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I love Jake

I enjoyed this book and loved Jake so much he almost took Archers place but at times Aubrey got on my nerves and made me mad at her wishy washy ways. I understood her loyalty but at some point my understanding turned to bitterness like Belle. Overall great read and on to Bennett.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
I love Bennett

Another great read. Bennett was amazing, I feel the last two books of this series I fall in love with the hero but the heroines have made me mad and I can’t connect with them but overall I love this author and series.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
Toby was a wonderful person. He had been dealt a really crappy hand at life, his mother was artistic but she traded that in for drugs, his dad was an alcoholic who would never hesitate to beat Toby just for breathing. His amazing friends and their parents treated him like family, took him in, cared for him, and showed him love. Toby always tried to look on the positive side of life even with having to deal with the things he did. He just knew something would come along and change his life for the better. Enter Willow, she's the daughter of the art teacher who believed in Toby's abilities and she is the one who brought the light to his darkness. They fell at first sight. She was his and he was hers. They never wavered on it at all. Their love was true, beautiful, epic, and one to be remembered. This beautiful man with a heart of gold found his light and he held on to her with all he had.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
Love those Shay Brothers

I loved this book because it had the right amount of alpha male and sweet heroine. Parker knew that his pursuit of Codi was not going to end well yet he couldn’t resist. With a huge urge for revenge on his and his brothers shoulders they have a plan and the whole time your shaking your head at these hot guys saying “nope don’t it” but they don’t listen. This book was great it had suspense, sexy moments (a lot of sexy moments), hot alpha males, and a heroine that at first I wasn’t sure about but ended up loving. I can’t wait for Rocco’s story 😍😍😍
readonreader | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 5, 2024 |
This was such an emotional read but in a good way. I loved how it took an awful incident that Zoe had went through and showed the readers that we may never truly know what another person is going through so we always need to be respectful of each other. I also liked how it touched on the subject that because someone has endured a traumatic event we as humans sometimes do not truly know how to handle these situations; we may overlook, brush off, or try too hard to force a person out of their shell before they are ready and sometimes all they need is space, just being present without speaking, and kind words of encouragement where needed. Zoe's story was incredible, she may just be living day to day as a shell of herself but she is at least trying. I found her to be incredibly brave to try to go out of her comforts zone by making friends and eventually talking to Tripp. Tripp was an incredible human being, he was more than understanding and had the patience of a Saint. I think if Zoe hadn't found the courage to make friends and let Tripp into her life she would still be struggling because through finding her tribe she found strength in them that helped her. The authors took a sensitive subject but wrote such a beautiful story to show us readers how others may cope, deal with things, and how we can help them.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book has such a beautiful and powerful meaning behind the actual story itself. The underlining message about bullying people when you don’t know the circumstances is wrong no matter what was perfect. I adored that Roxy went through such horrible things but stood tall and even the strongest people can break at times. It made it seem so real that I hurt when she did, and I broke when she broke. The authors draw you in and take you on an emotional rollercoaster that you don’t want to end.
Roxy and Reid have been friends since they were 10 years old and Roxy walks up to a socially awkward loner, Reid and she declares they are best friends now. They then make a pact no falling in love with each other but as we know the heart wants what the heart wants. Roxy falls for him and tells him one night and of course Reid is angry and confused. Reid lashes out at her and I wanted to be mad at him because he tells her she’s ruined everything then leaves and they don’t speak for 10 years, but as I read the story I realized that Reid couldn’t help lashing out and yes he may have handled it wrong but he was only a teenager and teen years are already confusing so he can’t take full blame. These two had such a connection you could feel the heartache that Roxy endured and has been enduring since that one night, I felt my own heart break because the authors put you in the story that the emotions were tangible. After years apart they come back together but how do they navigate this new awkwardness. There is a lot that Roxy has to endure, and I admired her tenacity to dust her shoulders off and carry on as if she didn’t care. The authors made this book truly unique you will see when you read the book by the “posts” in between chapters because it truly shows instead of just telling you how awful people and social media can be. I loved everything about this book, Reid and Roxy trying to figure out their place in each other’s live now that all this time has passed, their love for each other, what they are willing to endure for each other, and Roxy standing up for herself, but above all this the authors shine a light on how bullying behind a keyboard can truly hurt and that it is not ok to put others down just because you see what the media shows it doesn’t mean it’s true and you shouldn’t judge others for any reason at all. This was beautifully done with a romance story woven in. I truly hope we get an Ari story he was an amazing person.

readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
I’ve been dying for Rocco’s book since I read Parker’s story because when we see Rocco, we know he has been through hell and back with a story that had to be told. Rocco keeps a lot of his thoughts, feelings, and life close to the vest because trusting others to come into his life isn’t something that he ever wanted or needed. Camryn has endured a lot, her and Rocco are so similar yet so different that you can feel the tension between them bleed off the pages. I absolutely loved everything about this story because it had so many twists, turns, emotional moments, and we get to see a love grow from hatred. It was such an emotional read while we sat back and watched Rocco and Ryn try discover themselves, find strength in their weaknesses, and figure out this new family dynamic that they find themselves in. It was tragic, beautiful, emotionally charged, page turning, and epic. These authors know how to make you feel everything and connect you with the characters in a way you feel a part of their world.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Brooks and Henley have a special friendship that was formed years ago. Henley comes from a family full of hatred, anger, and a constant battle over which parent loves her more. She suffers alone most of the time until Brooks shows up and weasels his way into her life. They become friends not easily as it’s hard for Henley to put her trust and faith in others, but when she does, she is committed to it 100%. Brooks would do anything for his Henley, and he proves that repeatedly even when Henley fights it. Its always the wrong time or the wrong place for these two and at times it gets aggravating, but it ends beautifully. Henley is always wrapped up in her own head thinking she doesn’t deserve to be loved or can love anyone else even though she knows Brooks is it for her she just can’t let her own hurt go long enough to fight for him. She was frustrating with all the back and forth, but her mother was a real piece of crazy that I wanted to smack around. Brooks was easy to love and fall for. All he ever wanted was for Henley to be his but sometimes fate and life have other plans that take you the long way around until giving you what you want or need. A great read with real emotions that the authors make you feel and want to live through with the characters.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Dark and Delicious. When you enter the mafia world it is always intense, brutal, but in this one its all of that and so much more. Bianca Rossi is a fierce woman who knew growing up in this lifestyle her future was already planned out, but when it came to her sister, she didn’t want to see her fall into the hands of pure evil. She does what she needs to so things set in motion to change her sister’s future; she didn’t even care if this caused her own life. Even scared she held her head high and faced what was next. I absolutely loved her tenacity. She wasn’t one that would back down even when it came to the main boss, and she would go toe to toe with her own husband. Vincent Ferrari is the right-hand man to the big boss, he is loyal, but mostly he can be brutal. Vincent decides he wants Bianca, and they marry, but what I loved was he would show her he was in charge and be gentle with her at the same time. Their chemistry is so hot it burns the pages up and once they click; their love is beautiful. This book has a lot of action, twists, intense sexiness, but most of all it was a man and woman coming together to forge a connection that defies everything. This instantly became one of my favorite mafia reads and Vincent in all his alpha glory made me fall in love.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
I have been wanting, craving, needing Enzo’s story since book one and so when I got it in my hands I devoured every morsel and it was EVERYTHING!! Gabriella is own her own, trying to survive, and fin d her place in this world with a family of some kind. with no other options and determination she seeks out those that could destroy her in hopes they will be understanding and help her, but what she isn’t prepared for is Lorenzo and the intensity he brings. Lorenzo is the head of his organization, he demands respect, so when this lioness Gabriella storms into his life he isn’t prepared for the feelings that come with her. These two push and pull at each other that the tension is so thick and it snaps into a fury of heat and passion. There is so much stacked against them and they both have insecurities that keep them from being completely honest with themselves, but when push comes to shove can they figure out what is standing right in front of them and fight for it or will they walk away living a life full of regrets. The passion and steam is insanely off the charts hot, but the way Enzo loves and gives his all made me fall head over heels in love with him. I knew I would love these two and I was not disappointed, I never wanted it to end but craved to know how it would play out. Now I can’t wait for more because I am beyond curious about Leonardo’s story and a Diego story as well.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
Each story in this series has been an intense journey with twists you don’t see coming and men so delicious you’ll want one for yourself. Diego has an obsession that is oh so hot, but there is one that has grabbed his attention he can’t stop thinking about her. Alessia is a strong woman ruling her own in a man’s world and she demands respect that she is rightfully given. She has secrets and when one of those collides with her life in the criminal world she isn’t expecting it to turn her upside down. What I loved is what Diego wanted he got and he had his eyes set on Alessia, but there is so much that stands in their way. Twists and turns with intense moments and off the charts steam set this book up to be an amazing read and I enjoyed it, yet at times I wasn’t connecting with Sia and not sure about her. Don’t get me wrong I loved this book, but for me it was because of Diego and the snippets of m men from the previous books. I can’t wait for what is in store for us next.
readonreader | 1 altra recensione | Jan 5, 2024 |
4.6 stars

What a beautiful message in this story. I'm glad the authors tackled a sensitive topic. One, that needs more attention. The authors gave a much appreciated perspective. I adored how it was handled. Loved the characters and their connection. Just a truly special story.
MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Feb 24, 2022 |
From the beginning of this amazing series, Toby and Willow have been in the background. It was always apparent that they had a love story that was proof that love and happily ever afters existed. Yet, I always wanted more about them. I felt that they deserved a full story because even though I loved them, I really wanted to LOVE them. Well, this author duo must have heard my wish, and said, "hold my beer, because we are going to give you a love story that will knock your socks off." And, knock my socks off they did.

This story packs a punch. The complexity and depth in the story were heartbreaking as well as heartwarming. These two characters are truly sublime. Toby. Sweet lord, he truly was the glue that kept them all together. He is proof that it truly is nurture not nature that can create a man. As an adopted child I often wondered if I too was doomed by the traits that ran through my blood. It took years for me to grasp the fact that I am who I am because it is what I deemed I wanted to be, plus a little help from friends and "family" along the way. However, Seeing Toby, yeah he was a gentle reminder that sometimes magic works in spectacular ways. And Willow, my favorite of the characters. Her steadfast devotion. her unconditional love and her genuine appreciation for all things truly made her perfect.

I am sad to see this series end. I am sad to see these characters be "done". However, this book tied the series up in a pretty bow, had an amazing epilogue with my favorite characters, and gave me a chance to see that happily ever afters were had by all.
MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Feb 24, 2022 |
Love and pain

I loved this book! It had a slow start for me, but then it hooked me and I couldn’t stop reading. I loved Belle, I wanted to smack Archer so many times, but his broken soul made me love him, too. A great read.
Jenx9000 | 1 altra recensione | May 9, 2020 |
4.5 stars

Heartbreaking and poignant are the first two words that come to mind after reading this book. This author duo tackled a scenario, that unfortunately is too often real, and made the reader see it in a new light. The perspective of how this affects Taylor/Zoe made my heart physically hurt. The first chapter and her words nearly broke me.

Seeing, and almost literally feeling, the ramifications of how debilitating this act was YEARS later is a testament to not only what happened but the ACT in general. The authors need to be commended on how they portrayed this and still made me feel hope. Powerful stuff. Tripp was so perfect for her. I loved that he saw that she was strong. He said some swoon worthy stuff. I didn't see the twist but glad it worked out.

I wanted something more at the end. The secondary characters were so pivotal that I wanted more interaction with them rather than just a glossing over of where they were now. Still, I recommend this book.

MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Dec 22, 2019 |
Definitely buy this boxset.

This author when I first discovered these books singularly was a then-new to me author. I was FLOORED at how amazing each of these books was. There is a depth in the characters that are genuine as well as complex. From the first page, I was mesmerized and in the end, I was sad because I didn’t want the book to end. I binge-read them in a row and then had the worst book hangover. This boxset is such an amazing deal and I would one-click it immediately because there isn’t a bad book out of the bunch. I have included an individual review of each of the books.

(Leaves of a Maple #1)
5 stars

Holy crikey. This book was recommended to me, so I decided is to give it a shot. The blurb was compelling but sweet lawd... It did not prepare me for the rollercoaster of emotions that this book was going to evoke. Trust me when I say that there is a lot of angst and emotions in this book.

The author touches on a pretty painful and often dismissed aspect of how to live life after a traumatic event. My heart hurts for Annabelle and Archer. Phenomenal characters, secondary characters, steam, and a mind-blowing amount of details make this story resonate on so many levels.

I cannot wait for Jake's story.

(Leaves of a Maple #2)
4.9 stars

Sweet holy hell. This author combo is sublime. How I had never heard of them I will never know. The setting and foundations of these stories is in a league all their own. Character development and steamy moments are some of the best out there.

If I could remember who recommended this series, I would be giving them a huge cyber hug and buying them a coffee.

Anxious to see where this series goes next.

(Leaves of a Maple #3)
4.9 stars

Everything about this story was perfection. I love the fact that all the previous characters have an integral role in this book even though this is Bennett and Darci’s story. These aren't just friends but rather family. Again, every moment is given such attention that it helps it become more authentic and helps me to get lost in the story. This entire series is one that will go in my all-time vault.

I cannot wait to read about Luca and Francesca.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
Somehow, I missed the notification that this book was out until I saw the release of the boxset. I have NO idea how I missed it because I have been waiting for Luca's story for what feels like forever. It wasn't but considering the moment that I discovered this writing duo and this series I binge read them faster than just about anything else that I have ever read. It is THAT good. Now, I digress, This book was even better than I had been expecting. How is that even possible?

Luca, sweet Lawd, this man. His mouth, his broken damaged parts, and his instant combustible smoldering connection with Frankie. And speaking of Frankie, this girl was crazy but in all the right ways, not in the sleep upside down batcrap sort of way. She was sweet, she, too, was broken, but holy hell was she a dynamic force. These two truly were the epitome of serendipitous. And steam? sweet holy hell. This is one time that I would have been happy to have even MORE of it. The story was perfectly balanced with appearances of the previous characters that I have come to love so much.

I cannot speak highly enough of this amazing writing duo. I cannot tell where one leaves off and the other starts. I just know that they are magic. So many amazing quotes in this story, (and no, even though I am dirty birdy, they all were not sexual) that touched on my soul. This is a story that showcases the reason that love is so powerful. Even though it can hurt, it's healing powers are even stronger but ONLY if someone is willing to take the risk.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |

Release Date-13/4/18

Oh, this book it has broken me down to the core then put the shattered pieces of me back together all in the name of fiction.
Tangled love By Haley Jenner is a masterpiece of intensity and feeling.
Leaving me ultimately bereft, so deep did this burrow down into the marrows of my very soul.
The tangled threads of Codi and Parkers love along with the betrayal of everything that Codi imagined mattered to her leaves her a broken shell of a woman.
Parker broke Codi.

But in doing so he also broke himself hindsight is a total bummer and misery loves company.
In seeking revenge or vengeance in the name of a mother who would have been devastated and ashamed at the men her sons had become, these boys are reaching new lows.
Her boys evolving into Monsters, all in her name.
Heartbreaking, and the last thing this mother would have ever wanted.

Parker and Rocco have eventually become everything they once despised and looked down on.
The father's sins have ultimately become the sons bringing this whole sorry saga full circle in a macabre dance where the innocent is always the loser and blood is the currency.

So watching the pile of cards come tumbling down around Parker's ears was a kind of karmic justice.
The struggle he faced pulled between his brother Rocco and his love for a woman he knows does not deserve his hate and wrath was as sweet as it was painful.
And when this whole sorry mess eventually implodes in a dramatic take no prisoners fashion, It was kind of therapeutic to behold the suffering Parker had brought on himself through his own twisted actions.
I was such a proud mama bear watching the way Codi handled herself in the moment and also in the eventual aftermath.
She was strong and courageous such a fighter.
But what was saddest was watching her eyes opened to the cruel world around her.
She had had her naivety and rose coloured specs ripped from her eyes.
And for a while, I wondered how she would fare.
She had gifted her heart away and now was dealing with the fallout of that duplicity.
You expect the person that claims to love you to want to protect that organ with every breath in there body not rob you of your last.

Loved the ending especially that the author didn't gloss over the betrayal suffered here.
It wasn't rushed and played out exactly how it should.
As she can see from the above ramblings this story had such a profound effect on me.
It was so very well written and such an incredibly emotive tale that I could not give it less than its deserved full five stars.
There was so much going on here and even when I wanted to hate certain individuals I couldn't help but also relate.
Haley Jenner has done a great job of humanising what should have been unredeemable.
So bravo lady.
This story has imprinted on me and it will be one I couldn't and wouldn't want to forget.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC of "Tangled Love" (Chaotic Rein, #1) of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 7, 2019 |

Release Date-13/4/18

Oh, this book it has broken me down to the core then put the shattered pieces of me back together all in the name of fiction.
Tangled love By Haley Jenner is a masterpiece of intensity and feeling.
Leaving me ultimately bereft, so deep did this burrow down into the marrows of my very soul.
The tangled threads of Codi and Parkers love along with the betrayal of everything that Codi imagined mattered to her leaves her a broken shell of a woman.
Parker broke Codi.

But in doing so he also broke himself hindsight is a total bummer and misery loves company.
In seeking revenge or vengeance in the name of a mother who would have been devastated and ashamed at the men her sons had become, these boys are reaching new lows.
Her boys evolving into Monsters, all in her name.
Heartbreaking, and the last thing this mother would have ever wanted.

Parker and Rocco have eventually become everything they once despised and looked down on.
The father's sins have ultimately become the sons bringing this whole sorry saga full circle in a macabre dance where the innocent is always the loser and blood is the currency.

So watching the pile of cards come tumbling down around Parker's ears was a kind of karmic justice.
The struggle he faced pulled between his brother Rocco and his love for a woman he knows does not deserve his hate and wrath was as sweet as it was painful.
And when this whole sorry mess eventually implodes in a dramatic take no prisoners fashion, It was kind of therapeutic to behold the suffering Parker had brought on himself through his own twisted actions.
I was such a proud mama bear watching the way Codi handled herself in the moment and also in the eventual aftermath.
She was strong and courageous such a fighter.
But what was saddest was watching her eyes opened to the cruel world around her.
She had had her naivety and rose coloured specs ripped from her eyes.
And for a while, I wondered how she would fare.
She had gifted her heart away and now was dealing with the fallout of that duplicity.
You expect the person that claims to love you to want to protect that organ with every breath in there body not rob you of your last.

Loved the ending especially that the author didn't gloss over the betrayal suffered here.
It wasn't rushed and played out exactly how it should.
As she can see from the above ramblings this story had such a profound effect on me.
It was so very well written and such an incredibly emotive tale that I could not give it less than its deserved full five stars.
There was so much going on here and even when I wanted to hate certain individuals I couldn't help but also relate.
Haley Jenner has done a great job of humanising what should have been unredeemable.
So bravo lady.
This story has imprinted on me and it will be one I couldn't and wouldn't want to forget.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with an ARC of "Tangled Love" (Chaotic Rein, #1) of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
carpathian1974 | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 7, 2019 |
5 stars

Holy crikey. This book was recommended to me so I decided is give it a shot. The blurb was compelling but sweet lawd... It did not prepare me for the rollercoaster of emotions that this book was going to evoke.

The author touches on a pretty painful and often dismissed aspect of how to live life after a traumatic event. My heart hurts for Annabelle and Archer. Phenomenal characters, secondary characters, steam, and a mind blowing amount of details make this story resonate on so many levels.

I cannot wait for Jake's story.
MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.9 stars

Sweet holy hell. This author combo is sublime. How I had never heard of them I will never know. The setting and foundations of these stories is in a league all their own. Character development and steamy moments are some of the best out there.

If I could remember who recommended this series I would be giving them a huge cyber but and buying them a coffee.

Anxious to see where this series goes next.
MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.9 stars

Everything about this story was perfection. I love the fact that all the previous characters have an integral role in this book even though this is Bennett and Darc'is story. These aren't just friends but rather family.

I cannot wait to read about Lica and Francesca.
MagicalRi | 1 altra recensione | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Give me any reason to see these characters again and I am all about it. I love all of them and their connection tot hat proves that family comes in many different ways.

I'm dying for Luca and Frankie next.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.7 stars

Sweet holy hell. Is there anything that this author duo cannot write? I didn't think anything could compete with the Maple series. I was wrong. Suspense, revenge, anticipation, love, steam, loyalty, and betrayal. This book had it all. Fantastic characters and story development. Loved Codi and Parker.

I sure hope Rocco and Camryn get their story. Both of them left me intrigued. I need to see if Ryn can heal from her past.
MagicalRi | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 15, 2019 |
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