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Pippa GrantRecensioni

Autore di Blissed

60+ opere 1,754 membri 85 recensioni


Hilarious! Great chemistry, heat and secondary characters. Good plot. Looking forward to the rest of the series.
PG has been a problematic author- other 2 books (one by pen name Jamie Farrell) have been one-stars for me so really surprised to have enjoyed this one so much.
mimji | Apr 20, 2024 |
Another wonderfully absurd romance.
Requires a personal suspension of reality and the addition a sense of fun and humour to enjoy this story.

Omg- the one-star reviews that are solely due to Zen. Get a life and let others live theirs! So much blind entitlement to their own default status that they find representation of others off-putting. They probably get offended if someone corrects their pronunciation of a non-preppy name.
mimji | 1 altra recensione | Apr 20, 2024 |
Had to plow through the story. Couldn’t get over MMC’s ghosting- explanation/reasoning was glossed over lazily and quickly. Too much of prior characters included in story (something I usually like but overdone here), taking away space for MC’s character development. Problems so easily resolved after so many words spent reiterating the issues. Disappointing finish to series when prior 2 books were so solid.
Oh- I also heartily dislike toddler speak and am not a fan of chickens (both of which seemed to be popular among the higher ratings).
mimji | Apr 20, 2024 |
Bored. So many references to past mistakes that are not fleshed out. Got too bored waiting to care any more about find out just exactly what happened in the past!
Repetitive and lacking.
mimji | 4 altre recensioni | Apr 20, 2024 |
How to increase the novel’s word count? Have characters repeat their inner monologues out loud. Have whiny comments repeated ad nauseam.
Boooooooring- DNF.
mimji | 1 altra recensione | Apr 20, 2024 |
Not what I was expecting but pretty good. I loved all the trouble the dog got into and I love a romance with folks in their later thirties (and older).
s_carr | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 25, 2024 |
This book was all over the place. The background info was wacky and the guy talking about his dick all the time was silly.
s_carr | Feb 25, 2024 |
Goats are spoons

Ive been waiting, maybe not so patiently, on Ares’ book because there has been something about him throughout the series that I just knew he was going to be special and my favorite. I was right, Ares is amazing and I’m so glad he had Felicity that could see past his walls he had built up. Felicity was an oddball and at times her “personalities” got to me because she would just go on and on when she was nervous but eventually you get use to it and she becomes such an endearing person. This one is by far the best, in my opinion, of the series. A man with very few words but his actions spoke volumes, absolutely loved it.
readonreader | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 5, 2024 |
Super cute, funny, and sweet. Clint is this super-hot marine that is always helping others and putting them first. He makes everyone laugh and is all around sweetheart, but no one ever asks what he wants out of life. He has a huge crush on the new baker in town that mostly keeps to herself, Noelle. Noelle has been through a bad breakup that has changed her life and sent her running to this new town and opening a bakery but things have been crazy since she moved there and Clint the hot marine doesn’t help her new motto that she needs to find herself and make herself happy with no distractions. Clint being the big helper that he is sees that Noelle needs help and he makes it his mission to help her so that he may get closer to her. They can’t deny their attraction and soon Noelle sees that she has thrown her motto out the door and is falling for Clint. Throw in some crazy critters like stealing raccoons, an angry goose, and a magical reindeer and hilarity ensues. This is the perfect holiday read to have you laughing and swooning,
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
When Hayes Rutherford retreats to his Maine home fleeing from pestering family and the longest emotional week of his life all he is looking for is peace and quiet. He doesn’t expect to find that someone is in his house treating as if it were their own, until he stumbles on Begonia in a very personal moment. See Begonia is under the thoughts that she is renting this lovely mansion at an extremely lucky rate as fate’s way of paying her back for a horrible divorce and crappy mother. She doesn’t expect the grumpy billionaire who is allergic to her dog claiming he owns the house. This is just the beginning for these two and at first Begonia was extremely annoying because when she rambles it’s a full page of nonsense and I felt bad for Hayes. It took some time and patient for Hayes and me to understand her, but under here craziness is a pure and sweet heart. Begonia may have had a horrible marriage but she is determined to get her life back yet when Hayes come sup with his crazy idea she takes it as another adventure. Where Hayes is jaded with his life and the things that come with it Begonia sees everyone and everything with rose colored glasses. I felt bad for all that Hayes has to endure when it comes to living up to the family name and meddling family members. They are all constantly hounding him with women to try to find the one for him to marry and they don’t see how truly miserable he is with the new title he acquired. As feelings start to become real, crazy dog antics, posh stuck up family meddling this story was funny and I came to love Begonia as we got to see her true self. Hayes stole my heart even when he was mean and grumpy because underneath that all he wanted was to be happy he just didn’t know how to do that except to push people away. These two have trust issues from being burnt in the past can they see what is right in front of them before time runs out? Will Hayes wake up and see that he can trust the one that has stolen his heart and shown him to live again? This book started out with me questioning Begonia because of her crazy ramblings, but then with Hayes balancing her out and us seeing them together it made her endearing to me. I loved this book, all the characters except his mom until the end, and does Jonas have his own book or will it be coming out?
readonreader | 4 altre recensioni | Jan 5, 2024 |
DNF at p. 225 of 281. I can't take anymore. This is too terrible. The story is stupid the characters absurd, and the lyrics (the MMC is a country star) are the worst lyrics I have ever read. Comparatively, Da Doo Ron Ron is Shakespeare, Boyfriend (the Bieber one) is Proust, and The Joher is Chekhov.

A psychic matchmaker/divorce lawyer and a budding country music star are reunited 15 years after a one-week vacation hookup when they were teenagers during which they were ruined for all others. She is constantly rude to everyone and he is a dumb hick who talks like one of the locals in Deliverance. Given the absurdity of the characters, it seems impossible that their courtship could be dull but it really is. The high point is the appearance of novelty cupcakes cooked by a woman who appears to be in a constant state of psychosis (seriously, it is an endless word salad) which everyone politely ignores. Though in FMC apparently is terrified of people (though she is fine doing contentious divorces) and cannot deal with his fame. I got so close to the end but realized I didn't care at all about what happened to these people and that I have better books to read. Agh!
Narshkite | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 22, 2023 |
I hate when there aren't any reviews for a book but there are tons of ratings, so I'll just give you a rundown.

FMC, Merry, has daddy issues. Her father is a jewel thief and she spends her life feeling as though she needs to pay for his life choices. She hides who she is for fear of being ostracized for her father's criminal behavior (as she has in the past). Her mother is a serial monogomist, who jumps from one marriage to the next in her search for love. Merry and her mother have a complicated, but loving relationship. Merry meets Max (MMC), a jeweler in a family of jewelers, and they fall for each other. Chaos with her father ensues.

Characters are complex and grow and there's a HEA. It's not a bad book. It even paces well for a book of this length. There's some lightheartedness, and we see many characters from the previous books about Bliss.

These books are not complex and do not elicit extreme emotions or any real critical thinking. Not a criticism, since that's actually why I read them. There's sex, but it's not super smutty. Like
rebhering | 1 altra recensione | Nov 12, 2023 |
The Gossip and the Grump by Pippa Grant
Three BFF’s and a Wedding series #2. Contemporary romance, romantic comedy. Can be read as a stand-alone. Humorous. Present tense.
Greyson and Sabrina meet in a bar in Hawaii after a wedding gets cancelled. Neither wants a commitment or anything longer than one night given the heightened emotions of the weekend. After a night filled with passion, Sabrina walks out the door and disappears.
One week later, Sabrina finds out that Greyson has bought her family cafe and plans to turn it into a trendy hangout. Besides still being attracted to Grey, Sabrina had also told him all about the family and people and friends that visit the restaurant. Now Sabrina is swearing off gossip but it may be too late to save her favorite restaurant.

A fun and often funny romance that you will want to read in one sitting. The chemistry between Grey and Sabrina is electric and the gossip factor ties the story together from beginning to end. It’s important to know that the gossip is never mean and is really just sharing of friendships.

Bonus Epilogue: from the dog’s POV. Hilarious! I laughed and giggled all the way through it. This makes it a 5 star for me. So much fun.
Madison_Fairbanks | 1 altra recensione | Oct 28, 2023 |
I should be rewarding this book with more stars, for its novel humour. I did get plenty of laughs and delighted shocks. I was swept along on the sparkle of dialogue.

The story wilted however. I kept thinking it would come together and be stronger - given its SEAL 'hero', and sassy hacktivist - but no.

The humour was cocky, impudent, cheeky, irreverent. My objected is that the banter between Rhett and Parker IS the entirety of The Hero and the Hactivist. So it fell short on being a novel; it was more like a 25-min skit comedy show.

I prefer elements of drama, romance and clever plot work with my humour.

I felt sure that I'd read Pippa Grant before but apparently not.
Okies | 1 altra recensione | Oct 15, 2023 |
Can [a:Pippa Grant|17160940|Pippa Grant|] get anymore awesome? Marshmallow is an AMAZING pupper! I would go batty if my dog did that but to read about it was so much fun! Hayes and Begonia were perfect. I NEED MORE! Write faster PLEASE
mrThisledr | 4 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2023 |
Loved this series! I can't wait to read more of Pippa Grant's work. I love this book so much, I am glad his brothers were there to smack some sense into him! But can we talk about George Cooney? LOL
mrThisledr | 1 altra recensione | Sep 21, 2023 |
Can Pippa write a bad book? I don’t think it’s possible!
mrThisledr | Sep 21, 2023 |
The Kid Sister Ruined This

Oh my god. The little sister moved this book so annoying and unbearable. You can't get a happily ever after if you constantly annoyed. I love Pippa but this book was.... She could have left out the little sister. She was rude to the point that I wanted to strangle her. And nobody disciplined her. Granny she did go through something but she was rude and mean on purpose. Leave out the kids sister if they're gonna run the book.
CherylDenise | 3 altre recensioni | Aug 18, 2023 |
Totally in love with Hayes

Omg i need a guy like Hayes in my life! His grumpy and sexy! But most of all, he listens. I love his brother and cousin as well. I his they get books as well!
CherylDenise | 4 altre recensioni | Aug 18, 2023 |
Not My Kind of Hero by Pippa Grant

Starting over is never easy to do but when you have nothing left where you have lived most of your life, have raised your daughter, and the climate is no longer friendly…having a dude ranch inherited from an uncle might seem almost a safe haven to head to with your teenage daughter…maybe…?

What I liked:
* Maisey: recently divorce, mother of sixteen-year-old Juniper, has secrets, more skilled than the part she played in a handyman program she was on for six years with her ex, wants to be the best mother ever to her daughter, also seeking her own best self, not in the market for a relationship no matter how much she might be attracted to Flint
* Flint: math teacher, soccer coach, has commitment issues, had a rough childhood, good friend, giving, caring, kind, rule keeper, very attracted to Maisey, wants what is best for Juniper and her daughter
* Juniper-June-Junie: sixteen, has two years of high school left, loves soccer, wishes her father cared more than he does, wise, doing her best, misses much and not a lot of where she lived before, a good person, has a bright future
* Earl: a bear that pops up from time to time
* Gingersnap: a cow that had history with the town and belonged to Uncle Tony
* Uncle Tony: black sheep of his family, a safe harbor for Maisey as a teenager, thought of Maisey and her possible future needs even though they did not see one another often, that his presence was felt even though he was never actually seen in the book
* The slow-burn and strong chemistry and almost soul-connection between Maisey and Flint
* Opal, Charlotte and others in the town who make Junie and Maisey feel at home
* Kory: Flint’s best friend, sounding board, and good person
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* That I Flint and Maisey both wanted what was best for Juniper…though they also wanted to have something for themselves, too

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to…mostly the ex-husband, Dean

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 1 altra recensione | Aug 16, 2023 |
Negative infinity stars

Reads like word
bellac89 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 29, 2023 |

Master Baker by Pippa Grant

High school friends reconnect after ten years apart. Both feel the other caused the separation and loss of friendship…but both would like to be friends again…if they can bury their hurt feelings and make the effort to reconnect.

What I liked:
* The small town feeling
* Annika’s dedication to her mother, sister, and her mother’s dream to own and run a bakery
* The mother’s grief over losing her eyesight
* Grady’s love of family, and the way he sweet talks his baking in the making
* The idea of the bakery war to increase income for both owners
* The baseball games
* The supporting characters and how they added to the story
* Sue – the goat & Long Beak Silver – the parrot
* That Annika had a dream and pursued it, even if it meant leaving Grady behind
* That there was growth and maturation in both lead characters by the end of the book – they began to communicate and shared their feelings rather than reliving and reverting to the way they probably behaved when in high school

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* The emphasis on “war” between to nearby towns without ever really knowing if or what the reason was behind the discord

Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars½
CathyGeha | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 15, 2023 |
Rich in Your Love by Pippa Grant
Tickled Pink #2

Loved returning to Tickled Pink, Wisconsin’s quirky small-town community and the scene set by Estelle “Gigi” Lightly that has her family scrambling to do her bidding…at least for a while. Great way to spend the day!

What I liked:
* Octavia “Tavi” Lightly: focused, giving, compassionate, dysfunctional family, has a dream, low self-esteem, has trust issues, has secrets, attracted to Dylan, really like her
* Dylan Wright: plumber, bad boy history, difficult family situation growing up, loving mother, highly esteemed in Tickled Pink, begins to see his future differently at a turning point (or two) and wakes up to see Tavi, too
* The small-town community and how it pulls together and is supportive
* The growth shown in both Tavi and Dylan
* Seeing how Phoebe and Teague are doing
* The snowshoe baseball game…it’s a real thing…what a hoot on YouTube!
* The chocolate…wished I could taste it!
* The development of the relationship between Tavi and Dylan
* The supporting characters including Pebbles, Noami, Samantha, and the Secret Poker gang
* Watching the dynamics change in the Lightly family
* Wondering who else will have a story in the series
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like – particularly Grandma Gig and thinking about the difficult times during childhood experienced by more than one

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalle and Montlake for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | Dec 18, 2022 |
This book was so much fun. The rockstar kidnaps the runaway bride and somehow the tables get turned on him. My favorite part of the book was the adventures they ended up finding themselves on. So much opportunity for comedy, sweet moments and some sexy times.
This book is exactly what I would expect from Pippa Grant. Humor mixed in with great characters. Highly recommend.
SillyViolet | 1 altra recensione | Dec 3, 2022 |
Such a funny story. Mackenzie is a very dedicated, often borderline crazy fan of the Copper Valley Fireballs baseball team. Her antics were extremely funny and maybe were a bit over the top. I've never heard or seen a situation where fan superstitions were taken so seriously. Brooks being a 30 year-old virgin baseball player is also a little over the top. I think that is what made this book so charming. One of the funniest books I've heard this year.
Andi Arndt is so great at comedy, I cannot imagine any other narrator as Mackenzie. Jacob Morgan, also very good with comedy and did a great job playing a virgin baseball player.
SillyViolet | Dec 3, 2022 |