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Pollyanna is all alone in the world, except for her cold and demanding aunt. And life in the small New England town is very different than in the West where Pollyanna grew up. Aunt Polly isn't used to children. . .or slammed doors or missed meals or any of the troublesome adventures that Pollyanna gets into. Will she ever accept this unexpected niece of hers, everyone wonders. But Pollyanna has a secret weapon, almost the only thing her father has left her. Soon the whole town will be playing the game that Pollyanna lives by. But will it help Pollyanna herself when her very life hangs in the balance?
PlumfieldCH | 4 altre recensioni | Mar 16, 2024 |
Before there were airplanes and high speed travel, Phileas Fogg, an English gentleman, bets 20,000 pounds that he can travel around the world in only 80 days. En route he meets a beautiful Indian Princess, gets mistaken for a notorious criminal and is pursued by a detective with a warrant for his arrest. Follow his fantastic adventures through four continents in his daring race against time. It's a fast-paced, action-packed, high-spirited journey filled with romance, danger and adventure.
PlumfieldCH | 5 altre recensioni | Oct 31, 2023 |
This selection is a good choice for the Great Illustrated Classics series, as it recounts an engaging story in a form appropriate for pre-teen readers. The excellent illustrations enhance the tale, as does a two-page map that illustrates the course of Phileas Fogg's journey. I found it amusing that he arrived a day earlier than he'd calculated, having passed over the International Date Line. No doubt this feature has amused and perplexed countless other readers, as it's a bit hard to grasp. This book is a good introduction to a work that is said to be the most popular of Jules Verne's novels.

PS. The adapter of this work made a mistake on p. 180, as sharp eyes will notice. It's a game of cards, where Phileas Fogg plays a spade, and a rude bystander (Col. Proctor) insists that he should play a diamond instead. In the small argument that follows, the adapter has Phileas assert that Proctor wanted him to play a "spade". The line should read that Proctor wanted him "not to play a spade." The conflict leads the two men to fight a duel with pistols, which is halted by the attack of a band of Sioux Indians.½
1 vota
danielx | 5 altre recensioni | Aug 18, 2018 |
It has been ages since I have watched any one of the numerous "Peter Pan" variations and what seems like years to have read the actual book. What has piked my interest on this besides the Classics challenge that I have set myself is the fact I am reading a book that is meant to be a spin-off of it thus I want to refresh myself.

What always irritated me with "Peter Pan was it was so outdated while showing the Indians in such a bad light. There was never an explanation for them while in both the Disney version and J.M. Barrie's original there were so many wrong stereotypes. Maybe since of the political correctness farce I am getting to be soft and more lenient while accepting that back in 1911 that was the way things were seen by the "civilized" people.

Maybe I am more forgiving since of the fact that I am going through a phase where I can read a good book and enjoy the adventure that it gives. Or maybe it is the excitement that shows for a life we all dream of while at the same time comparing it with the one that we wish we actually had instead.

This particular version is missing the majority of what makes Barrie's "Pan" Pan but it does cover the basic. In this particular site there is more adventure and violence highlighted so it is best to avoid for smaller children but older children should enjoy it....
flamingrosedrakon | 1 altra recensione | Aug 25, 2015 |
Phileas Fogg, un verdadero "gentleman", miembro del Reform Club, arriesga toda su fortuna en una apuesta. Se compromete a dar la vuelta al mundo en ochenta días, basándose en un cálculo hecho por el periódico "Morning Chronicle". A través de este fascinante viaje por el globo, Julio Verne nos presenta el verdadero tema central de la obra, que no es la mera descripción geográfica, sino el dominio del tiempo, alcanzado por el hombre gracias al desarrollo tecnológico y de los medios de comunicación.
anamarino | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 4, 2015 |
A classic from childhood. Actually, I remember the movie better, with Haley Mills as Pollyanna (I think).

The classic plot of poor little wonderful girl who becomes an orphan, moves in with an unsympathetic relation (aunt), and gradually turns the cold hard woman into a loving person. All the while, making friends with everyone in town, all of whom love her.

Tragic accident, misery, eventual recovery.

It is a wonderful book, full of optimism, happiness and a positive mental outlook. I recommend it to anyone who needs a lift and is tired of violence, misery, gratuitous sex and profanity.
MissJessie | 4 altre recensioni | Oct 16, 2013 |
Rebekah said, "I felt like I was actually in the movie and in the book. A lot of times I felt like I was actually traveling around the world. I loved it!" - age 8.5
Legos | 5 altre recensioni | Oct 1, 2011 |
I liked the story but I was not thrilled about the Illustrated Classics. It was too simple and too basic for me. I enjoyed the action but I felt like a lot was left out to ensure this was set up for juvenile literature and I really think that it could have kept some of the more exciting parts fluffed out rather than condensing it down to the bare bones. All in all, I liked the story and the overall plot. Again, a good many parts were too simple and to me seemed to run very quickly. I would recommend this AS a juvenile literature, but if you are reading this to kind of get an idea about what the story is about, what I was doing, then you are better off just reading the real book and not wasting your time with this.
OtwellS | 5 altre recensioni | Sep 14, 2011 |
Pollyanna goes to live with her Aunt Polly when her dear father dies. Pollyanna plays a game her father taught her called the Glad Game. She teaches it to everyone she meets and has a profound effect on the people of the town. She changes lives for the better no matter where she turns. One day Pollyanna gets hurt quite severly and it is the townspeople's turn to take care of her.

Students will fall in love with Pollyanna and her story. She is brutally honest and eager to help everyone. They will like the fact that she can remain positive in spite of all of the trouble she gets into. Great for character analysis and author's purpose.
kikione | 4 altre recensioni | Jun 5, 2010 |
Father of his Country! From his boyhood, George Washington learned and practiced the highest ideals of thought and behavior. He led a small group of struggling colonies on the road to become the nation we are today.
hgcslibrary | 1 altra recensione | Nov 29, 2009 |
Peter Pan, the boy who never wanted to grow up. Join him, Wendy and the lost boys in their incredible adventures.
This is one of the most beloved fantasy classics ever written.
hgcslibrary | 1 altra recensione | Nov 29, 2009 |
Genre: Realistic/Historical Fiction
Review: This is a great example of realistic fiction. The main character Pollyanna draws you into the story and makes you believe in her world. You quickly understand the time and setting of the book and the plot is very believable.
rturba | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 4, 2009 |
This is the first time I've read this book and I enjoyed it very much. The end was a little cheesy and I early on figured out the catch to the end of the story, but I still like it a lot.

My whole life I have immediately gotten the image of a balloon flight in my head at the mention of this story, but Phileas Fogg never uses a balloon. The idea is briefly mentioned when he's figuring how to get to London from New York, but he never actually does it.
ClydePark2007 | 5 altre recensioni | Jul 22, 2007 |
Summary: Pollyanna is an orphan living with her cold and demanding aunt. Pollyanna teaches the whole town "the Glad Game", a game she lives by.
hgcslibrary | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 29, 2009 |
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