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Bella HigginRecensioni

Autore di Belle Morte

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Glittery vampires have nothing to do with this high-tension packed read, where danger lurks behind every corner and the deception is thicker than blood.

The vampire haven, Belle Morte, has survived the attempt revolt but has suffered huge damage on the image vampires had in the human world. Where they were respected and awed before, mistrust and fear are digging their claws into human society. It will take a long time to regain trust, but the vampires are determined to win it back....that's if they can hunt down the last rogues. Although still human, Renie is determined to help her friends and sets off as a liaison between humans and vampires, since the vampires' seclusion from the human world has left them more than a little out-of-touch. But even this position will be more dangerous than any adventure she's faced so far.

While I have read one of the first books in this series, it's been a while back. So, my memory was more than a bit hazy. This didn't prove to be a problem, though, since the author has woven just enough background story in to make it easy to sink into this world. I still recommend reading this as a series.

This is a fast-paced, high-tension read and drives forward the entire way through. As an action-girl, I was thrilled and read this in only two sittings (and that because I did need sleep). Well-woven intrigue mixes with mystery and increasing danger to keep the reader guessing until the very end. Every time the intentions seemed clear, it would twist in unexpected ways. The danger raised with every page as did the brutality. But then, vampires aren't exactly pink, puffy creatures.

The unique relationship between the vampires and humans gains depth thanks to the mix of remaining star-struck attitudes (as seen in the books before) with fear and hate. It adds an interesting back and forth as Renie deals with the police, and works in thoughts surrounding societal views, reactions, prejudices, and more. There are also smaller subplots worked in, which take peeks at human nature. Of course, there's the romance, which works well enough and adds more emotion.

This is a grabbing read with tons to enjoy. At times, some aspects didn't click quite as smoothly as they could, but it wasn't enough to break the fun. The romance also hit a little off on the emotional and pacing for me, but I'm pretty sure this is just a personal thing, and many readers will sink right in.

I do recommend this one to vampire fans, who enjoy romance with intrigue, mystery, action, and very high-stakes.
tdrecker | Feb 23, 2024 |
This sequel, to Belle Morte, picks up quickly after the end of the first book. Renie has been turned into a vampire and is dealing with the consequences of that. She's angry and ready to take everyone down.

What I love about this series is the amazing characters. From the vampires - new and old - to the human donors, all of them play a part in this series and they all have their own personality without being muddled. And the relationship that is found for all is awesome, too. Renie and Edmond are just everything, but her relationship with Roux and Jason is beautiful to see, too.

I will say that the story wasn't as good as the first book, but that doesn't mean I wasn't interested or invested. The pacing seemed to be rushing to get everything over with. Things happened so fast sometimes, the main didn't even realize what was happening. This book does end everything nicely and wraps it all up without a cliffhanger.

I'd hate for Renie, Edmond, and the others to have to endure more pain with more sequels, but I'd absolutely read more of this world and characters. Give this series a chance and hopefully enjoy it like I do.½
dndizzle | 1 altra recensione | May 8, 2023 |
Nonstop action keeps the reader turning pages in this sequel to Belle Morte. After an attack on their vampire house, Edmund turned Renie to keep her from permanently dying. As Renie struggles to adjust to being a vampire, she, Edmund and some vampire and human friends are forced to run when they find the plot extended way deeper into their world than they had dreamed.

As they battle for survival, the fate of the truce between vampires and humans rests in their success.

This book was more focused on the war between different vampire houses than on romance, though some light romantic elements still made it in. Edmund still adores Renie and others made romantic connections.

I enjoyed spending time with Renie and Edmund again and seeing what kind of a couple they could be now that Renie is on an even footing with Edmund.
Asingrey | 1 altra recensione | Apr 23, 2023 |
Many thanks to NetGalley, Bella Higgin and Wattpad Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.

This is one of those cases of know what you’re getting and expect that. Vampires, check. Angry girl who doesn’t want to fall in love, check. Sexy vampire she can’t resist, check. Trope filled story, check. Problems with the writing, check. Fun read, check!

So even with the obvious threads to every other vampire story out there, I still enjoyed it. Vampires have come out to the modern world and are now the new celebrities. There are five houses where you can volunteer to become a living blood donor. Renie wants to find her sister who became a living donor and has now disappeared. The only way to get in is to become a living donor herself. Oh yeah and she hates vampires.

It is a interesting take to have the vampires out in the real world and become our culture’s new focus for adoring fans. The mystery to what happened to June was also interesting. There is Edmond’s story and some vampire history which is always expected and appreciated. (But really, does every vampire have to be named Ed-something??)

There are two different POVs, Renie and Edmond. I know some people found it problematic or not enjoyable, but I didn’t mind it. Yes, the first person/third person writing was weird. This is a Wattpad story turned novel but really, was I picking up a vampire romance for its literary value, no. Like I said, know what you’re getting and don’t complain when you get it. The ending was very predictable. I agree with most of the review out - there were some issues, but I still enjoyed it and will be picking up the next one in the series.
PinkPurlandProse | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 23, 2023 |
This review is from NetGalley ARC.

I like how the book doesn't shy away from mature themes. The story is also refreshing, I haven't read a story about modern settings, and a willing donor for vampires. And for once, the girl who caught the vampire's eyes is actually spunky and independent, and she shows it. The 2 mystery of the book was also nicely written, I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure it out until the very end. And the cliffhanger ending! I read this book in one sitting and wow, I want book 2 NOW!
AceArtemis7 | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 5, 2022 |
Series Info/Source: This seems to be the first book in a series. I got an eGalley of this book through NetGalley. I can only say shame on me for being drawn in by a pretty cover.

Thoughts: This was a pretty bad book. I was expecting kind of a mediocre YA vampire fantasy going in and what I got was a bit worse than that.

The premise here is simple (just like the whole plot). Renie's sister volunteered to be a donor at one of the glitzy vampire houses (vampires have recently outed themselves and everyone is cool with that). Then her sister disappeared. Now Renie has offered to be a donor in order to get inside the house of Belle Morte to solve the mystery of her sister's disappearance.

Of course while she is there she meets a hot vampire and gets into a forbidden relationship with him too! Hmmm….this whole book and plot seem strangely familiar.

There was absolutely nothing in this book that wasn't expected and there was a lot of page space given to a lot of nothing at all. You can seriously skim most of this book and not miss much of the "story".

The characters were fairly one dimensional and not very easy to love; they were all just kind of silly.

The writing style itself was okay and not terribly difficult to read. I did think it odd that Renie's POV was first person and Edwards's POV was third person. Did I mention we switch back and forth between Renie's and Edward's (the main vamp protagonist) POV in typical YA paranormal romance style?

My Summary (2/5): Overall, in the end there wasn't anything I actually liked about this. It is a very quick and easy read which is the only reason I finished it. I guess if you are looking for a predictable and slightly trashy fan-fic-style YA vamp read you might enjoy this. It wasn't for me.
krau0098 | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2022 |
First, I want to thank NetGalley and Wattpad Books for sending over an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Now, on the book and what I thought.

The description drew me in. A girl, who doesn't like vampires, becomes a donor for vampires to find out about what happened to her older sister, who had always been a donor. Something about vampires will always crave to read more, but the interesting idea of this mystery made me want to read as well.

I really like Renie, the main character. She's strong and a fighter. She doesn't just accept things told to her. She needs to see things for herself. And Edmond? Oh my! 😍 Swoon. Also, Roux is just a badass. I really think people will love these characters and love them as much as I did.

Bella really does a great job of building up this interesting and unique world where vampires and humans co-exist. I do wish there was a bit more building and a little less slowness of conversation that wasn't very useful to the story. Some parts of the book are really slow and you really want to skip over it to move the story along. I also felt like the problem in the book was predictable. But it's still a fun, fast read that I HAVE to continue reading about.
dndizzle | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 15, 2022 |
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