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9 opere 20 membri 14 recensioni

Opere di Paulette Harper

Living Separate Lives (2013) 3 copie, 2 recensioni
Princess Nevaeh: Lessons on Self Discovery (2014) 3 copie, 3 recensioni
Princess Nevaeh (2014) 3 copie, 3 recensioni
Resilience in Hard Times (2021) 3 copie, 1 recensione
Faith For Every Mountain (2017) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Arise From The Ashes, Anthology (2018) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Women Who Soar (2019) 1 copia, 1 recensione


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Title: THE BREAKING POINT ...When Life Requires a Shift
Author: Paulette Harper
Publisher: Thy Word Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"THE BREAKING POINT When Life Requires a Shift" by Paulette Harper

My Assessment:

Get ready for twenty different authors sharing their 'Breaking Point' and how they survived it all.

"The Breaking Point is stories by men and women about how they came to that turning point and were able to overcome adversity and reach their own personal breakthroughs in life.

Each story will encompass their unique struggle of how they overcame the challenges to find that they had the courage, the power, and the resolve to build their life again.

This book will serve as a potent reminder that everyone has the power to choose which direction they want for their own lives.

Are you ready to take the journey with us? Buckle your seatbelt. Your life will never be the same.

The Breaking Point... when life requires a shift!"

Your Visionary Author,

Paulette Harper

These reads are excellent, so other than telling the reader to pick up and read, here is a little glance at their stories. Once starting to will see how excellent each read is for the reader to take it all in enjoying the read. The reads will keep you turning the pages till the end, only left wanting more from these well-written stories that have been delivered to us.

So, let's start with...

CHAPTER 1 Love Broke Me, by Betty Collier

What happened in this person's life brought her boyfriend William and her back to each other? I will not answer the question because this is where I say you will have to pick up this read and see how these 14-year-olds have loved each other but broke up in HS and then something terrible happened that brought these two back together again. Will this be a lasting love?

I loved this quote: "Open their hearts to receive natural and supernatural love. Bless them to fully expect to love and be loved."

CHAPTER 2 OH Boy by Jane Efua Asamoah

Suffering through dysphoria...what happened when she heard a preacher saying, "Jesus says 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I'll give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 KJV)' His love does not lie in the 'loveableness' of the loved one being loved…." Why did she get her attention? Was she at the right place at the right time to start reading her scriptures and wanting to know about God? Why was her son Andrew so crucial in her accepting and following God? ...She had wanted a daughter, but God gave her a son that 'she would trade for any girl in the world.' You will have to pick 'OH BOY' up and see how things turned around for this mother to get the whole story.

CHAPTER 3 Almost Out for the Count, by Melissa Powell-Harrell

Why was I at my breaking point...where I wouldn't recover from another miscarriage after my third pregnancy...30 and no children? Now beyond being depressed...was this a punishment? Being diabetic, now I was pregnant again. What will I have to endure to keep this pregnancy? However, life was even more complicated when I found out that the father of my child was with another woman. More drama in her life...will she make it? One must remember, 'Don't settle, but know what you want and get it. You can get up from everything that tried to destroy you when God is with you.'

CHAPTER 4 Dust from the Lions Den by Vernice Cooper

I may not have had COVID-19, but something had taken over my body that caused me to be fearful. Will God be able to take care of me as He had Daniel? While wallowing in self-pity, why was I practicing accepting this illness? Finally, Vernice soon started doing what I should have done earlier:' pray for healing and expect my vulnerability to open me up to new possibilities.'

I will stop here and say pick up 'Dust from the Lions Den' and get the whole story...that 'God will not only deliver you, but He will also propel you to new heights when you are operating in obedience and purpose. I still get sick sometimes, but I no longer fret because I understand it is dust from the lion's den, and God is still on the throne.'




That is what this story was about!

CHAPTER 5 Tear Stained Pillow by Teresa Ward

Hypertension...was in my husband's family. I lived in panic and fear because he made 'poor food choices and disregarded the necessity of his prescribed medication.' What was I to do? How did she cope with this situation? Pick up this read and see how Teresa was led by God's beautiful blessings.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart" Psalm 3:5a KJV.

CHAPTER 6 Silent Killer by Sondra King

After six months of marriage, what happens when you notice 'little red flags' that you ignore? What happens when your love is questioned? This gentle person becomes a monster... he's always angry, bitter, spiteful, and resentful...its time to make a change.' How will this turn out for Sondra as she salts God's help? What happens when Sondra finally sees who the 'Silent Killer' was in her life and what she had to do? To get all of these questions answered and more, pick up this will help all that need it! "Don't kill your dreams, aspirations, or purpose. God has such a great plan for your life. Just trust his process."

CHAPTER 7 My Breaking Point to Manhood by Santos Howard

Being raised by a single mother, especially after hearing my father say... "That's not my son; that's a trick's baby. I heard it, and I just kept playing. It took forty-two years to realize the effects of what I heard my father say in his rejection of me." This rejection affected Santos for many, many years! As the story continues, we have 'My Conversion,' and this is where I stop and say pick up 'My Breaking Point' to get the rest of this exciting story..." The steps of a good man are ordered by God; your actions are called by God. I encourage you to break through, live your best life, and don't sacrifice any more of yourself than you're not willing to give up freely."

CHAPTER 8 My Season Of Purpose by Judy A. Hewitt

"To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV).

Season of Wilderness...painful memories of her past. Season of Restoration...focusing on God's Word and loving myself...Then we were faced with the pandemic in 2020, where I was guided through a reset experience...Season of Winning...His grace is sufficient; he knows that your impossible is possible with God. As a matter of fact, 'God is comfortable with the impossible. That is where He shows up.' This story was beautifully written! 'He is faithful! If he said it! that settles it, and it shall pass.'

CHAPTER 9 Single Mother to the Streets by Lisa Humdy

"How did I get here? This is not how my life is supposed to end." Saved by the police from a horrible husband. Being raised to believe I wasn't necessary, so why would anyone else see me as important or care about what I have to say, especially her grandfather? Finally, realizing I needed help...I called my mom. Learning that only 'Lisa can make Lisa happy and only Lisa can believe in Lisa.' All this was done through prayer and hard work getting into a career she always wanted. Isn't our God a good God!

CHAPTER 10 A Journey from Pain to Purpose by Diana Smith

What happens when you stop loving who you are? After the divorce, would dating online be something for me to try? Well, I did..met first, it was great, but later he was possessive and controlling...forgiving him time after time, finally ending this relationship after he threatened my life. After rededicating myself to church and joining the women's ministry, I found several women who shared their life stories similar to mine. It was great to overcome the 'feeling of being worthless, unloved, and damaged, to being empowered to help other women overcome toxic connections and become stronger on the other side.'

'Psalm 28:7 NIV says, "The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. So my heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise him."

'A four-step process to love and accept me for me again...Surrender...Forgive Yourself...Focus on the present, Not the past...and Own Your Truth.' This was wonderfully brought out in this story.

CHAPTER 11 Evacuate - Evacuate!! by Joanne Harte

What happens when you have had enough of it all...from lies, criticisms, verbal and mental abuse, cheating, and lastly, having to adjust to fit into his unstable world? What was happening to me where I couldn't recognize myself? What had happened to Joanne as she was at her breaking point? Had she finally had enough and asked for help? 'Evacuate-Evacuate'... I had to escape this toxicity to save my life and thank God for the folks I now had in my life. One must remember 'you are are valuable to God.'

The scripture says it all...' Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee.' (Isaiah 60:1 KJV

CHAPTER 12 Growing Through Grief by Nicole Thomas

What happens after the death of Nicole's husband? Will she be able to go on with her life with her three children? 'Would she be able to process the trauma and grief of her husband's death and move forward?' The main question of this story is: Are you a widow, or do you know someone grieving but having difficulty processing the death of their loved one? Then this story is for you.

CHAPTER 13 Undefeated by Marilyn Evans

What happens when you are at your breaking point as it was for Marilyn...being hated by her mother? Dealing with health problems and holding on to forgiveness from her mom. There was a change in her life after listening to a female pastor... "Marilyn, you have to release it. When I changed the roles, God first, I could see what God had for me." 'Releasing unforgiveness and blessings, peace-giving my purpose through the obedience of hearing the voice of God because He is there for you.'

"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses" (Mark 11:25 KJV).

CHAPTER 14 I Quit by Shannon Hancock

What do you do when you are at your breaking point? Single mom with children...lost her job of six years...she was at the lowest point in her a new job, but feeling like an outsider within a few weeks, I felt neglected from the team. Being talked down to and being bullied seemed to be what she had to endure every single day. So, I left for another job.. 'I knew this new job was where I was supposed to be, and I knew from day one that I was loved by the staff. So, for the next six years, I walked through the doors of that company, and I loved every day of it.' See how it all worked out for Shannon. He can do the same for you!

CHAPTER 15 Surviving Post-Partum Depression by IIesha Carney

What causes 'Post-Partum Depression?' 'Sometimes, a woman's hormones go haywire during pregnancy and after. This is believed to be one of the causes of postpartum depression. "One's common symptoms included hopelessness, anxiety, guilt, excessive eating, weight gain, irritability, and fatigue. Other symptoms can include forgetfulness, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, weight loss, and even thoughts of death or suicide."

Please take this seriously!!! will stop here and just say please read this one because this person was at her breaking point, and thanks to our God, she was able to get the help she needed... 'a breakthrough had come, and today she feels complete and whole.'

CHAPTER 16 Cutting Loose: I Choose Me by Sonja Babino

"I'm leaving and taking our sons with me." Life for me was unbearable, and I knew I had to do something about this situation. "While praying for clarity in my decision-making, my heart was opened, and I surrendered to His guidance with God revealing to me that we weren't equally yoked." So how was staying in this marriage helping my sons...or myself? What happens as Sonja submits to God and starts living fully from his guidance. "I became courageous instead of thinking that life was over for me or that it was too late to be happy after many years. I'd become comfortable in my discomfort from sacrificing myself."

"The message here is to simply listen to God's voice and your body. You'll experience deep peace and a knowing that you will never want to leave. So please, choose yourself, take care of yourself, and understand yourself. Then, you will be able to care for those who depend on you."

CHAPTER 17 The Switch Up by Lissha Sadler

'The Switch Up' for Lissha was her divorce, leaving her feeling abandoned. What had happened to Lissha? Had she 'lived life, but I stopped trusting God's plan and started believing in my own, which caused Him to Switch Up on me?' As I continued to read, I saw how well this person felt in her marriage situation. "Marriage is not a trend or a thing to do. It has the power to build and destroy if you are not with the right person. And divorce is not bad; it prevents you from continuing on a dead-end road to nowhere. Sometimes the most profound truths come from difficult situations and uncomfortable experiences." "People have to do what is best for them, and everyone you meet is not meant to be in your life forever. But, everything will always work out in your favor" if you keep God's complete control. He will do it if you let Him!

"The more you stay in control, the weaker you become, and the more challenging and traumatic your Switch Up will be.

Good read!

CHAPTER 18 Discovering My Strength by Carolyn Coleman

"Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6 KJV).

How will Carolyn survive...with a child, no job, and her husband wanting a divorce?

This story leads Carolyn on the right path...finally doing something she loves...having dreams of becoming a therapist, but was that really what she wanted to do? Then, she heard about the nursing program...that caught her interest...going to nursing school and passing. Ll Carolyn be able to get her bachelor's degree in nursing? W ll, it was graduation day...

Carolyn had finally found a career that she loved...even moving on to Charge Nurse and on to an advisor." ore doors have opened for me, all because of this career. Great opportunities I never knew existed have been presented to me. I can genuinely say I am enjoying the journey."

"God gave Carolyn a glance back over her life...showing her from beginning to present.' know it was God who brought me through and sustained me. I am what He has best for me. Te hurts and disappointments. Listen to your heart, do not ignore that unction. God is speaking to you."

This was a good story to learn that what one asks of God just knows what you need and will be with you to the end.

Wonderful read!

CHAPTER 19 Restored by Lisa Marie Morton

How will life go on for Lisa after her husband leaves her for another woman? They had been childhood sweethearts, but today after "After all of the infidelity, emotional abuse, and physical abuse I endured in our toxic relationship, I probably y should've been happy he left. But instead, I was devastated. I loved my husband. I convinced myself for so long that a miracle would occur in my marriage. But instead, I watched the foundation I built crumble. My life was entirely out of my control. As I lay there in pain, I thought, who will ever love me? There were even suicidal thoughts. But God was there and let her know He would never leave her nor forsake her...He just wanted her to trust Him on this journey.

Forgiveness was needed in this situation. I will stop here and say you must pick up this story to see how God' Restored' what had happened between Lisa and her ex-husband. God gave them better than what they had lost. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." Restoration wouldn't have been possible if we leaned on our understanding; we needed to trust God in the process."

CHAPTER 20 Grief by Dr. Harriet Roberson

So much pain/grief, such beautiful people. Christians! I asked God, "WHY?" God asked many questions about all of these deaths but got no answer. 'I wanted nothing to do with the church or with God.' A Christian Grief Counselor was needed...this led me to start praying and searching for scriptures on grief, where I studied and meditated on them as they helped me along this journey, learning 'That God is more significant than death. He can make you sing and dance even amid your deepest pain. I learned that although we do not understand many things that happen to us, especially death, we must accept what God allows."

Here are some comforting scriptures that can help you get through your grief...that was presented...

Psalm 73:26 (KJV) "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Matthew 5:4 (KJV) "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted."

John 16:33 (KJV) "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Philippians 4:7 (KJV) "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Many of the twenty stories found me in tears. But, these are some excellent, well-written stories that can get one through "The Breaking Point...When Life Requires a Shift."
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arlenadean | Jun 24, 2022 |
Interesting novella about 4 friends from college who get together for a weekend reunion years later. It is advertised as Christian so expect that, please. It does have a mature theme to it and is intended for adults, I believe. The 4 friends were at different places in their lives, some married, some successful, others not and each was at a different level of belief. The story is told from each woman's view of things. It is a novella so it was hard for me to connect with any one person. However I was invested in the story and it did hold my attention. It even left me wanting more. I was able to figure out where the story was headed but not how the author would handle it. I was impressed that she kept that real. There was not a holier than thou attempt at forgive and forget. Real reactions played out. Even a time frame for healing. No one was miraculously healed overnight. I really appreciated that. I think it gives readers a realistic look at being a Christian faced with a painful situation. You need to work at relationships, you need to work at forgiveness. You can be hurt, angry, lose it and still be a Christian. I think that is the power in this short story. You will make mistakes, you will hurt, you will fall as a Christian and you will get back up, be forgiven and grow as a Christian.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book for review purposes. I review a wide variety, mostly non Christian books. This review contains my honest impression of this title. My beliefs are my own and may or may not be Christian. I received no compensation for this review.
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Wulfwyn907 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 30, 2022 |
Title: Resilience In Hard Times
Author: Paulette Harper
Publisher: P.H.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Resilience In Hard Times" by Paulette Harper

My Opinion:

I enjoyed this reading of these twenty women who learned how to survive and pivot in the most troubling times, many of which left me in tears...Here's a little what I took away from the reads...

Resilience While Waiting by Author: Paulette Harper

'Don't Give up; don't be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, never lose hope; keep on waiting, for he will never disappoint you.' Psalms 27:14 NIV

Betrayed to Become Blessed By Author: Misha-Elle [Misha]Hammer

Heling can take some time...Trust will be challenging, but you should put your trust in God. Remember, there is not lear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. I John 4:18 NIV

Finding Resilience Within by Author: Dianna L. Lovelace

'Have you ever experience a difficult time in your life: There is wonderful scripture to help one through it all. I can do all this through him, who gives me strength.' Philippians 4: 13 NIV

Learning to Listen to Your Divine Guidance by Author: Jana Marie Toutolmin

'Do you always listen to God's messengers? How do they come through for you? Do you pay attention? Do you sometimes thank you know better? God and the Angels were there for her, leading her on the right path that needed a divine plan. Listen to your 'Divine Guidance!'

2020 Vision by Author: Valerie L. Oakley

Lots of 'Ifs' for this single mom...Broken Ankle...found help...Life was getting better. Tips that will help you get through it all...God restores your life while you serve others.

From the Abortion Table to Ministry By Author: Dawn L. Crumble

Twins-decisions, pregnancy, and unmarried woman…single...ending the life of the was more twins...grief and shame...alone...depression and loneliness, started attending church and her life began to heal...called into the ministry...yes, you can survive it all.

The Journey to Becoming a STAR! by Author: Alena Zachery-Ross

Going through life and not feeling like you fit in...Church Pastor & Superintendent of Schools...fasted...I forgot that she wasn't to be held in but to be a STAR...Three steps to take in: Reflect on learning that you have been blessed throughout your journey...Be different and Be the STAR that you were always meant to be.

From the Pit by Author: Christon Davis

Divorce after 14 Years...I thought they were working on the marriage and had a ministry, three kids...but angry...felt like nothing...Destruction...Prayer, Worship, and Devotion... However, the end of her marriage wasn't the end.

Love On Purpose by Author: Donna Yates

'Do you know what love looks like? Married in 1987...What does it mean to be in love on purpose? One needs to fall in with God first...need must first fall in love with God, and he will teach you how to love...Love on!'

Love Thy Neighbor by Author: Evangeline Gamble

Worked with the Homeless Community...Dealing with Death and Dying...There will be some essential things that you will need...God will take you through this situation of life and death.

Pushing Past the Pain to Praise by Author: Pastor LoNika A. Harris

Sharing about the complications of her hysterectomy...from messed up surgery...partial hysterectomy...
Infections, abscesses, pain...But above all, she trusted God, and he got her through this trying the Praise!

From Suicide to Triump by Author: Sonja Babino

From sexual problems, she had three children...needed help. She sorted out and got Counseling and the therapy help that was much needed.

I Don't Look Like My Storm by Author: Tonja Harris Dews

Multiple Sclerosis aka MS...Experience fear...asking the question...Why Me??? Becoming depressed, chronic disease...In the hospital...handicapped. But through it all, our God will not leave you...Victory is yours...even in a storm.

The Big Wave by Author: Dr. Josephine Harris

'Trust that God Will Carry Your Through'

With family at church...mother had pains in her chest...given CPR...mother took her last breath...Question asked: How and why could something horrible like this be of His plan? If you wait long enough, you will see the righteousness of God's plan emerge.

Finding the Purpose for Your Pain by Author: Dr. Stacy L. Henderson

Sexual Abuse...why? Suffering?...Look beyond the pain...God has a plan, and we must trust His plan because there is a purpose for your pain.

Beauty for Ashes by Author: S.C. Nelson

'You be the rock!'

Like a baby...young got February 2020, with Stage 4 Cancer...mother slips away that August 2020...Okay, what will I do with my life? What did I want to achieve? Become an God strengthens me...'You may be in a dark place right now, but troubles don't last forever...This, too, shall pass as you allow God to be your God.'

Exiting Shadowlands by Author: Cheryl Brockwell

Are you ready to walk out of your valley? With her mom taking her in fear, depression, with mental health issues...married had children... Choose life...God took the effect of childhood trauma from her. How are you going on your journey?... One way would be seeking professional help that was needed.

Overcoming the Mean Girl Spirit by Author: Yvonne R. Wilson

Why do we mistreat other women for no reason? What about when you are on the receiving end? Are you seen as a threat? Learn to be OK even when people don't like you.

Perfect Timing by Author: Wandah Mitchell Parenti

"When the time is right, I, The Lord, will make it happen."

There is good timing and bad timing...but God's timing matters most! Did it look like love? This is where she decided to pay. Pray is what we do, and it will all be in God's time.

Shattered Heart by Author: Marilyn Williams-Jerrels

'Have you ever had a heartbreaking loss that shook you to your core?' Most of us it was...her sister had died of grief sets in...

Lessons learned from her situation...other experiences with grief...

l. There is strength in community

2. You are not God

3. Protect your Mental Health

4. Breathing is Vital

5. You Can Trust God

God will handle your fears, disappointments, anger, little faith, and more. Hebrews 11: 1-2 NIV

Resilience In Hard Times' was one exciting read, and these are some of the highlights that I pulled from the read. To get it all, you must pick up this excellent read and grab the whole to a story that will give you some of what has gone on in people's personal lives that are put out there to help and all.
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arlenadean | Jun 13, 2021 |
Title: Women Who Soar
Authors: Paulette Harper (Author), Meiah Shaun (Author), C. Marcy Thomas (Author), Katrina Shaw (Author), Roni Teson (Author), Shurvone Wright (Author), Elaine Gattis (Author)
Publisher: P. H.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Women Who Soar" by Paulette Harper (Author), Meiah Shaun (Author), C. Marcy Thomas (Author), Katrina Shaw (Author), Roni Teson (Author), Shurvone Wright (Author), Elaine Gattis (Author)

My Rationalization.....

These seven anthologies from some wonderful authors give us something to truly think about whether it is 'depression, violence, divorce, illness to even death' we will be able to make it.

We have some good stories of each of these authors in their 'past experiences, hurts and pains' and how they make in during their emotional ride. Through it all each one will make it out of their situation with one scripture..."I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Be ready for some interesting adversity stories in how they made it out of it all.

Paulette Harper... "Soaring Through Adversities....Still I Rise...I loved this poem! Here is a little bit of it...

"I've been beaten, scorned and battered...Still I Rise. I've been devalued...Still I Rise. My spirit has been crushed..Still I Rise...My heart is broken...Still I Rise...Oppressed by people...Still I Rise...Homeless... Still I Rise...Faced Death...Still I Rise...Storm, rain, and floods...Still I Rise...In debt, discouraged and broke...Still I Rise....[and there is more....]

Rev. Dr. Elaine Gattis, DMin... Soaring into Purpose...presents a beautiful story of how she learned .... 'Through her journey, I learned that the Lord, my God, would be with me wherever I go. Now, I know and now, I soar!"

Katrina Shaw... Unshakable Faith From Surviving to Thriving...a survivor of breast cancer...having to watch everything I eat. Watching her stress levels...losing a parent wasn't easy. Then losing her job leaving her with a lots of mixed emotions....but being lead on the scripture..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean on your own understanding, in all your way acknowledge him and he will direct your paths." Opportunities came for Katrina and her stories continues. "It's blessed to be a blessing!"

Roni J. Teson...My Life Reboot...what was her future? "For three months, I walked around with a lump in my breast and did nothing about it." Now Chemo... forced into disability, now back to writing. Her Stage 4 cancer goes into remission with more trails coming...where she survived cancer but her relationship didn't. Good and bad news...Will she be able to deal with it? Another surgery needed! Would she survive "from two cancers, a career collapse, and a broken heart...all within a twelve month period?" What was left for Roni?

March Thomas...Tears For My Sister...Christine. This was a abusive relationship stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat in this Domestic Violence read.

Shurvone Wright...Flying About The Storm...Confidence Without Regret...Soaring...Never Give Up on Anything where she 'decided not to let her fears hold her back and fly above the storm.'
"Forgive yourself for past mistakes, know that failing is not the end, but a lesson to better your tomorrow."

Meiah Shaun...A Crown Of Beauty...The Key to Forgiveness...'Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you.' Reject Fear...Receive Your Healing...Prophecies...Beauty for Ashes...
The Oil of Joy and No More Sorrow...Wear Your Garment of Praise...Soar in My Army...Declarations..."The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?"...

These are seven beautifully written anthologies of Faith that will definitely give one much thought long after the read. Thank you for your words that can only give a reader much hope through your 'scriptures, stories, poems and much direction through prayer as we listen and wait on God.'
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arlenadean | Jan 27, 2019 |

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