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Inglese (15)  Svedese (15)  Olandese (4)  Spagnolo (1)  Tedesco (1)  Tutte le lingue (36)
This was a very quick book and a fairly entertaining one. I am glad that the rap and torture in the book was not too intense I am really not a fan of that on any level. The story is quick and to the point. Sometimes too quick. would of liked to see more of the searching for answers to where his wife Ylva is. Good read if you want a quick story that is violent and you do not want to feel sorry for the one in trouble cause she had it coming.
linusnc | 17 altre recensioni | Feb 18, 2023 |
Mike Zetterberg, su esposa Ylva y su hija Sanna viven en Helsingborg, en el sur de Suecia. Cuando una tarde, tras el trabajo, Ylva no regresa a casa, su marido deduce que está con sus compañeros tomando una copa. Pero, a medida que pasan las horas, su preocupación va en aumento. Ylva se ha esfumado sin dejar rastro. Pasados unos días, la policía investiga el entorno de la desaparecida y sigue de cerca los movimientos de Mike, que pasa a ser el principal sospechoso. Para él, la vida se convierte en un infierno: no sólo tiene que demostrar su inocencia, sino también coger fuerzas para sacar adelante a su hija a pesar de su desasosiego y su desconcierto. Lo paradójico es que Ylva está secuestrada a pocos metros de allí, en la casa de sus vecinos; esa pareja mayor que se mudó hace unos meses al barrio y que parece tan normal.
Natt90 | 17 altre recensioni | Feb 9, 2023 |
Segnalato | 17 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2020 |
I don't read mysteries really so thought I'd give this one a try as it looked kind of interesting and looked like a quick read. I guess it wasn't that bad. Held my interest. Was a bit shocked in parts but I guess that's because I'm not used to these type of books. Early on I thought the writing was average but I got used to it by the end. Maybe it was just the translation that wasn't so great? Fine for a quick read though. I'm not exactly hooked on mysteries because of this book but I'll try another one sometime.
waltandmartha | 17 altre recensioni | Dec 3, 2019 |
I don't read mysteries really so thought I'd give this one a try as it looked kind of interesting and looked like a quick read. I guess it wasn't that bad. Held my interest. Was a bit shocked in parts but I guess that's because I'm not used to these type of books. Early on I thought the writing was average but I got used to it by the end. Maybe it was just the translation that wasn't so great? Fine for a quick read though. I'm not exactly hooked on mysteries because of this book but I'll try another one sometime.
waltandmartha | 17 altre recensioni | Dec 3, 2019 |
This book had a promising premise and the germ of the idea could have blossomed into a really phenomenal book but it just did not get there. The violence and language were just too over the top (perhaps it was the translation)for me. The story ends up going absolutely nowhere and fizzles completely at the end.
Maureen_McCombs | 17 altre recensioni | Aug 19, 2016 |
stevebishop | 17 altre recensioni | Apr 2, 2016 |
En kompakt liten bok om Farrah och hennes två världar, dels skolvärlden där Svea och Nadine regerar, mästarna i att säga saker som låter snällt men egentligen är elakt. Dels hemmavärlden med mamma som lagar mat så fort hon är hemma och frågar hur det var i skolan, utan att egentligen vilja ha ett svar. Sen finns det Adam, som kallas Jesus med sitt långa skägg och sin stora snällhet. Här har vi två världar som inte borde mötas.

En fin och oerhört komprimerad liten bok där fantasin flyter ihop med verkligheten och där jag skrattar åt eländet med en klump i halsen. Perfekt fångat.
moa.ryrlind | Nov 5, 2015 |
En riktigt nagebitande spännande bok för mellanåldern i komprimerat format, utan att det för den sakens skulle känns för kort. Övernaturliga förmågor blandas med realpolitik på ett utmärkt sätt.
En av de bättre i sin genre.
moa.ryrlind | Jun 15, 2015 |
You’re Mine Now – oh boy!

Sphere knows how to undersell a book calling You’re Mine Now by Hans Koppel calling it a Swedish Thriller Phenomenon it is far more than that. This is a book that once you start to read you need to finish part in fear part in hope and when that fails in prayer. This is one of the most compulsive and graphic reads in a long time that I feared I would never want to put down. This fills all the clichés in that it really is a book that keeps you on tenterhooks, is a page turner with plenty of revenge and retribution.

Anna is a features editor on Family Life magazine and is happily married to Magnus with Hedda their 10 year old daughter. Anna attends a business conference with her colleagues once a year to plan the magazine and various feature. After the dinner they retire to the bar for a few drinks with some advertising executives, two old guys and a young buck who attracts a lot of attention from the ladies. This young buck Erik invites Anna to his hotel room and she tells him she is married, but somehow she ends up in his bed and has some great sex with him, and they then meet again for a few more sex sessions.

It is only when Anna tries to end the relationship and extricate herself from something very weird that her problems begin. Erik becomes her stalker and will not hear anything about ending the relationship. He believes she will never be able to tell of her affair too Magnus and Erik sees Magnus as the man who stands in his way of being happy with Anna. So begins the full psychological torture of stalking for Anna and everywhere she looks all she can see is Erik. Things are worse when she finds out that he has filmed their sex sessions and she really needs to break away.

As Anna tries to break away things start to happen around her that at first the police think that she is over reacting, but when things start happening a lot closer to home does Erik’s sinister activities start to attract the attention of the police. Whether that is enough to stop Erik one will just have to read the book to see how it ends after you have been drawn in by this compulsive story.
atticusfinch1048 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2014 |
Ylva Zetterberg verdwijnt als zij vanuit haar werk onderweg is naar huis. Wat haar man niet kan vermoeden is dat Ylva verblijft op een steenworp afstand van zijn huis. Samen met zijn dochtertje probeert hij de verdwijning van Ylva te verwerken en weer verder te gaan met hun leven. Langzaam maar zeker komt de waarheid stukje bij beetje aan het licht.

Dit spannende debuut leest op topsnelheid weg. Heerlijk om in één ruk uit te lezen. De verhaalopbouw komt vlot op gang en blijft ook de hele tijd de lezer intrigeren. Het taalgebruik is makkelijk, de personages komen prima tot hun recht en ook de diverse verwikkelingen uit heden en verleden werken naar een ontknoping toe. Met deze thriller heeft het Scandinavische continent weer een prima schrijver in hun gelederen!
klara35 | 17 altre recensioni | Dec 29, 2013 |
Das Buch ist gut, die Geschichte sehr dramatisch. Spannung im üblichen Sinne kommt zwar nicht auf, dennoch erweckt es die Neugier des Lesers und man möchte unbedingt den Ausgang der Geschichte erfahren. Es ist eher ein Drama als ein Thriller. Für Leute, die auf Psychodramen stehen, ist es empfehlenswert, aber Thriller-Fans kommen hier nicht so wirklich auf ihre Kosten.
LadyMine | 17 altre recensioni | Nov 21, 2013 |
Ik heb dit boek gekregen als preread en ik vond hem heel goed. Ik heb er echt van genoten. Ik vond het alleen jammer dat het maar een dunnetje was, maar 218 pagina's. Maar ik heb toch niet het idee dat het een afgeraffeld verhaal was. van mij 4 sterren.
Gea1967 | 17 altre recensioni | Sep 22, 2013 |
Dit is echt een raar boek! Ik vond het eigenlijk helemaal niet zo geweldig. Veel herhalingen en Anna (de hoofdpersoon) doet dingen waarvan ik denk, doe die dan niet! Zo dom en herhaling op herhaling. Ik had het echt wel even gehad met dit boek, maar dan komen de laatste 70 bladzijdes en wordt het spannend (en voorspelbaar, maar wel spannend) om de laatste 70 bladzijdes wordt het een 7½
connie53 | 1 altra recensione | Jun 23, 2013 |
Petter Lidbeck skriver väldigt bra för barn i mellanåldern. Detta är första delen i deckarserien Tre tjejer och det är en spännande och ganska trovärdig historia, som kunde ha slutat riktigt illa. Att böckerna utspelar sig i Helsingborg är förstås extra roligt när man bor där, och böckerna är mycket populära bland barnen som lånar på Helsingborgs bokbuss. Siri, som är motorn i berättelsen, är en rolig karaktär att följa, kaxig och orädd på gott och ont.
LottaBerling | Apr 25, 2013 |
This book is set in Sweden.
The main character is Mike his wife Ylva goes missing. No one knows whats happened to her. It turns out she has been kidnapped held by some new neighbours.
This book is very easy to read a real page turner albeit silly in places. I really enjoyed it though. I can see this being made into a film soon.½
Daftboy1 | 17 altre recensioni | Apr 8, 2013 |
Een best aardige thriller. Onderhoudend genoeg, maar omdat je het verhaal leest vanuit meerdere perspectieve weet je ook al snel wie het gedaan heeft en dat haalt heel wat van de spanning weg. Dus een 7 is meer dan genoeg.½
connie53 | 17 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2013 |
One day, as Ylva is heading home after work, she gets in her neighbor's car who offers a ride and she is never seen again. She is being held by this couple who are from her past and who plan to make her pay for her actions many years ago. She is held for a year and a half in a soundproof basement right across her own home; where her husband and daughter wonder what has happened to her. A really quick read that grips you from the first pages and sneaks in a couple of darn good twists that will make you go "huh??!!".
AleAleta | 17 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2013 |
I really liked this book. Did I find it "amazing" as the 5 stars requires, no but I know I'm a little unfair being as how the book took place in Sweden and when I first started it I couldn't even tell you if the names were male or female and I feel out of sorts when I don't know where they are talking about when they say things like "just outside Helsingborg".

Aside from that, the book is about a wife, Ylva, who doesn't come home one day, just vanishes. She leaves a husband, Mike and daughter, Sanna grieving, trying to understand what happened to her and after so long just assume she's dead. What they don't know is frightening. She's being held captive by the neighborhood (who is harboring a grudge), in a sound proof room in their basement where her only link to the outside world is a video camera set up to record her own house where she can see Mike and Sanna coming and going.

The book did get my heart racing and it did keep me quite entertained (even though not funny at all). I didn’t care for the ending, I wish this was a book that had an alternate ending that I could also read.

I will definitely recommend!! Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this!½
Sharn | 17 altre recensioni | Dec 15, 2012 |
En rolig bok om maktmissbruk och härskartekniker i skolan. Karin Karlsson är världens elakaste fröken för hon råkar nämligen hata barn. Hur perfekt är det inte då att vara mellanstadielärare och kunna bryta ner sina elever en efter en?
moa.ryrlind | 1 altra recensione | Nov 16, 2012 |
Johanna är en blöt trasa som låter chefen och hennes kollegor halvmobba henne, som har svårt att hantera sin exman och vars främsta nöje tycks vara att titta på TV4-dokumentärer med sin dotter. Det är verkligen inte ett roligt liv hon har. Så bestämmer hon sig för att ingå i en försöksgrupp för en ny medicin – mest för att få ihop lite pengar, även om det visar sig att betalningen inte var vad hon hoppades på. Men: medicinen tycks få hennes spärrar att lossna, hon börjar sätta emot när chefen försöker sätta sig på henne; hon blir mer självsäker, mer självgod, mindre orolig. Och kåt. Slutsatsen är enkel: testosteronet i medicinen får henne att bete sig mer som en man.

Historien är i sig inte helt lyckad; boken är så kort att när en av de viktigare kapitlen visar sig innehålla inte en utan två sammanträffanden så blir det lite för mycket, och slutet går att se på två mils avstånd. Det som är behållningen är snarare skildringen av allt skitsnack, allt subtilt maktspel och manövrerande som pågår på Johannas arbetsplats. När Johanna tar av sig snällhetshatten leder det inte till att hon blir mer utfryst, utan att hon tar sig upp. Och när hon kommit upp har hon inte mycket medlidande med de som är kvar därnere.

Det är inte fantastiskt, men det är cyniskt och det är bra. Jag hoppas i alla fall kunna undvika den typ av arbetsplats som Johanna fastnat på.
andejons | Aug 24, 2012 |
Spannend, origineel en snel te lezen. En het blijft spannend tot de laatste pagina..en dat is toch wel erg knap, zeker als het boek niet superdik is. Maar alles is aanwezig..voor een paar uur goeie spanning.
justine.m | 17 altre recensioni | Jun 4, 2012 |
Anna Larssons penna är vass, och hennes dagbok är väldigt rolig. En rolig, allvarlig och klok barnbok som även är mycket givande för vuxna. Snudd på toppbetyg från mig. Välförtjänt August-nominerad 2003.½
LottaBerling | 1 altra recensione | Apr 15, 2012 |
Om att vantrivas i vardagen. Fick mig att tänka på filmen American Beauty. Skönt korta kapitel.½
LottaBerling | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 3, 2012 |
I've not read very much by the sudden influx of Scandi-writers (yet) and the few books that I have tried have been decent but not entirely memorable, so it's safe to say I approached this with a fair bit of trepidation. The summary on the back sounded fairly appealing though and of course the plaudit that it is a `Swedish Thriller Phenomenon' was a draw in itself. I was keen to see if this would warrant such an accolade and I have to say that I can be a bit picky in whether or not a thriller actually thrills me as well!

The premise of this book was really good and sounded intriguing; when Ylva seemingly disappears after a night out with her colleagues, her husband Mike isn't overly concerned at first. However, as more time passes he becomes worried, as well as the prime suspect in her disappearance. Unbeknownst to both him and the police however, Ylva is very much alive- and close by- infact she is being held hostage in a soundproofed basement directly opposite her own house, with a camera rigged up by her captives so she can see exactly what is going on with her own family...

I have to say that the plot of this book was compelling and it did hold my attention after a fairly slow beginning and what I initially thought would be a cast of too many characters. The writing is pacey with just the right amount of suspense to keep the reader going- you really want to know what is going to happen to Ylva as well as why she has found herself in the predicament she is. As the story slowly unravels with little twists and turns you can imagine the torture she is going through at being trapped but having to witness the outside world through a TV monitor and particularly the actions of her husband and young daughter surviving without her.

Characters are well drawn and believable. Ylva's back story and past actions were interesting and added a nice dimension to the tale, as well as Mike's paranoia and weaknesses. I loved Sanna and her little quirks and foibles which were emphasised all the more when Mike was left on his own with her.

I have however given this book four stars and not five because I did think that some of the scenes were a little bit gratuitous and thrown in just for the sake of it when perhaps the reader could have used their own imagination. Also, I would have liked to have read a bit more about the psychological impact that being held captive was having on Ylva, as opposed to the extracts at the top of the chapters instead.

Overall, this was a compelling, absorbing thriller and definitely worth a read. As an aside, as `Hans Koppel' is a pseudonym, I would very much like to know who this writer really is so I could read more by him/her under their real name in future!

*This review also appears on*
CookieDemon | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 8, 2012 |