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Chloe Kingsley, una artista residente en Dallas, no imagina cuan largo y enigmático resultará el viaje de vacaciones que emprende con destino a Egipto. Durante la visita a la tercera cámara de Karnak, envuelta en un torbellino de energía, lo último que ve antes de que se haga la oscuridad es la boca de una mujer, abierta en el terror de un grito insonoro.
Transportada a través de los siglos a un pasado remoto, el Egipto de la XVIII dinastía bajo el dominio de Hatshepsut, la reina que se hizo proclamar hija carnal de Amón, Chloe lucha junto a Cheftu contra el caos en el que se precipita un país asolado por terribles plagas, en cuyo origen penden las demandas de libertad de los esclavos hebreos y el anhelo de una tierra prometida.
Natt90 | 6 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2023 |
It was okay story wise, but I found it far too long, and got far too bored. By the time I was hitting half the book I just found myself skimming through to know what happened, so I'll toss it in my 'abandoned' shelf.
AshuritaLove | 6 altre recensioni | May 24, 2020 |
ZERO stars
Completely stupid. Continuity problems. Non existent plot. Unbelievable, contrived ending.
This was the second in a series ... I won't bother with more.
BookConcierge | 1 altra recensione | Mar 5, 2016 |
A fast, enjoyable beach read, set in the fashion merchandising industry. Some loose threads and she stretches the plot a bit, but a good debut. I'll read more.
BookConcierge | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 5, 2016 |
Do you believe in Fate, Reincarnation, Karma?? Even if you don't, this book will make you ponder if it possible for these believes to exist.

This is the story of Elize and Erik. Elize's life revolves around her study of waterland birds, nothing else. No spoilers here! Reading the story you will discover how Elize overcomes her limitations and opens up to llfe.

Word of caution: I almost stopped reading this book because the first 30% of the book gets into the birds and details about the different species a little too deep for me. If you work through this, you will then get the true story and will not be able to put this book down. There is a lot of symbolism attached to the birds, etc. that interweave with our characters, so all not lost with the detailed descriptions. Just not for me. Beyond that, I loved the love story and would enthusiastically recommend this book!

Oh! By the way, I have fallen in love with Erik! I live in Chicago ... I wonder if I might run into him here?
Gloria.Herrera | 1 altra recensione | Mar 26, 2014 |
Time traveler Chloe despairs of being reunited with the love of her life, Cheftu, when she lands in the body of a marsh girl in ancient times. She struggles to fit in as she rises in rank but then has to flee when targeted for a human sacrifice. Chloe and Cheftu end up in the ancient city of Babylon where the purpose of their time traveling sojourns becomes clear.

This story was harder to get into than the others in the series. Too many characters and switching viewpoints were confusing at first, but once the focus zeroed in on Chloe and Cheftu, the story flowed more smoothly. Nonetheless, there was almost too much violence and depravity in this story with a multitude of religious sacrifices and people living amid squalid conditions that make you grimace. The conclusion was satisfactory if you buy the reason why Chloe and Cheftu were brought to Babylon. As always, the characterizations draw you into the story and thrust you into another gripping tale.
NancyJCohen | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 5, 2014 |
Fashion stylist Dallas O’Connor is stunned when she discovers her top model dead upon arrival at a shoot for a summer catalog. Worse, the police suspect her of being involved in the murder. It doesn’t help that she’s kidnapped from the scene and they think she has fled. She’d better find the real killer before he finds her or the cops arrest her. Who would have wanted to hurt the fashion icon? Beneath the glitter lies a world of deceit and subterfuge. Who can Dallas really trust? Someone is hiding a deadly secret, and nothing prepares her for the truth.
NancyJCohen | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 2, 2014 |
Time Travelers Chloe and Cheftu end up in the Biblical era of King David and the birth of Jerusalem. Mistaken for a mermaid goddess then captured as a slave, Chloe eventually ends up as a trusted advisor in King David’s court along with her husband Cheftu, appointed court scribe. Old enemies aren’t far behind, and our heroes must prevent a plan that would destroy the holy city. And when they succeed, they’ll face a choice. Chloe can’t return to her own time, so will they stay in this era or move on to the sequel?
NancyJCohen | 4 altre recensioni | Jan 2, 2014 |
Chloe and Cheftu are once again thrust through time in this second installment of J. Suzanne Frank’s amazing time travel series. Last in Egypt during the biblical era, now the couple ends up on an island kingdom that turns out to be the fabled Atlantis. As the volcanoes rumble their warnings and the seas heave, the inhabitants struggle with plague, political conflict, and godly aspirations. Their doom already sealed, Chloe and Cheftu must determine their purpose in this place before they can escape to yet another time period. Fascinating details of the Minoans and the Aztlans, as the Atlantians are called here, pepper this story along with bull worship, cannibalism, and prophecy. Only Chloe and Cheftu’s love for each other keeps them sane and helps them to survive. You’ll be left eager for the next installment in this gripping series.
NancyJCohen | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 2, 2014 |
This was a fun little mystery. The fashion industry isn’t one I’ve read much about, but as a stylist, Dallas is more on the periphery than smack in the middle of it. As the main characters, Dallas and Raul definitely make some questionable decisions, especially Raul. But, since it was entertaining, I didn’t mind suspending disbelief. The mystery didn’t have a conventional conclusion, and I appreciated that. The reasons behind the murder were not something one would expect.
miyurose | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 16, 2013 |
Shocked, devastated and angry that she has been passed over for a promotion in a job she loves, Elize, an ornithologist, leaves the bird-filled Texas coast of the Gulf Mexico for a trip to Morocco that she hopes will reestablish her professional worth. The Moroccan coast is a hub for birds migrating to Africa from Europe and Asia and is popular with professional birders, but since this trip will now be on her own dime Elize’s journey there is more circuitous than that of her colleagues. On the way she serendipitously meets an enigmatic but unforgettable guy, which precipitates the notion that maybe she should take a side trip to the mountains to see the rare bald headed ibis since ibises have long been both her speciality and favorite bird.

Full of exotic locations and bird lore this is a perfect vacation book. Eliza’s soul searching makes it more substantial than a beach read, but it’s a transporting book suitable for actual or virtual/armchair travel.
Jaylia3 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 26, 2013 |
Chloe, an artist, is exploring an Egyptian tomb with her sister when she enters the chamber of a priestess. Through a confluence of factors, she ends up whisked through time, waking up in the body of an Egyptian woman. Frantic to learn her identity and find a way back home, she has no one to trust and numerous enemies. The noblewoman whose body she usurped has committed evil acts, and Chloe must atone for them. With her life at risk and her options diminishing, she finds herself strangely drawn to the physician assigned to treat her.

With rich detail, this sweeping epic steeps the reader in Egyptian life during the time of Moses. One marvels at the vastness of the tale, the wealth of research, and the vivid images that spring to mind. Full of suspense, romance, and mystery, this exquisite story will leave you breathless for the sequel. This exceptional book is a keeper.
NancyJCohen | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 11, 2012 |
Lejos del hombre que ama, Chloe Kingsley se encuentra sola en Babilonia, acosada por sus recuerdos y luchando por sobrevivir. Allí, en una región donde los cambios en el cielo y las inundaciones en la tierra hacen consigo catástrofes indecibles, los gobernantes exigen un gesto categórico para calmar a los dioses: el sacrificio de una joven. Mientras tanto, Cheftu busca fervorosamente a su amada y descubre que es precisamente ella la elegida para apaciguar la ira de los dioses. Juntos deberán ingeniárselas para engañarlos y escapar de sus enemigos.
kika66 | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 28, 2010 |
En su periplo por el espacio y el tiempo, Chloe vuelve a zambullirse en el tiempo en busca de su amado Cheftu y va a parar a orillas del Mediterráneo, a la ciudad de Ascalón. Chloe es confundida con la diosa del mar, y como tal deberá interceder por su pueblo, los filisteos, amenazados por una coalición de tribus dirigidas por el rey Dadua. Chloe descubrirá que ha ido a parar a Canaán, la tierra de promisión bíblica. Cuando al fin puede reunirse con Cheftu, ambos se convertirán en vasallos de Dadua, que no es otro que David, el rey israelita. Junto a él, Chloe y Cheftu vivirán extraordinarias aventuras: mientras Cheftu participa en la recuperación del tesoro del éxodo, Choe ayudará al rey David en la conquista de Jerusalén. Pero el destino les depara otras duras pruebas y arduos peligros, pues la nueva nación de Israel debe defenderse contra RaEm, una intrigante viajera en el tiempo que planea hacerse con el poder en Egipto...
kika66 | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 28, 2010 |
El misterioso vórtice espacio- temporal que arrojó a la joven Chloe Kingsley al Egipto faraónico la lleva ahora a una extraña tierra en el norte del Nilo: se trata de un imperio marítimo asentado sobre un conjunto de islas en el Egeo, cada una de ellas bajo el control de un clan. Chloe misma se encuentra en el cuerpo de la jefa de uno de ellos, Sibila, que es el oráculo del imperio. Aztlán era un país que no figura en los mapas de la historia; como la fabulosa Atlántida desapareció en un cataclismo, pero sus huellas perduraron: se hicieron reconocibles en la Creta minoica e incluso en la cultura helénica: el culto a los toros, la economía marítima, los antecesores de los dioses y los héroes griegos, el arte..., todo ello aparece en Aztlán, ese mundo que pudo ser y en el cual Chloe tiene que aprender a vivir. Sin la presencia de su amado Cheftu, que, a su vez, busca por los vericuetos del tiempo y el espacio la sombra de Chloe. Y llegarán a encontrarse; pero, esta vez, convertidos en juguetes de las pasiones, las costumbres y los ritos de un mundo que desconocen, condenado además por la fuerza de la naturaleza, como si ésta quisiera vengarse de su brillo y riqueza.
kika66 | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 28, 2010 |
Chloe Kingsley, artista residente en Dallas, se encuentra de vacaciones en Egipto. Cuando está visitando una cámara del templo de Karnak resulta atrapada por un vórtice de extraña energía que la lleva, a través de los siglos, hasta un pasado mítico y al tiempo real: la joven artista aparece súbitamente en el año 1452 a.C.; Egipto está entonces bajo el dominio de una mujer, Hatshepsut, que ejerció el poder inmediatamente antes de su hijastro y heredero, Tutmosis III. Chloe, en un universo de intrigas, misterios y sorprendentes revelaciones, conoce a Cheftu, un joven médico junto al cual luchará contra el caos en el que se está sumergiendo un país repentinamente atacado por misteriosas plagas, relacionadas, al parecer, con las reclamaciones de libertad de un grupo de esclavos que desean volver a su tierra, en Palestina...
kika66 | 6 altre recensioni | Nov 28, 2010 |
This is the first book I have read by Chloe Green and I loved it. I read this in one day I did not want to put this book down. Dallas is a wonderful character and I look forward to reading more of her.
BarbsReviews | 1 altra recensione | Jul 26, 2010 |
A slow beginning, as usual it takes a little time to become accustomed to the period that Chloe and Cheftu have traveled to. Then they have to find each other, at least in the book it didn't take forever, and this time Chloe is in her own skin with red hair and pale white skin. Their reunion is a bit anti-climatic, but things pick up once they do, but they both become slaves!
ktleyed | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 20, 2008 |
Not bad, 2nd in the series, but I did like the first book better, Reflections in the Nile. This book can be confusing at times, it took me a long time to get the names straight and to understand who was who and what was going on. But, by the end I understood it all, but it was interesting reading about the culture of the Aztlans and the continuing romance between Chloe and Cheftu. I'm intrigued by the epilogue and what will happen in the next book.½
ktleyed | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 9, 2008 |
Engrossing time travel book of ancient Egypt. Not as good as Diana Gabaldon, but one of the closest I've read to date. I'll definitely read the rest of the series.
ktleyed | 6 altre recensioni | Mar 28, 2008 |
While suspending my historical data outrage I was able to really enjoy this story.

The writer is actually quite good with putting me in the story and I was able to visualize ancient Egypt the way she wanted me to. The romance was good also.
1 vota
Mendoza | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 5, 2007 |
Tidsresenärerna Chloe och Cheftu hamnar i Davids Jerusalem. Tredje delen i serien och jag vill gärna läsa de andra nu. Undrar också varför den tyska titeln antyder att det ska handla om Jericho. Det är ju Jerusalem det ska vara!
moia | 4 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2006 |
The 4th book in a series about a woman who travels back in time. A big disappointment. I love the others, but this one is awlful. The ending is such a let down.½
vampyredhead | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 7, 2006 |
A woman travels back in time. A wonderful historical romance. The love story is so romantic. The history is fasinating.
vampyredhead | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 7, 2006 |