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Fifty years ago, Plate Tectonics was a major breakthrough in the understanding of the Earth. It changed everyone's perspective. It had everyone talking. It opened a whole new way of thinking. It was a godsend to the scientific community. Too bad it's wrong.

Or so says (and shows) Marvin Herndon, an astrophysicist whose clear thinking and elegant explanations of the nature of the solar system made me want to read more about his take on Plate Tectonics.

The problem is that everyone was so excited with the solution, no one looked at the basic science and mechanics underlying it. In order for the molten mantle to move the continents around, there has to be convection in the mantle. But the mantle has it upside down. The bottom is heavy, and the top is lighter. Convection, if you've ever boiled water, works the opposite way. A differential in density and temperature causes top heavy fluid to sink to the bottom, and lighter fluid to rise to the top. That's the cycle - the opposite of what exists in the mantle. So convection cannot be at work in the Earth's mantle even in theory.

Herndon shows convincingly that the ocean floors are expanding, cracking and infilling without any need to rely on convecting lava below. It also turns out that the ocean floors are made of much harder rock basalt than the continental rock of mountain ranges. Herndon describes mountain formation as the result of crimping of the surface to conform to the flatter curvature of the expanding Earth. The ocean floor basalt is the real crust of the Earth.

In this short ebook, Herndon turns the standard theory of the Earth on its ear, showing conclusively it was not only not thought through, it is provably and demonstrably wrong. His Whole Earth Decompression Dynamic theory makes far more sense, and is quite provable. It says the Earth began as a Jupiter-like gas giant. When the sun ignited, it blew away the gas, and the Earth has doubled in size since, as the removal of 300 earth masses of gas pressure allowed it to relax.

Herndon's major book, Maverick's Universe, which I also reviewed, is an earlier, greatly expanded version of this ebook. The ebook is much more concise and updated, and contains far better graphics. It's a fine introduction to a history-making mind at work.

David Wineberg
DavidWineberg | Jun 11, 2013 |
Unified Theory hiding in plain sight

There are two remarkable things about Maverick’s Earth and Universe. The first is the elegant, complete and comprehensive theory of the Earth and the solar system, which is so radically different, you simply must read the book. The second is that this package of theories has been in development since 1979(!) yet remains essentially unknown. The scientific community has worked hard to suppress it, in order to protect the reputations of those whose work is founded on the faulty theories of the past. That makes this a blockbuster.

Dr. Herndon takes us through his thought process, filling in with basic science as we go. And for the most part (thankfully), basic science is all we need to understand it. That alone makes it more valuable than the patchwork of theories that never really worked together, and essentially hid under the cover of too-technical-for-you science. Herndon says real science is constantly challenging itself, not building on false foundations or hiding better science from view. But he also cites examples going back to Galileo where those sentiments are ignored.

In a large nutshell:

-The inner planets of our solar system were gas giants, just like the outer four still are. Earth, for example, was 300 times larger, and its rock core was compressed by 300 earth masses of pressure from the gas surrounding it.
-The sun was also a gas giant, but it was ignited, most likely by the gas flare and fission explosion of another sun, which, Herndon shows with a dramatic photograph, can travel between galaxies.
-The sun’s ignition was so fierce it blew the gas covers off the inner planets, as well as a portion of Mercury itself, which ended up in pieces in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
-Earth, suddenly free of pressure, began to relax and expand. In its most compacted state, it was only 64% as big as it is today. This means it has essentially doubled in size.
-The expansion of Earth is what causes the cracking of the crust, creating long rifts like baseball seams up and down the ocean floors. And earthquakes. And volcanos.
-Mountains are crinkles caused by a steeper curvature area being forced to sit on a flatter surface. Imagine flattening half a tennis ball. Something’s got to give: the center gets crimped and the edges split.
-The center of the Earth is a nuclear georeactor of uranium in nickel silicide. It feeds itself continuously by gravity drawing the heavier uranium to the center.
-It is the georeactor that maintains our magnetic field, which protects us from solar wind. The sun can blow it back, but it can’t blow it away.
-The outer gas giant planets all generate more energy than they receive from the sun, showing they too all have georeactors at their cores.
-The core of the Earth is not a swirling convection oven. Convection is not possible in a sealed environment where there isn’t a large temperature difference between top and bottom. This throws portions of the plate tectonics theory into question, and is far from the only problem with it. Herndon’s theories encompass plate tectonics, but correct and adjust them.

What goes unsaid is The End. When I was in school, we learned that the sun will eventually swell to millions of times its size, consuming the inner planets before it burns out. Later on, the end was predicted to come earlier than that, as a nearby galaxy was calculated to be headed our way, and the slow motion intergalactic collision would be fatal to all. Now Herndon shows it is the georeactor at our core that will be our undoing, even before those other events. As the georeactor runs out of uranium, the magnetic field will fade away, leaving the sun to scorch the Earth. That has begun; measurements show it weakening. We haven’t even had a magnetic pole reversal in 700,000 years, when they used to occur every 200,000.

The elegance of this theory is that everything started out the same. All the planets were made of basically the same materials. All were gas giants. All generated their own energy (except possibly Venus, which is exceptional in many ways). The consistency of it all is a welcomed change from the patchwork of theories cobbled together to make the “standard model” sort of work.

Truth can be stranger than fiction, and this book puts hard facts behind concepts that science fiction writers would strain to imagine. It should be causing huge debate and countless studies. That it is not is testament to the insularity of science, the maintenance of the status quo, the protection of reputations, and the selfishness of egos.

This book will prove to be historically important, and like the Earth’s core, it is rock solid, replicable, verifiable science.
DavidWineberg | Apr 14, 2013 |
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