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I read this because someone I know recommended it. I thought that it would be interesting after reading the Pinker book on the decline of violence. It wasn't interesting. It was one anecdote after another of black on white crime. It got tedious and not relevant to the real world. I got around 54% of the way through with this book and put it aside. It's supposed to be an indictment of the media, but paragraph after paragraph of citing news stories and YouTube videos about black crime isn't a very good indictment of the media. It struck me as thinly veiled racism. The author managed to make true-crime and racism boring. I suppose that's something.
rabbit-stew | 1 altra recensione | Mar 29, 2019 |
Some of us prefer to "stay in our comfort zone", only read those books we're pretty sure we'll like. So I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow a friend's recommendation to read a book about a controversial topic, the "Knockout Game".

This book wasn't easy to read, not due to the writing style, but because the author did such a thorough job to prove the existence of what many "experts" insisted was a myth. Videos, testimonies, pages of footnotes are offered as conclusive evidence, and helped me see the truth behind the political pontificating.

It's not something I want to read again, but I'm glad I exited my comfort zone long enough to read it once.½
fuzzi | Aug 3, 2018 |
Black people and white people should mutually fear the main stream media ("MSM"). The MSM meddles with and censors the free flow of information as directed by its overlords whose agenda, I fear, includes keeping the races at one another's throats. Many blacks are out of control and act like wild animals, no doubt about it. Black on white crime is at epidemic levels and is undeniable.

The lame ass excuses offered to explain their anti-social conduct attempt to absolve these criminals of culpability. Yet, the why of the situation is never seriously or calmly addressed by the MSM. In place of rational contentions it employs jargon and catch-phrases and propaganda. Setting the stage for a reasoned discussion of the problem Mr. Flaherty gives us the facts which have been hidden from us so that we can begin to address the problem without the usual resort to denial and then evasion by the MSM. It is tedious but necessary to go through the numbing facts of hundreds of episodes of crimes against whites (and Asians) involving out of control black men. First, let's all become aware of what has happened and then we can talk. Something needs to be done before the shooting starts.½
BayanX | 1 altra recensione | Dec 5, 2013 |
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