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A fun story about two roomates playing under the sheets after a few drinks looen up the "straight" Rye.
Connorz | 1 altra recensione | Jan 4, 2023 |
Jaden and Rye are not only best friends and roommates, they are also equally disappointed in their recent dating experiences and other people's expectations as to who they should be. As a consequence, they are both starved for affection. All of these factors play a role in the creation of their "one night contract", the agreement that what happens in bed that night after the party will never be spoken about again, but they are not the only reason things happen. It's very clear from the start that Jaden wants more, and while we don’t hear from Rye until later in the story, it seems he is on the same page.

Jaden is so starved for affection, he had me worried. People tell him he is "too gay" (as if such a thing even existed), but he just wants to be himself. I thought it was particularly bad that other gay men told him this. They should know better! The idea he would accept just about anything in exchange for some attention and a loving touch could have gotten him into big trouble. Luckily, he opens up to his best friend and finds him extremely willing to "experiment" – then go for more.

Rye is described as "mostly straight", but that doesn’t seem to stop him from expressing what he feels for Jaden. Not that he ever really admitted it to himself before that fateful night when they come up with the idea of a "one night contract", valid until they leave the bed, but when the tie comes he is very open to trying new things. He is also the one who isn't willing to let the "contract" end, and I loved the way he took the pillow with him as proof that he hadn’t left the bed. Perfect!

This story is a great mix of sweet, cute, and extremely passionate. Both men have issues but never thought they'd be the ones to support each other as more than friends. They are clearly right for each other as well, and once they do admit their feelings, the fact they know each other so well comes in very handy. If you like stories about friends becoming more, if you enjoy reading books with just a touch of angst, and if you're looking for a hot, passionate read, then you will probably like this book.

NOTE: This book was provided by Evernight Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | 1 altra recensione | Oct 19, 2017 |
Sometimes a kiss can be a life-altering event, and usually this is because it opens at least one of the kissers' eyes about the other person, seeing them in a different, more loving light. That is not, however, the kind of kiss Thatcher experiences when a random girl liplocks him at a college party. He is mortified, not only because he hates kissing a woman, but because his "secret boyfriend", Peter, sees the whole thing and is so unhappy he leaves. What follows is a lot of sex, half-discussions, and an agreement from Peter to keep everything quiet. As Thatcher gets more wrapped up in what they do together, he begins to rethink his position.

There is nothing really wrong with this story, but there is a lot of physical activity and nothing really happens. Thatcher's inner monologue is somewhat repetitive, and I just couldn't get a handle on or feel a connection with him or Peter.

If you enjoy stories with lots o hot activity and a little bit of kink, you may like this story a lot more than I did.

NOTE: This book was provided by Evernight Publishing for the purpose of a review.
SerenaYates | 1 altra recensione | Oct 19, 2017 |
This is a very hot, yet sweet story about two guys who are about to get married and drowning in the stress of the preparations. They decide to take a one-night break so they can have a “life” and some romance again, but the opportunity that opens up when Thomas runs into his old college crush takes them on an entirely unexpected, yet very sexy adventure. Instead of a romantic night for just the two of them, they end up fulfilling a long-held fantasy and the heat ratchets up several levels.

Thomas is a meticulous planner, but he’s just about had it with things going wrong, family interfering, and Carlos forgetting a fitting appointment. A night out is just what they need, even if he worries about the cost. But when Jimmy turns up, Thomas realizes their fantasy role-play has changed. He is very hesitant at first, having never been with a man other than Carlos, but the temptation is too much for him, and with Carlos’s support and encouragement, Thomas embarks on an experimental journey of sexual discovery.

Carlos is the more experienced of the two, slightly more dominant, and incredibly turned on by the idea of seeing “his” Thomas interact with a hot guy from their college guys. I loved how he guides Thomas through his fears and hesitation, never putting any pressure on him to do more than he is comfortable with. Carlos himself is extremely dedicated to Thomas and very secure in their love being otherwise monogamous, and that makes a big difference for Thomas.

Jimmy, on top of being very hot, really opens up to Thomas and Carlos, adding an emotional component that makes the shared physical activity more meaningful for all of them. Without being clingy or expecting more, Jimmy gives and receives way more affection than would have been possible with total strangers. For me, that made the story even more fun to read.

If you like threesomes, if you enjoy seeing a committed couple spice up their sex lives by temporarily inviting a third man into their bed, and if you’re looking for a hot, sensual, and fun read, you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Evernight Publishing for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
A Hearts On Fire Review

4.5 Hearts--Well hello there! Lilith Duvalier's "Spread and Howl" is a historical fantasy/horror/thriller with a French stroke. And erotic too!

The town of Gardenne-Sur-Seine is being haunted by a monster called the Beast at night. the Beast is eating the townsfolk and leaving a lot of families in turmoil. The town's stonemason, Marius Lemarque, has lost his parents and his lover to the Beast (directly and indirectly). He's a man full of grief and wants revenge.He's a simple man who hides his sexuality and mourns for his love. When the King's Master of the Hunt (a fancy knight), the snobby, rich Lord Guillaume Bissette is ordered to the plagued town and bring back the Beast as a trophy for their ruler. Guillaume would rather fuck his knights or whore but does as he's ordered. Marius reluctantly joins forces with Guillaume, the two are in a fight for their life trying to defeat the Beast.

"Spread and Howl" isn't a gushy romance. If you're looking for light kisses and cotton candy fluff, look else where because it's not here. This was dark, creepy, thrilling, fuck hot and hard. And it could have went even darker, in my opinion. I enjoyed the way both men were written.

It was opposites attract - Marius is the humble laborer to Guillaume's snooty, entitled Lord.

It was character who had a meaningful relationship vs. character who likes to bone and never had anything substantial.

Both were alpha males without the overbearing Neanderthal ways. This wasn't a case of insta-love. It wasn't a 'we had sex so now you're the only penis for me' story. (Yay!) It was more of a 'common goal that turned into a bond while trying to stay alive for another night'.

The action scenes were great. I could picture each scene as I read and enjoyed the flow. I thought the action and sex were a great balance. It was humping in each chapter. There was a plot afoot. I think Marius was the stronger of the two since we get a better glimpse of his life and environment. I like that he grieved and didn't automatically forget his lover once the new man came along.

But...let me talk about the sex which I think was just as strong as the action.

That first sex scene between Marius and Guillaume? Frantic, desperate, glad to be alive? That was fire. They both finished bruised, bitten, bloody and covered in semen! And the rough manhandling? I was so excited. And the second scene? That was erotica and horror intertwined quite smoothly. On one hand I'm rooting for their lustful fucking and the other hand I'm scared they wouldn't survive with danger so close by. It was thrilling and heart pumping.

Oh and butt virgin, there is a butt virgin! I enjoyed his POV at those pivotal points. I liked the alternating POV approach, added depth to the story.

I have few and very minor quibbles. I think maybe just the two:

1) Who summoned the Beast? Why did it pick the town? Are there more somewhere? Hmm...I'll never know. :( I thought there was going to be twist with the person behind it maybe showing themselves. I guess the sense of mystery lends credence to the suspenseful tone throughout the story, not everything needs a definitive answer and all that jazz.

2) The Postlude/Epilogue/Ending: I am happy with the solid HFN-ish/HEA. But I think the wrong person said "my love". I don't think it was necessary, since neither MC's came across as those kind of men to me. But it was said, fine whatever. It left the smallest bit of sour to my kickass ending for me. I also liked what happened for the MC's but I'd have liked to see the role progression.

Even with those small quibbles, I loved "Spread and Howl".

Recommended if you're in the mood for erotica with a horror/thriller tinge and/or need a break from gushing sugar.
SheReadsALot | Jun 20, 2016 |
Not for me.
gigi9988776 | 1 altra recensione | Aug 25, 2014 |
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