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Onley JamesRecensioni

Autore di Unhinged

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Jericho's Boys is a spinoff of the author's Necessary Evils series and revolves around the "strays" Jericho Navarro (and by marriage, Atticus Mulvaney) has taken under his wing. The second book revolves around Levi Akira and the interest he takes in Shiloh Mizrahi when Shiloh tries to kill him.

This is very similar to the Necessary Evils series but with feelings - from both love interests! So similar that not everyone will be able to overlook it, but generally if you loved that series then you'll love this. For me, it was just enjoyable - an easy way to relax with a story I know is going to deliver with humour, steam, feels and a little bit of murder.

Unlike the first book, I would say that you could get away without reading Necessary Evils. There's a few cameos and a comment about Project Watchtower (the secret government black ops school for psychos - i.e. or The Watch series) but there's not really any references to past history. On the other hand Necessary Evils is freaking amazing and the enjoyment of this one is stronger if you have. So you should. But not necessary.

Also unlike the Necessary Evils series this was fairly tame on the violence. The large majority of the book is hurt comfort romance. Towards the end though the violence starts with an appearance of the Mulvaney's. But even then it wasn't quite as vicious, the large majority happens off page.

I liked the romance between Levi and Shiloh but I loved Shiloh's brother, Mal. I can't wait to read Mal and Nico's story, they're totally awesome. Plus Mal interacting with August was just funny. I really want them to become besties. The plot itself - I enjoyed the backstory with Shiloh and his brothers. I liked seeing it all unfold and reveal what was going on. Even if it was a bit annoying with how slow the reveal was. Still it was a good plot, even if slightly weak. The brother connecting everything to find the Mulvaney's seemed a bit thin. But fiction.

So a slightly dark, but generally pretty tame, morally grey romance with lots of hurt comfort and a bunch of wacky characters. Was it perfect? No. Did I enjoy it? Hell yes. 4.5 stars, rounded to 5.
funstm | Aug 13, 2024 |
Thomas Mulvaney has long theorised that psychopaths are a necessary evil of society - nature's way of providing those strong enough to take out the worst elements of humanity. The Watch is a secret government training facility to continue his research into the ability to refocus psychopathic tendencies into productive government sanctioned work.

The Watch is a spinoff of the Necessary Evils, Elite Protection Services and Jericho's Boys series, but can be read as a standalone. Archer Mulvaney and Mac Shepherd (Necessary Evils #6: Lunatic) both appear, as does Adrian Mulvaney (Necessary Evils #7: Maniac) but although enjoyable reading, none of the other series need to be read to follow the plot.

The Bone Collector follows Park Chen, a black op assassin spy turned Watchtower instructor and his ward, Gift Ayutthaya - his best friend's son who's recently been the target of an attempt on his life. When Park is invited to the school, Gift tags along and begins the handlers program.

Onley James knows how to write an engaging violent story with lots of romance, humour and spice. This was no exception. I've been eagerly anticipating the release and it didn't disappoint. Gift was adorable and the chemistry between him and Park was burning. The relationship had me invested from the word go.

As for the rest of the characters, they were fantastic. I loved the whole cast of characters and was glad that SPOILERS for Necessary Evils #7: Maniac Adrian gets closure about his biological father (who originally foisted him off on Thomas). Plus the whole thing being the psychopaths final exam was freaking hysterical. I was highly amused by the fact the handlers are being referred to as the feelings faction. I loved that in Necessary Evils so it was nice to see it continue. The banter between the instructors and students was hilarious and had me laughing at the absolute ridiculousness. It was perfect. I can't wait for the next book. 5 stars.
funstm | 1 altra recensione | Feb 23, 2024 |
This was a sound beginning to the new series - not amazing, but really good. I love the fact that even though I can kind of see the way the story will go, there were lots of twists and turns that I did not anticipate. It is even more fun to look back and see the foreshadowing and clues I missed. The pace was consistent and fast, the characters developing and growing, and the worldbuilding remained consistent.
What kept it from a 5 for me? It was a bit unbalanced - it felt like 90% seduction and sex and 10% murder and mayhem. Onley usually hits a bit more balance. It would have felt better if the assignment had been explored a bit more in-depth by the students. That whole area felt like an afterthought. Getting Kendrick was skipped entirely and what was the point of purposeless torture? Could they not have had information they had to get? It just felt pointless and then they didn't even do cleanup. Cleanup has always been a necessary - if hated - part that brought something down-to-earth into it.
DragonJude | 1 altra recensione | Nov 15, 2023 |
I loved each and every one of these, is it too much to start them all again now?
Danielle.Desrochers | 4 altre recensioni | Oct 10, 2023 |
Jericho's Boys is a spinoff of the author's Necessary Evils series and revolves around the "strays" Jericho Navarro (and by marriage, Atticus Mulvaney) has taken under his wing. The first book follows Arseny Lebedev - mechanic, gamer and sometimes killer - as he finds more than expected on his most recent murder job; a grown human being who has been kept in a cupboard - Ever.

This is very similar to the Necessary Evils series but with feelings - from both love interests! So similar that not everyone will be able to overlook it, but generally if you loved that series then you'll love this. For me, it was just enjoyable - an easy way to relax with a story I know is going to deliver with humour, steam, feels and a little bit of murder.

In terms of needing to read Necessary Evils first - you could probably get by without but I wouldn't particularly recommend it. The romance and most of the plot stands up but there's a lot of character backstories and in jokes that don't really make sense without Necessary Evils. Some of it is explained but most of it isn't. It undoubtedly makes the narrative stronger if you have and frankly - much more enjoyable.

Arsen was a loveable giant who just wanted to take care of Ever. Ever was a mix of Noah (#1: Unhinged) and Arlo (#3.5: Damaged). A small hurt and slightly damaged pixie of love and sunshine with a tiny savage side. His jealousy was very amusing and I loved that Arsen was a bit oblivious to the attention he got. To be fair I was always going to love Ever - he's a book addict. There's just something about voracious readers you have to love. Especially ones that are named after Happily Ever After.

As for the romance, Arsen and Ever were super sweet together and the sex burned hot. Arsen made a few missteps in confronting trauma but I appreciated that he was doing his best and that he was willing to ask for help when he mucked up. I loved that all Jericho's Boys were invested in spoiling Ever and helping him try out all his firsts. The breakfast at the diner with all the random diners buying their favourite breakfast foods for Ever to try was heartwarming. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that the world isn't all full of bad people and terrible deeds.

Unlike the Necessary Evils series this was fairly tame on the violence. The large majority of the book is hurt comfort romance. Towards the end though the violence starts with an appearance of Avi, Asa and Atticus Mulvaney. But even then it wasn't quite as vicious, the large majority happens off page.

So a slightly dark, but generally pretty tame, morally grey romance with lots of hurt comfort and a bunch of wacky characters. Was it perfect? No. Did I enjoy it? Hell yes. 4.5 stars, rounded to 5.
funstm | 1 altra recensione | Jul 23, 2023 |
Adam and Noah are low-key cute together
Ellennewa | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2023 |
So I am at the close of the series and I am feeling so bittersweet with Maniac. As much as I loved this one here, it was still tough to read it. Because I knew it would be at the end of the series, I do know that there is a new series coming up that has some connecting books connected to this one. But in this one is where we finally get the romance between Aiden and Thomas. These two we have been seeing their built up relationship throughout the whole series and it was packed with everything that I have come to love in this series but its definitely a bit more emotional and hard to read at times. We definitely get to see the side to Thomas side to his story and it was really hard to see so much of his vulnerabilities be shown as in previous books he has been this commanding alpha leader of the group.

We really get to see the depths and history to their relationship and seeing them work through their issues is hard to see because they both have been hurting each other but seeing them learn to fight for each other instead of battling each other constantly was so wonderful to see. To see their relationship really come together was epic and I loved seeing the epilogue and what their lives are like in the future. Definitely eager to see what the author comes up with next.
addictofromance | 4 altre recensioni | May 21, 2023 |
I have avidly read the Necessary Evils series and have waited patiently for Paladin, the first of the new series, Jericho’s Boys. I also freely admit to having a strong bias in that I love Onley James’ writing style. Paladin did not disappoint me.

The characters are richly developed and the context they are set in is vibrant. I was just starting to feel like an element was missing in chapter 14, when, with fantastic pacing, Onley deftly inserted the next twist in the story and that feeling was washed away as the plot developed even more.

In addition to the fact that Onley’s writing is not only entertaining, and her attention to detail creates a world we can immerse ourselves in, her subject matter is incredibly thought-provoking. Read the following quote and then tell me - how would you answer the question given?
“Killing was wrong. But Ever had met a lot of bad, wrong people since Jennika bought him and Arsen didn’t feel bad about what he did to her. None of them felt bad. Even if they did bad things. But was it really bad? Killing Jennika had saved him. Arsen had referred to her as a horrible person. And she was. The worst kind of person. So, what was the real sin? Allowing an evil person to keep hurting innocents or wiping out the evil to protect others?”
Onley, I eagerly await Rouge and the next step in Jericho’s Boys.
Interested in a more in-depth review? Check me out at
DragonJude | 1 altra recensione | May 17, 2023 |
Lunatic is the 6th installment in the "Necessary Evils" series and we are coming to a close with this series and my heart is full of bittersweet feels. I have just loved this journey that this author has taken us on, but at the same time I don't want to see this family go. There is so much endearing moments that I have loved and the way in which this author can entertain and make me laugh which is rare especially in a dark romance. I really adore the way in which this author has implemented certain aspects.

Lunatic is the story of Archer, who is the "drunk" of the family or at least thats what we think he is. There are so many secrets that are revealed in this one here. I really enjoyed the way in which this author implemented Archer's story because I feel like we learn so much about his character and wow some family drama gets revealed. We definitely see a side to Archer that has been hidden until now. Where we see the man he truly is and not the image that he presents to everyone including his family and only Thomas, his father, knows the truth. This has some enemies to lovers vibes though and I really enjoyed the way that this author handled this type of tension. And thankfully it doesn't last too long. I love it when there is angst but it gets resolved earlier on so that we can see good aspects of relationship building and we definitely see that in this one here.

Lunatic is a story that was full of laughs for this reader and honestly once the family gets involved in the mix I just adored seeing the differing bantering aspects that is delivered. The romance itself was so interesting. It has so much angst in the beginning and some hate fuc*ing and it was delicious. I loved the way that these two go at it with each other and its done in a way that is so entertaining. But my goodness we had so many fun elements with this one. And there is plenty of intrigue and suspense on this one in searching out murders and rapists of immigrants and that was a interesting plot line I wasn't expecting this author to touch base on. Thankfully the author walked a fine line not to get political on it, just ethical so it worked for me. And she left us with such a teaser on Thomas and Aiden and boy their book is going to be a wild ride and I can't wait for it.

Overall I had a blast with Lunatic and this author definitely delivers on badass MM romance!
addictofromance | 3 altre recensioni | May 17, 2023 |
Well Onley James has DONE it again! I absolutely adored this book. It was superb in every way. In this one we get Avi's story. I was so ready for his book especially after Asa got his book and I was curious if we would get more insight into their connection as twins. I also was curious to see how Avi and Felix would be together and I actually really loved this. The author really got creative with some of the character dynamics. I really was so drawn into their dynamic and there was so much depth to their story. And both Avi and Felix are NOT what they appear on the surface. There are so many layers to their individual personalities that the author really made shine through in this one. The romance was really well done and if you love high spice, then you can depend on this author to deliver a full story that is beyond satisfying. We of course get a solid mystery and some bad people that they get to here haha I swear each time they never stop being "creative" in how they kill these bad peeps. I did love how passionate Felix was in going after these men that raped this girl. I loved that he was so determined to see it through. In ways that the main family group, just wasn't. I also really enjoyed seeing how the four of them (twins with their partners) got along together. And the ways that the twins would do "parent trap" to their partners was pretty hilarious, but it didn't work. Still they don't stop trying lol We also get a build up of the chemistry that is building between Thomas and Aiden so I am very curious where the author will take their story.

Overall I had a blast with this one and eager to continue with these books. Just loving this writing style of this author.
addictofromance | 3 altre recensioni | May 7, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Headcase is the 4th installment in the "Necessary Evils" series and I absolutely adored this book just as much as the previous ones. I was really curious in how this author would implement the "twins" and yeah like typical James fashion, it kicked booty! There is something about her writing style that sucks me right into the story. I was so hooked into this one and eager to see where this one was going and how she was going to develop it and yeah I SO wasn't expecting some aspects, but it was pure fun anyway. She definitely tends to keep me on my toes with these and I dearly loved it.

Headcase is the setup where we have our two protagonists: Asa and Zane. Zane is a aspiring journalist, and barely financially surviving. He is recovering from the loss of his brother who was as close to him as a twin would be. He needs a story and a big one, and he begins to focus on a plan to get a story on the Mulvaney family and he runs to Asa at a awards dinner. They share a passionate night together, and when Zane follows Asa on a job, Zane is now at risk. And now Asa will need to convince Zane not to go public with what he knows. But as they begin to work on a story with a mystery surrouding college suicides, things get definitely more real for Asa and now the greatest threat to Zane is his twin who will protect him no matter what....

My Outlook
I really had a blast with this one here, and it was so interesting seeing how this would be developed here. I was intrigued to see where the author would take this one. The twins books I have really been looking forward to, because throughout the series you can tell that their connection is deep and they a psychological connection. I really adored getting to Asa's book though. He really likes things in the bedroom a bit more animalistic and that was interesting and I really loved the unique on take on BDSM that happened in this one here. But both are completely into it and I really enjoyed Zane as a character. I get nervous around journalist characters, but the author wrote this one fairly well here. The romance is passionate hot and deep. I loved the interchange between these two, definitely delectable in every way. I was hoping for a bit more interactions with Avi and Zane to be honest, just because of how close the twins are, but maybe we will see that in Avi's book. Definitely hoping for that.

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 5
World Building: 5
Cover: 5
Hero: 5
Hero 2: 5
Steam: 5
Heart & Feels: 5
Ending: 5
Overall View: 5
addictofromance | 4 altre recensioni | Apr 29, 2023 |
This was simply ADORBS!!! One of my favorites from the series. And I always liked seeing more background into the mysterious lady hacker who just has charmed my socks off throughout the series so far and loved that we get to see another side to her.

I am actually glad I took a week off from this series, because I feel like I enjoyed this book more because of it. Although I do think you could read this one or book 4 first and it wouldn't cause any upset on the timeline of the series as I think they happen around the same time, or that was the impression I received from this one here.

In this book, we have our two main characters: Dimitri and Arlo. They became fast childhood friends and protected each other. Specifically Arlo was being abused, and Dimitri showed his psychopathic tendancies to his mother when he set Arlo's parents bed on fire when he saw how he was being abused by them. His mother moved them away. But the moment he had a drivers license he went for Arlo and has been by his side as his best friend ever since. But when Arlo becomes single and is being abused, Dimitri has had enough waiting and is going to claim Arlo as his.

I have to say that this book was so precious. I was worried how the author would handle the novella length of the story, but it honestly felt as fleshed out as the full length books although I wouldn't have minded seeing more of this couple. I liked them as much as the first two pairings so I mean these two will have my heart. I really adored this one, because in some ways they are seperate from the Mulveneys and I really enjoyed seeing the focus just being on Dimitri being a psychopath and not an assassin, it was just a different take on it.

Overall I had a blast with this one and I can't wait to explore more books in the series!
addictofromance | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 24, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Moonstruck was a book that I just couldn't resist picking up. I am not sure why I immediately picked this up, I think because I had been reading reviews that this one was better than Psycho, but also I had just come from the high of reading Psycho and needed to read more. I will say that if you love the style of this author and this series, then this is definitely going to be a fun addition. But I will be honest in that this book didn't quite do it for me, at least not in the ways that the first two books did. I am not sure its because I jumped into it right after Psycho, maybe these books are best with some pacing between them? I am not sure, but I will waiting till next week before I pick up Asa's book, just in case that is the reason and I also don't want to risk a slump. I am on a great track record of a year without one. But I will say that this one was entertaining, and I enjoyed so many aspects of it.

In this set up we have our protagonists "Atticus and Jericho" Atticus is the oldest son of Thomas Mulveney but is also the son that is the least accepted by the family, or that is how it appears to him. But while he is out on a job, he runs into another man who is also seeking to kill the same man and Jericho comes onto him sexually and they share a passionate one night stand. But when Jericho seeks him out, Atticus doesn't know how to deal with it yet. But as Jericho and Atticus explore each other, they also work together with their families to find the person who murdered Jericho's sister who was missing for years.

My Outlook
I found Moonstruck to be such a interesting read if I am being honest. I wasn't sure exactly what I thought of this one, but I was fascinated by Atticus' book. He is a sibling that everyone teases the worst and seeing his point of view was kinda sad in some ways especially in regards to his father. Because Atticus isn't the same like his brothers are in how it pertains to being a psychopath and seeing this side of him being fleshed out was so well done by the author. I was intrigued by Jericho but I will be honest in that I just wasn't quite as invested in their romance as I expected to be. I am not sure if it was just the timing of picking this one up or having read it right after Psycho, but I definitely think I need to pace myself with these books. I will say that there is a lot of steam in this one, more than the previous two books I feel like. Not that its a bad thing, but just felt a bit more focused than what we saw in previous books.

Overall View
I found Moonstruck to be a tantalizing addition to such a sensual thrilling series that has held my heart and keeping captivating it!

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 4
World Building: 4
Cover: 5
Steam: 5
Heart & Feels: 4
Overall View: 4
addictofromance | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 19, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Psycho is the second book in the Necessary Evils series. I absolutely couldn't put this one down at all!!! There is something about this author's writing that immediately pulls me into the story. These books are stalker romances, or at least that is the vibe that I am receiving so far. We shall see what the other books in the series are actually about. But so far it definitely has a strong stalker vibe. I would say that if you want to try out dark romance but one series that has plenty of humor, then these books are what you need to pick up and soon. I absolutely adored Psycho, maybe more than book one?? I am not sure which one so far I love more. But these two were so interesting and I really liked how the assassin was the sub in the bedroom, but not always so that was interesting. I also love that these are MM romances.

The story sets of with our brother "August" who is the genius of the brothers as he has the highest IQ but is also autistic. Then we have our other protoganist, who is a brilliant professor but also ex-FBI agent, Lucas who also happens to be on the run. August is determined to have Lucas and he knows that he is it for him. He doesn't understand what love is, but he understands he wants to keep Lucas for himself. At first its because Lucas is "Pretty" but August wants to get to the hidden layers. Lucas knows that he is in danger, and tries to put August off at first, because he knows he probably doesn't have long, but August will protect him no matter what...

My Outlook
This book was EVERYTHING! I absolutely adored it in so many ways. I think what I really enjoyed the most was seeing how this author implemented this here. I just loved this dynamic that we have in this one. And there is also some great BDSM being portrayed, August, I wouldn't say is a strict sub, probably closer to a switch when the situation calls for it. Its more to protect his partner than anything else but that scene when Lucas forces him to be his true self in the bedroom (SMOKIN and Brilliantly written) I think what draws me so easily into these books is the humor and charm with the mix of darker elements. Honestly normally Stalkers are fun to read but I can really see the appeal of these books and why so many readers have loved these so much!!! Because I am hooked on everything that combines these.

Now I do want to warn those that haven't read much dark romance or don't like torture scenes, skip these scenes if gore details bother you. I just skim over these because torture stuff isn't always my thing lol but Onley James writes it well and what I love the most is that the couple in the book does it together as a team and its not just the one that does it all the time.

My only complaint which didn't even affect my rating is the ending felt a bit rushed in comparison to the end of the first book.

Overall View
I found Psycho to be a brilliant story that captivated me from beginning to end and I am addicted to these and can't wait to delve deeper into the series!

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 5
World Building: 5
Cover: 5
Hero: 5
Hero 2 : 5
Steam: 5
Heart & Feels: 5
Ending: 4
Overall View:
addictofromance | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 19, 2023 |
This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Unhinged is the first book in the "Necessary Evils" series. I actually read this as an impulse random read which I like to do every once in a while. And what a wild ride this one turned out to be. I will be honest in that I absolutely adored everything about this book. And I see why so many love this book. It was so different especially for a MM romance, there was just something more to it than I normally receive in a MM romance. And I was all in for this. It was so interesting to see how this author was developing this world. And I was completely hooked into this one here. And you also never see MM romance in a dark romance so I really enjoyed the set up that the author implemented into this one here. I can guarantee this won't be my last Onley James.

Unhinged is a story that begins with our two protagonists: Adam and Noah. We see the beginnings of the family where the father, took in 7 boys who had been traumatized and would eventually be psychopaths and he wanted to nurture these elements to do some good for the world where he would train the boys to kill the worst of the worst of society that the justice system fails in. Adam is the youngest of the pack and killed the father of Noah, when Noah confronts him, he learns the truth about his father and all the trauma that he suffered as a boy that his blocked from him memory now and when it becomes apparent that his father wasn't the only culprit, he and Noah work together to bring them down while also building their relationship that is instant and strong...

My Outlook
This book, just left me completely speechless and I completely understand why so many rave about it. I absolutely loved this in every way and in fact is going to be one of my top favorite MM romances even. There was something so deeper in this book that just resonated more with me just as a reader. I love seeing diversity being represented, but this author does it so flawlessly and I have so much respect for how certain elements were handled in this one here.

If you just love dark romance and some stalking or some assassin characters ,then I highly recommend this one to you. I guarantee that you will fall in love with this one as I did. And all the laughs, I was so entertained by the writing in this one. But man did I swoon too. I just adored how Adam is all in for Noah even though he doesn't comprehend love or romance or relationships at all, he just sees Noah as his and thats all that matters and he will fight for him. We are also introduced to all of his brothers and man they are a HOOT!! Loved his father too because I think he just accepts Noah in a way that takes longer for the other to but loved seeing him test the waters with Noah, it was pretty entertaining and you just know that is such a "parental thing" haha

The romance itself was so endearing. We also see elements of BDSM both in the relationship but also some healing aspects to it which I always love seeing in a romance. You definitely will get a kick out of this one if you are a MM lover. Definitely encourage you to pick this up if you like these aspects in a story, I promise you won't be able to put this one down!

Overall View
I found Unhinged to be a delectable read that I couldn't seem to get enough of and was so fascinating in all the details, and need more to indulge in and soon!

Rating Evaluation:
Plot: 5
World Building: 5
Hero: 5
Hero 2: 5
Steam: 4
Heart & Feels: 4
Ending: 4
Overall View: 4.5½
addictofromance | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 12, 2023 |
And --- rereading 1 --> 6 in preparation for Maniac. YES

ORIGINAL REVIEW: What is love? Something that binds people together and is tied off with a love language ** for this family murder is their love language. Dark, twisted, and strangely satisfying. I will be reading - and rereading - this series (can not wait) for years to come.
DragonJude | 11 altre recensioni | Apr 5, 2023 |
This is the final book in the Necessary Evils series. It’s the book I’m waiting for since the meeting of the siblings to discuss Aiden and Thomas. I really love this book. It ends this family series perfectly and holds so much possibilities for future books we’re they can show their face. I reread and listened this series so often, yes even this one have I read already twice, I never can let them go.
I love all the boys. I find it a bit difficult to write a review for just this book. It is a 5* read but so is the whole series and together they deserve so much more than 5*.
Senhina | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 23, 2023 |
Maniac, the 7th and final book in the Necessary Evils Series is a must-read.

I could not put it down once I started reading. It has all the good stuff: A well-built plot, developed and interesting characters, twists I did not see coming, love, hate, laughter, and sizzling hot fun. Most of all it managed to do what the final book in a series should do but many fail to.

It gave a satisfying read that tied up loose threads and wrapped up a storyline while not letting the reader develop “book fall” - that feeling an avid reader gets when they finish an excellent series and feel the emotional impact of an end. How? Onley James crafted a wrap-up that delivered satisfaction while it also included the possibility and tease of two new series – one of which is already in the works. Jerico’s Boys. Can not wait!
DragonJude | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 16, 2023 |
Necessary Evils follows the Mulvaney family; seven men who were diagnosed as psychopaths as children and adopted by billionaire Thomas Mulvaney. By day, the men lead normal lives, by night, they channel their psychopathic tendencies to kill those who the justice system fail to prosecute. Maniac is the long awaited final book in the Necessary Evils series - Thomas and Aiden's story.

I have been super curious since the beginning as to what happened between these two and this didn't disappoint. We get the truth behind Thomas' past, the issues that have stopped them from being together and the family reveal - which, as always, is bloody hilarious.

Thomas backstory is pretty horrific - on the other hand I hate that he let it influence his entire life - an entire life he could have had with Aiden. I also wasn't keen on the fact there's not a whole lot of conversation between the two. They didn't really discuss their issues - just sort of fell back in together and rolled with it. But for all I did want more, I hardly noticed while reading. I was swept away with their story and pretty much didn't surface for air until I'd finished.

This wasn't as bloodthirsty as the previous books - which makes sense seeing as Thomas is part of the feelings faction and Aiden isn't exactly a psychopath. It focused more on Thomas and Aiden, Thomas' past and worrying about how the kids would take their relationship. (Spoiler alert; they've known for like 6 books) The blackmail plot was interesting and I loved that the whole Mulvaney clan appeared. And that they get to meet Calliope!

So I'm sad this series is finished but I'm very excited to hear that there's going to be two spinoff's in the works - one of the Watch (the school Mac and Archer run) and one about Jericho's Boys. Hopefully there'll be more great psychopaths to love. 4.5 stars, rounded to 5.
funstm | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 16, 2023 |
Necessary Evils follows the Mulvaney family; seven men who were diagnosed as psychopaths as children and adopted by billionaire Thomas Mulvaney. By day, the men lead normal lives, by night, they channel their psychopathic tendencies to kill those who the justice system fail to prosecute. The first novella of the series, Damaged, features Dimitri and Arlo. Dimitri is the son of Calliope and born psychopath. Arlo, the obsession Dimitri can't shake.

Holy fk. Calliope! Dimitri! I've been wondering about Calliope's backstory and I was so excited to find out more. Honestly my biggest problem with this book was that it wasn't full length. I would've really liked for the backstory to be expanded on. Well that and I would've liked for Arlo to have a less tragic past.

Dimitri and Arlo were adorable with their secret crushes and it helped to make the instalove feel a bit more established. The banter between them was amusing and Dimitri's friend, Jason had me cackling. I loved that the Mulvaney's make an appearance and that August takes Dimitri and Arlo under his wing so to speak. He advises them that no body equals no murder. I loved his solution for dealing with the judge too. The problem with being corrupt is that if they think they're getting away with a murder, they'll help to cover it up and by the time they realise something's wrong - the evidence is long gone. It was inspired.

Another great addition to the series. 5 stars.
funstm | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 2, 2023 |
Time Served is a spinoff of Elite Protection Services. The first book follows Elite Protection Services tech expert, Nicholas Webster and his childhood protector, Cyrus Whittaker.

Webster was six when his mum married Cyrus' dad. Cyrus spent a whole year looking after him - until he was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Ever since, Webster has been looking for a way to prove his innocence and get him out of prison. Only, instead of finding a way out, he manages to find a way in.

I really enjoyed this. Onley James has a way of writing that draws you into the story and keeps you flipping through pages at a rapid clip. In this case I'm not entirely sure why because they spend most of their time in a prison cell and very little happens to keep the plot moving - but I was riveted.

I liked Webster in the Elite Protection Services and I enjoyed him in this. His relationship with Cyrus was sweet and I loved the connection they have. I would've liked to see more investigating or more of their relationship outside of a cell but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It is what it is, a steamy romantic read with light touch of danger and suspense, with a dash of mystery. 4 stars.
funstm | Jan 26, 2023 |
Satisfying is a short novella in the Elite Protection Services series, featuring the older brother of Robby Shaw (from book 3, Exasperating), Jacob Shaw and boxer and sometimes Elite guard, Killian Connolly. Connolly made a brief appearance in book 4, Infuriating but otherwise both characters are unknowns.

This was a pretty quick novella with limited backstory and plot. It was alright. The romance between Connolly and Jacob was sweet and steamy, if not ridiculously fast and without any build up to how they got there. Honestly the blurb gave me more information than the novella did.

This was a lot more lighthearted than the rest of the series and had some funny lines - it was everything you expect out of a novella. 3 stars.
funstm | 1 altra recensione | Jan 3, 2023 |
Infuriating is the fourth book in the Elite Protection Services series and features company founder, Jackson Avery, as he falls for his newest client, camboy, Dayton Daniels.

I really liked this one. I feel like this series has gotten better with each new book. The characters are more developed, the plots are more complex and the romance steamier.

My biggest complaint is the name Dayton. It just made me think of that Daytona car racing arcade game and it was annoying. Particularly when they called him Day. It's minor but it was a problem for me. There's also the whole daddy kink in this one. It's a bit more frequent than the first book but also less somehow? Maybe because there's a better balance between sex and plot. It's not as consuming, which made it easier to deal with. I can read it, but it's not my thing.

The rest of the book was excellent though. I enjoyed the plot - it was a good mix of investigation and fluff and other people with the steam. The romance between them was better balanced than Wyatt and Linc too. Maybe because although Day is a bit of a hot mess, Jackson's got his shit together. For all I liked Wyatt and Linc, they felt a bit toxic at times, whereas Jackson and Day felt like they had a bit more of a stable foundation. Which was interesting seeing as they're the only ones that aren't married by the end.

I loved the secondary characters in this. Kevin the cat was fantastic. Wyatt was his usual snarky self. And Charlie appeared which is always hilarious. Particularly this gem;

If binge-watching Discovery Investigates has taught me nothing else, it’s that danger lurks around every corner and being married is a hazard to a woman’s health.” Wyatt scoffed, but Charlie didn’t back down. “What? It’s true. Marriage makes men stabby. The husband always did it.”

James, Onley. Infuriating (Elite Protection Services Book 4) (p. 229). Kindle Edition.

And I loved how when Jackson needs them, the whole gang drop their plans and turn up.

The only people who were supposed to be there were Webster and Hurley, who’d flown in to take a meeting with a potential client.
“What’s everybody doing here? How is everybody here?”
“Day’s our friend,” Wyatt said.
“Yeah,” Charlie seconded. “We want to help.”
Jackson looked to Shepherd and Calder. “You guys don’t work here anymore.”
“We were in town for Charlie’s birthday,” Robby said, smiling at the brunette sitting cross-legged on the conference room table. “You’ve stepped up for us, even when we no longer worked for you. Now, it’s our turn,” Shepherd said. Elijah smiled at his husband before nodding his head towards Wyatt. “He says this boy, Day, means something to you. So, he means something to us. We’re all here until we find him.”
“You always show up for your family,” Calder said.
The others bobbed their heads in agreement.

James, Onley. Infuriating (Elite Protection Services Book 4) (pp. 289-290). Kindle Edition.

Aww. 4 stars.
funstm | 1 altra recensione | Jan 2, 2023 |
Exasperating, the third book in Elite Protection Services, follows bodyguard/private investigator, Calder Seton and actor ex of Elijah (from Captivating), Robby Shaw. Unlike, the first book which was emotionally heavy and the second book which was closer to the Necessary Evils style, Exasperating will appeal to romantic suspense readers - those who like a bit of danger and investigation with their romance.

I liked Calder and Robbie. Calder was funny in the last book and got funnier in this one. His friendship with Linc was gold. Robbie mainly got my attention in the last one because Calder was busy paying him attention. He came into his own in this though, developing into a complex and intriguing character. Their relationship was sweeter than I was expecting but it was still as steamy as you'd expect from Onley James. Which is to say boiling hot.

I loved that Charlie and Wyatt continue to make their appearances. They're always ready with a quip at hand. I kind of want to see Charlie get a happy ever after.

The danger and investigation is interesting but doesn't play a large role. The religious plot played a very small role until the last few chapters - but it got kind of preachy at the end and I would've liked it better without. Still an easy, fast paced read with a decent chunk of romance, boiling hot steam, a bit of danger and a decent plot.

I'm kind of invested in this series now, so I'll definitely be picking up the next one. For this one though, 3.5 stars, rounded to 4.
funstm | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2023 |
Captivating is the second book in the Elite Protection Services series and features Mac Shepherd's twin brother, Jayne. This book is a lot closer in style and content to the Necessary Evils series and I liked it a lot more than the first book, Intoxicating because of it.

It probably also helped that this had slightly more of a plot and a larger cast of characters. It felt more fleshed out than the first book and more cohesive because of it. And it wasn't quite as dark and intense as the first book emotionally. There were still elements but not so strong that I was feeling it too.

Apart from that, I just really liked the main characters and the relationship between them. Elijah was a bit of a mess but I rated it. I liked his friendships with Wyatt and Charlie.

Shep was hilarious and I loved how him and Elijah were orbiting each other at a loss because they couldn't read one another. The only thing funnier was Shep's conversations with Mac.

“I don’t need to date him. I want him. I don’t need to test him out. I just want him to know I’ve…chosen him.” His brother barked out another surprised laugh. “He’s not chained up in your basement or anything, is he?” When Shep said nothing, his brother’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “Is he?” Shep frowned. “What? No. This house doesn’t even have a basement.”

James, Onley. Captivating (Elite Protection Services Book 2) (p. 134). Kindle Edition.

Together, Elijah and Shep were sweet and sexy and just seemed to work. And I loved it. 3.75 stars, rounded to 4.
funstm | 6 altre recensioni | Dec 31, 2022 |