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Charlotte JayCentro di assistenza

Autore di Beat Not the Bones

13 opere 218 membri 12 recensioni 1 preferito

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Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) Charlotte Jay was the pseudonym of Geraldine Halls, born Geraldine Mary Jay in Adelaide, Australia. She attended the University of Adelaide and worked as a shorthand typist and court stenographer. She married Albert Halls, an Orientalist who worked with UNESCO and as an antiques dealer. With her husband, she traveled to many exotic locations that she later featured in her books. She adopted the pen name Charlotte Jay in 1951 for her mystery and crime novels, beginning with The Knife Is Feminine. Beat Not the Bones (1953), her third book, won the newly-created Edgar Allan Poe Award of the Mystery Writers' Association of America for Best Novel of the Year in 1954. She also wrote several books under her real name, including The Cats of Benares (1967).

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