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The story is very haunting at first. A young woman hidden in the forest alone with just her dog seemed strange. I had to wonder why Eliza has been tucked away in a cottage far away from everyone. She is lonely but she does have her dog and thinks about a man named Captain. The nightmares come late at night but what is holding her back from remembering things from her past?

Felton is determined to bring Eliza back with him but I don’t think he thought she would fight him so hard. All she has known is the forest where she feels safe. Felton must bring her with him for a very important reason. Will she regain her memory and prove a man innocent? I liked how Felton would do anything to clear his father’s name. I couldn’t wait for this adventure filled with danger, secrets and perhaps a new relationship between two certain characters.

As we delve into the mystery surrounding Eliza’s mothers death strange things start to happen. Someone doesn’t want Eliza to get her memory back. As Felton tries to protect Eliza they both find themselves threatened by someone who is desperate to keep Eliza silent.

This is a good adventure and mystery story. Get ready to discover secrets and twists in this book. I loved the characters and how they started to work together to solve a mystery that was locked away in Eliza’s memory.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 15, 2024 |
An original gothic suspense with a touch of regency romance that keeps you turning pages as you will be enthralled from beginning to end. I loved that it kept me guessing and the inspirational faith theme woven within like a beautiful tapestry. The characters are so real they jump off the page and right into your heart. The words flow from the page like a gently flowing stream that picks up speed when it riffles and then ebbs and flows straight into you and leaves you thinking about it for days afterwards as the story feels alive. I highly recommend and then you will want to devour her other books. This is the fourth book by this author but her books read like a seasoned pro.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2024 |
Life had been good to Eliza, living in the forest, taken care of by the Captain and nothing to worry or cause her fear. But that was really the case or why did she have horrible nightmares? Kidnapped from the forest and returned to her childhood home - if this was a good thing, why did someone continue to try to kill her? What was the mystery behind the murder of her mother and who was the monster?

The author has done a fabulous job of keeping you guessing all the way to the end. What really happened all those years ago? You really want to sit down and enjoy this wonderful regency story with plenty of mystery and intrigue.

A copy was received through Barbour Publishing, NetGalley and CelebrateLit. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 4, 2024 |
The Girl from Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder combines Christian Fiction, Historical fiction, and Regency Romance. From the moment I began reading, I found myself unable to put this book down. The author creates an amazing storyline with characters that drew me into the book. Hidden in Balfour Forest for as long as she can remember, Eliza Ellis’s only friends are the trees, or her little dog, or her story-telling father called Captain. But her world abruptly changes when a handsome stranger named Felton Northwood invades her forest and whisks her away.

Felton Northwood desires to clear his father’s name of a murder charge from the past, The only way he can do that is to bring Eliza back to his community and help her remember what happened the night her mother was killed. This book is filled with secrets, twists, turns, and more that made this book excellent to read. As secrets get revealed, the author takes you through more twists and turns. I felt as though this book simulated being on a rollercoaster with highs and lows.

So, if you are looking for a book that combines Christian Fiction, Historical fiction, and Regency Romance, check out The Girl from Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder. I promise reading this book is quite the ride.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit, this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiPeanut1992 | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 4, 2024 |
“Northwood is a bloody name, Miss Gillingham—and you’re the only one who can cleanse it.”

Wow!! Just Wow!! Hannah Linder is really making a name for herself in the world of Christian Gothic Regency Romance! The Girl from the Hidden Forest is one of my newest faves!!

In the year 1812, Eliza Ellis, 19, has been sequestered away in Balfour Forest, Northumberland, with only her father, whom she refers to as “Captain,” and her beagle, Merrylad.
Having enjoyed a wild, carefree life in the woods with only the dog and trees for friends, her father is everything to her, telling her fanciful stories of wondrous worlds that fill her heart. Suddenly, she is kidnapped by young Felton Northwood,
taken to a castle far away, and delivered to an “older” member of the gentry, Lord Gillingham. Told Gillingham is her father, Eliza is thrust into a strange, lonely, and judgmental world. At times she believes Felton is becoming a friend, but other times, it is obvious she is not good enough for him. Talk about relatable characters! So many people can relate to inferiority when compared to others, or seeing a friend who needs help, but being afraid to stand against society for them!

As Eliza is trapped at the estate, she finds her memories from early childhood beginning to match her lifelong nightmares. Will she be able to remember what Felton wants her to, and this clear the taint on the Northwood name, or will the monster of her dreams destroy her first?

Eliza is a great character, who has a tender heart towards others. I love how she befriends Minney, who is physically deformed and possibly has other issues as well. Minney delivers the most frightening message to Eliza. “Ye watch’eeself. Ye watch well. People die. Some people die in this house. And other places. Miss Gillingham?” She clasped her hands to stop the tremble that rushed through her. “Yes?” “I don’t think’ee can trust the ones’ee think’ee can.”

I liked Felton, mostly. His indecision drove me mad. Sometimes he is purely selfish, sometimes he is a true friend and hero, sometimes he can’t seem to make the best choice! But then, he comes from a very dysfunctional family. The Northwood family lives in a world of pretend. His mother pretends war is fanciful thing, that there is no danger. His father pretends his wife is not unhealthy. Both parents pretend that the whispers about Mr. Northwood do not bother them.

One theme that stood out to me is that people aren’t all good or all bad, but rather very complex. Thought that struck me as I was searching with Eliza and Felton for the killer ( yes, I felt that invested!!). We see this ironic juxtaposition in so many different people, but Captain is certainly a prime example. “Captain would have smiled. Or laughed. Or cried when she cried. He would have told her to keep her chin up, and even without telling him of her nightmares, he would have assured her the beast could always be fought.”We all need friends like Captain. To listen well, emote with us, give us sound advice, and make our fears manageable. Yet, Captain is also a very troubled man, for very valid reasons.

For fans of Michelle Griep, Kimberley Woodhouse, and Jaime Jo Wright. Historical, with a Gothic air, this a highly suspenseful mystery with a twist you’ll never see coming! Also with shades of Nancy Mehl and Susan Sleeman danger and psychological insights into the killer.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit via NetGalley. I also bought my own ecopy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“He was no enemy, this man, no matter how different their sides and hopes. No, Felton Northwood was her friend. Her first friend.”

“What God has given you less of in one place, He has given you more of in others.”

“You are good and noble and brave, or so I’ve imagined you. Funny thing about me. Once I imagine something for so long, I start to believe it. I guess I’ve believed it of you all along.”

“We seldom deserve what we are or what we are given.”

“They are only fools, Northwood, who continue in their folly.”
Becky_L | 11 altre recensioni | May 31, 2024 |
Another thrilling gothic romance from Hannah Linder! I absolutely love her books & end up devouring them. The Girl From the Hidden Forest is no exception. This suspenseful mystery & swoon worthy romance pulled me in & didn’t let go.

Eliza Ellis has been living like a Sleeping Beauty princess in the Balfour forest with her dog Merrylad & beloved father Captain Jasper Ellis. For years, she’s lived a solitary existence with only his fairytales to capture her imagination. But, Eliza has nightmares she can’t explain & when she reaches the age of 19 she suddenly finds herself kidnapped by a handsome stranger & taken back to the place of her nightmares to a different father she vaguely remembers.

Felton Northword has lived the past 14 years under a cloud ever since his father was accused of murdering Lady Gillingham. When he discovers that the only possible eye witness to her mother’s death is still alive hiding in the forest, he determines to find her & clear his father’s name.

This story had me on pins & needles! Eliza has repressed memories of that fateful night that someone doesn’t want her to remember. There are several attempts on her life & it seems everyone is a suspect including her own father. As she tries to piece together her memory, she finds herself falling for Felton, but Felton doesn’t want anything to do with the backward heiress. He wants a woman like the squire’s daughter who will elevate his social standing. I loved watching this reluctant to fall hero, fall in love with Eliza. She’s such an honest, refreshingly open, beautiful young woman he can’t resist.

I loved the gorgeous descriptions of the forest, seashore, & Monbury manor. The side characters were also intriguing & added to the frightening world Eliza’s thrust back into. The mystery was full of twists & turns & I loved discovering each piece of the puzzle. Just when you think Eliza’s safe, there’s another attempt on her life. It all leads up to a heart palpitating, thrilling conclusion.

This is definitely one Regency gothic romance you don’t want to miss! Highest of recommendations. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author and publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 11 altre recensioni | May 11, 2024 |
I've read several of this author's books and this book confirms what I've already learned. Hannah Linder is an amazing wordsmith! I relished the beauty and seclusion of Balfour Forest, the home of Eliza Ellis, her father, and her beloved dog, Merrylad, but Eliza's life wasn't as idyllic as she believed. The Girl from the Hidden Forest is a captivating Regency story, part fairytale, and part Gothic mystery, that kept me turning the pages to learn the secrets of Eliza's past. Secrets that would forever change her future. Eliza was sweet and innocent, content to live in her magical forest until she was abruptly taken away. What would she discover as she navigated a life much different than the one that she'd always known?

Linder kept me fully invested in this tale that's filled with mystery, suspense, and Gothic vibes, but the emotions were what kept me turning the pages! I experienced surprise, sorrow, and even fear, but there was also immense joy in witnessing the relationship that evolved between Eliza and Felton Norwood. He seemed determined to keep her safe but could Eliza be sure of his true motives? Was he worthy of her love and trust?

This fantastic book fed my love of mystery, Gothic fiction, and Regency romance, but it's also a delight for all who appreciate exceptional writing. I recommend The Girl from the Hidden Forest to all who enjoy historical Christian fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
fcplcataloger | 11 altre recensioni | May 9, 2024 |
The Girl from the Hidden Forest is a cleverly plotted, brilliantly written, captivating story. It kept me turning pages to see what happened next, and what happened was usually not what I expected! Beautifully crafted characters drive the story. I love Eliza and Felton. Felton’s impetuous, determined nature with underlying gentleness made him a very realistic character. Eliza is delightful and engaging. I enjoyed how she grew as she learned to navigate the real world after having been secluded in the forest most of her life. Their unique relationship is an intriguing twist on the enemies-to-lovers trope. An authentic Regency setting and suspenseful mystery along with the wonderful characters and sweet romance combine to make a touching, entertaining read.
I received a copy of this book from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 11 altre recensioni | May 1, 2024 |
This was a fun historical and mysterious read! Eliza has been raised in the forest by Captain, she has learned to live and rely on him and the land. She knows there is danger out there and that day has finally come. The danger has come for her and everything she remembers and has known is now called into question. Eliza is taken and returned to her real father, but this isn't her life, this isn't her. She just wants to go back to her forest, back to Captain where things are safe and they were living their lives quietly. Eliza does all that she can to try and escape but until she remembers what happened the night her mother was murdered, she is bound to this forsaken place. She is the only one who holds the key to that night, and has the truth of who murdered her mother. Felton knows that Eliza is the only one who can free his father, the one who was accused of the murder. He knows his father is innocent and wants that truth out before it's too late. But it appears that someone doesn't want the truth to come out and now Eliza's life is at risk and she is questioning her nightmares and the bits and pieces that are coming back to her from that night. Can she remember what happened that night, and will Felton's father finally be freed of this accusation? This was such a good read. I loved the mystery, the history and the twisted storylines that all come together in the end. Thank you to Barbour Publishing for the complementary novel. This review is of my own opinion and accord.
Chelz286 | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 28, 2024 |
One of my favorite tropes is a hero rescuing a damsel in distress. This one has a little twist because Felton first kidnapped Eliza to take her back to her father. Eliza has been hidden away in a remote forest for fourteen years. She knows little of the outside world except what she reads in books that Captain, her guardian, has supplied her with. She uses books to imagine what the world could be like. “She was the princess, the mermaid, the fairy- and he was the noble rescuer who had entered the forest and changed her life.”
Full of secrets, danger, suspense, a fight of good versus evil, and a nightmare that would not yield answers, this book was a feast of words. Eliza was a naive and innocent girl who cried out to God in prayer. Felton was noble, loyal and fought to right the wrongs done to his family and Eliza.
Another superb Gothic, Regency tale from Hannah Linder to savor for its complexity and foreboding plot.
*I read an ecopy of this book from NetGalley. All opinions are mine alone.*
paulashreckhise | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 27, 2024 |
The Girl from the Hidden Forest grips you from the very beginning with its page-turning, adrenaline-pumping excitement that lasts throughout the entire story. The plot twist keeps you hooked, urging you to flip through the pages to uncover its secrets.

However, as the narrative progresses, the lack of genuine, sincere Christian content becomes apparent. The characters, though diverse and plentiful, miss the mark when it comes to portraying faith in a meaningful way. To me, the sparse mentions of God feel like fleeting afterthoughts, leaving much to be desired in terms of a deeper exploration of the characters' Christian beliefs and struggles.

The romance between the characters, while undeniably sweet, adds a heartwarming touch to the narrative. Their love story unfolds with genuine tenderness, creating moments that are sure to tug at the heartstrings. The hero, in particular, stands out as a beacon of courage and integrity, embodying the best of Christian values. As the plot twists and turns, the romance remains a steady and heartening element, adding depth to the adventure and mystery.

The story's darker and edgier tone, with its elements of evil, adds a unique twist to the traditional Regency romance. However, this aspect might not appeal to all readers, as it diverges significantly from the usual light-hearted fare of the genre.

The Girl from the Hidden Forest excels in its ability to keep you on the edge of your seat with its thrilling mystery and romance. Yet, for those looking for a more sincere exploration of Christian themes and character development, it may leave something to be desired. The book's darker tone, while intriguing, might not be to everyone's taste.

I received a digital copy of The Girl from the Hidden Forest from Barbour Publishing and Celebrate Lit Publicity Group. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.
DevotedToHope | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 14, 2024 |
A Regency murder mystery. Tense, heartbreaking, keeps you on your toes to the end. At 5 years old, Eliza is taken away as she sees her mother murdered, to a place hidden deep in the Balfour Forest. Fifteen years later, Fenton wants to clear his family's name, finds her and brings her back. She remembers in very small increments as suspicions surround her and more attempts are made on her life. Their relationship is very strained as she tries to fit in with society's demands and please the people around her. False stories overlap truth, muddying the answers as to whom she can trust. A slower read, not wanting to miss a word, thoroughly but comfortably drawn out to the solution.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#TheGirlfromtheHiddenForest #NetGalley #HannahLinder #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #BarbourPublishing #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarBooks
Robin.Willson | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 11, 2024 |
Wow, wow, wow! This book is exceptional! The characters are wonderful! Their stories are so complex and authentic. I found myself emotionally involved with all of them. There is murder, intrigue, deception, unrequited love, and true love!
I was provided a copy of the book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Sassyjd32 | 13 altre recensioni | Dec 22, 2023 |
Author Hannah Linder’s talents shine in this intriguing and fascinating historical romance set in England in the early 1800s. The cover is captivating, and I was pulled into the story from the first pages. The main characters, William and Isabella, were well-drawn and engaging, the villains were dastardly and hiss-worthy, and I was wrung out a few times with the situations and trials Linder put her characters through. I felt such compassion with poor William who had so many hardships to overcome in his life. I was rooting for him to get his happy-ever-after.

“Just have to forgive . . . even if you got to do it over and over again.”

With plenty of suspense, intrigue, inspiration, plenty of twists and turns, and a good dose of romance, this is a beautiful story of forgiveness, hope, and resiliency. I’m looking forward to more books from this author. 4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing. All opinions are my own.½
swissgranny | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 29, 2023 |
A thoroughly enjoyable read! From the onset of the story, you step into a world of class discrimination and status between the wealthy and poor. The author has a beautiful style of writing and scripts scenes and characters with impeccable skill. The story moves rapidly and covers a lot of action and emotions.

William Kensley proves to be a morally strong man as well as physically strong. In the face of unendurable hardship and belittling, he remains staunchly strong. An admirable man of character.

The young female lead, Isabella, is sweet, spoiled, and does not desire to marry just anyone of wealth and status. The scenes where she is physically hurt and fears for her life are terrifying to read.

The author's word smithing is beautiful to read. I have enjoyed each book I've read by Hannah Linder - a relatively new comer to publishing. Her books I've reviewed are: Beneath His Silence, and When Tomorrow Came.

I received a complimentary copy to facilitate a review. Opinions are mine, alone and are freely given.
VeraGodley | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 18, 2023 |
The absolutely gorgeous cover of Garden of the Midnights is an invitation to a mesmerizing story filled with wonderful characters, delicious romance, and an inspiring message of faith. Isabella and William's friendship is a pleasure but it's their growing romance that grabbed my heart and emotions. They should be, NO, they must be together, but their relationship seems doomed! Can they overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles?

This book fits into so many genres! There's intrigue, romance, a historical Regency setting, and gothic vibes for those who love Gothic literature! Author Hannah Linder shares a beautifully written story that's left me yearning for her next book! I recommend Garden of the Midnights to all who enjoy historical Christian romance!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
fcplcataloger | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 12, 2023 |
Although new to the Regency scene this author has quickly proven her worth in grasping my attention for must reads. Let’s step back in time to 1787 England and become immersed in the lives of William Kensley and Isabella Gresham. It is a sweeping tale of poignant moments that capture your heart. William although raised as a gentleman finds himself serving others and sees what a difference social class makes when it comes to matters of the heart. There are mysteries to be unraveled and lies that threaten to destroy but faith prevails and a light sparks in the darkness to bring hope and forgiveness in the midst of the storm. This story has many curves to navigate that can be life or death and romance that makes you tear up and cheering for love to overcome evil. Beautifully written with pacing that keeps you turning pages as quickly as possible but also savoring the story for days afterwards. I highly recommend putting on your must read pile.
I received a complimentary copy from CelebrateLit. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 6, 2023 |
Garden of the Midnights by Hannah Linder is a Christian Historical Romance. William Kensley, an English gentleman, finds himself experiencing accidents that seem more intentional. As he attempts to find out answers about what is going on, the only man who can provide those answers winds up dead. As a result, William finds himself destitute and alone.

The only constant is the love of Isabelle Greshman until she winds up being threatened as well. A hidden danger arises from their acquaintances and threatens his only love. He has to rescue her from her captors and determine if he must break her heart.

Truly, this book will keep you reading and draw you into the story. I found myself unable to put this book down. The twists and turns of William’s life kept me reading, and the ending suited the story.

So, if you enjoy Christian Historical Romances, check out Garden of the Midnights by Hannah Linder for yourself. I definitely recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but this in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own.
PattiP1992 | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 5, 2023 |
It is not what a man possesses but who he is.

This Regency novel will keep you guessing right up to the satisfying end. There are plenty of twists and turns, intrigue and even suspense as you travel through what life was like in the early 1800’s. William Kensley has experienced the loss of his mother at birth and has no father of record. Abused by those who are supposed to love and care for him, it seems someone is now out to murder him. Leaving all he has ever known, he heads into an unknown future.

Finding friends along the way, WIlliam learns that forgiveness is of utmost importance. This forgiveness must include God as well as those who wronged him. Will he survive long enough to do so?

An early copy was received through Barbour Publishing and NetGalley. These thoughts are my own and were in no way solicited.
Eamace | 13 altre recensioni | Nov 5, 2023 |
“Just have to forgive dem. Even if you got to do it over and over again … just got to forgive dem.”

Secrets, injustice, bitterness, and greed are all nearly living creatures that twist truth and reality every which way in Garden of the Midnights. Hannah Linder reminds me just why I love historical fiction so much, and she pens such a poignant, suspenseful Gothic novel of a forbidden love.

Who will not feel for William Kensley, who so desperately desires a father’s love and approval? Or for Isabella Gresham, whose past has taught her there is no such thing as true love. Perhaps that is why she is on her third London season and still not affianced.

As a reader, It is hard not to fall for William Kensley. He can be so thoughtful, so carefree, so funny, and so fun to be around. Who wouldn’t want to be with another who encouraged you to “do sunshine… and “to feel the seashore”?

I loved that Linder shows the tension between high society and “the less desirable,” based on income. William wants to help a few of the local people who are poor off, while it is hard for Isabella to realize those people are her equals. Linder makes her case that the more fortunate have a responsibility to help those less fortunate, (which applies to today’s world, too.) “You talk as if it were our responsibility to aid them.” “Ours and anyone else who stumbles upon their plight.” “You forget there are many such dreadful cases tucked away in London flats or begging on the streets. One cannot help them all.” “One can help some.”

There are some great twists that really send the novel down different paths than I expected. Yay! Get your copy of Garden of the Midnights and read this amazing novel of true love and class distinctions in Regency England.

I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit through NetGalley. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

Notable Quotables:

“it is not what a man possesses but who he is.”

“She was better for having known him. She was destroyed for having loved him.”
Becky_L | 13 altre recensioni | Oct 30, 2023 |
I love how the book starts quickly with a mystery that grabbed my attention from the start. A young boy who never knew his father has suddenly finds out that he has been told lies about his past. William finds himself wondering what is going on when accidents start happening to him or around him. Is someone trying to harm him? Do they have a grudge against him? Maybe someone is not happy about his inheritance. The author intrigued me with this story and the time period as well. He travels to London to find answers.

Isabella is a good character. I liked watching her find her way in faith as well as her future. When she and William meet I just knew there would be sparks between them at sometime. I do like how the author allows readers to get to know her better and didn’t rush her into a romance right away. We get to see how different people lived during this time period. It was intriguing to see that the higher class were at times snobs, but our two main characters always showed grace and thrived on treating everyone with respect.

There is mystery surrounding our characters and I had to find out if William gets the answers he searched for all his life. Why did people keep secrets from him about his upbringing? Forgiveness is a big factor in the story, which I thought the author did a great illustration of. Overall the book is really good and offers a good look at a society where some people were taken advantage of.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Harley0326 | 13 altre recensioni | Oct 28, 2023 |
This was my first book by Linder, but it will not be my last. Her writing is lyrical and moving, the characters were deep and good, and the setting was alluring.
I loved the Christian elements throughout, largely used for the characters to say, “this is who I want to be, and it is what I will strive for.” I thought that was very well balanced with the Gothic feel of the novel overall. This one is a bit darker than I anticipated it would be, but I was engaged throughout.
The romance in this one is a bit light, but there are still some good toe tingling moments (the kiss!).
The mysteries and suspense in this one will keep you wondering throughout the story. And while the first mystery seems solved so quickly, there is still a great deal going on that will have you turning the pages, and wondering how on earth the book could deliver on a happily ever after. But it does. Never you fear, it surely does.
William is such a good person, it’s a wonder he is so good what with his childhood and considering who raised him. And he is genuine, kind, selfless. He has bouts with anger and difficulty forgiving, but his faith pulls him through. Then Isabella is more selfish, but also has a big heart. William teaches her a few things, largely through his actions, and her character arc is really good. I loved the themes of a person’s worth not being determined by wealth or status, and that God can help us overcome when all seems lost.
There are a good number of things that happen through this one, and each new twist that came along shocked me in the best way. Each time I thought, “this seems impossible,” the exact right thing would make everything right. And conversely, a couple of times I wondered why things seemed a bit too easy, and then Hannah through a curve ball I never saw coming, and I was shocked and hooked all over again.

CW/TW: gun/sword violence and fighting; attempted and committed murders; blood/gore mentions; physical and emotional abuse; suspense; depravity and poverty; mentions of children born out of wedlock; kidnapping; torture

**Thanks to the publisher and Austen Prose PR for the gifted copy. I have provided this honest review of my own volition.

***note: I do not recommend the audiobook for this book. The story is lovely, but I did not feel the narrator fit the story, and her voice was not for me.
LovelyBookishDelight | 13 altre recensioni | Oct 9, 2023 |
Another amazing, deliciously gothic Regency romance from Hannah Linder! I absolutely loved this book! It’s a forbidden romance, hidden identity, inspirational mystery that kept me guessing until the end!

William Kensley’s life is in danger. Someone at Rosenleigh Manor wants him dead. As he searches for answers, he learns a shocking truth about his origins from a beloved servant right before he’s murdered. As he goes in search of his past, he meets the beautiful Isabella Gresham & they form a fast friendship.

Isabella loves the easy, delightful teasing relationship she has with William & can’t help compare him with her boorish suitor Lord Livingstone. Their escapades by the sea & sweet friendship are threatened when William learns the truth about his past. Penniless & destitute William gives up all hope of a relationship with Isabella. But, when she disappears & her life is threatened, he may be the only one who can save her.

Full of twists & turns, this riveting Dickens-like romance kept me on the edge of my seat. I loved William! In his search for his identity, his faith was tested & he had to rebuild his trust in God. I loved his fortitude & strength. I loved the delightful, sweet relationship he had with Isabella.

The action-packed, thrilling mystery definitely kept me guessing. There were several times I had to reframe William’s & Isabella’s relationship yet I loved the constancy of their love. There were definitely a lot of surprises which made this so hard to put down.

Highly recommend to gothic romance & inspirational mystery fans! I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

CW: murder, some violence & mild peril, kissing only
Melissas-Bookshelf | 13 altre recensioni | Oct 7, 2023 |
Another beautifully crafted, intensely touching Gothic style Regency novel by master storyteller Hannah Linder! This book has it all—romance, mystery, danger, and more! Advancing the story are complex characters you come to care about and root for. Major heart wrenching plot twists and life changing revelations in an authentic Regency setting kept me immersed in the story. I especially enjoyed the delightful scenes at the seashore which lighten the intensity of the story. I love how Isabella and William learn valuable life lessons from each other as their forbidden romantic relationship develops. The theme of forgiveness, permeating the story, is inspiring. I totally enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 13 altre recensioni | Oct 1, 2023 |
There is so much to love about this Regency Gothic story: midnight garden trysts, a hidden heir who is in danger, a wealthy heiress, an arrogant cousin lusting after an inheritance, intrigue, romance and a beautiful setting. The characters come alive under the pen of Ms. Linder. With an intricate plot, I could not turn pages fast enough. The twists and turns were unpredictable. The romance was complicated and an underlying faith thread kept this story interesting.
An absorbing tale for fans of Abigail Wilson, Erica Vetsch and Michelle Griep. This one you will not want to miss.
*I received a complimentary ecopy of this book from the author. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.*
paulashreckhise | 13 altre recensioni | Sep 28, 2023 |