I look forward to reading another book by Jamie Magee
BooksforCompany | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 14, 2011 |
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