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They were sailing toward an untamed land of limitless riches, but their dreams seemed to demand a sacrifice of the Code of Honor. Samantha & her sister attempted to escape a bleak future in Ireland by going to Queensland.The land she discovers she had never anticipated or desired, but now her home is oceans away.
ImmanuelPPLibrary | 1 altra recensione | Mar 28, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 1 altra recensione | Feb 19, 2024 |
WBCLIB | Jul 26, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 1 altra recensione | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
It's one thing to be attracted to someone else's spouse. It's another thing to try to pull God into the situation for your own benefit.

I got three quarters of the way through this book, but the whole "praying and begging God to let you have another man's wife" thing has ruined whatever the ending must be.

The absent husband's all-too-likely fate will already be decidedly on the rather convenient side for the plot's sake, which I was prepared for, since I know how genre romance plots basically work. Still, I wanted to see exactly how the two main characters would deal with it all, since they don't know they're characters in a novel with a guaranteed Happily Ever After ending. But now added to the likely convenience, even if "the other man" hero here turns and says he's sorry about his prayer, it'll still feel icky to me for him and the heroine to get together. Especially with only about a quarter of this short-ish novel left to try to get the bad taste about him out of my mouth.

So, no, I won't be finishing this one. But I do plan to try at least one more novel by this author, as I have one more book to go in the four-book Australian Destiny series.
NadineC.Keels | Sep 20, 2022 |
In turn-of-the-century Australia, Cole Sloan is using money he salvaged from a disaster at his sugar plantation to begin what he hopes will be a lucrative brokerage venture. Linnet Connolly, seeking both work and education, hopes to study music at the University of Adelaide. Linnet's sister, Samantha, finds much-needed employment using her clerical skills and remarkably good sense in Taste of Victory by author Sandy Dengler.

After reading this third book in the Australian Destiny series, I'll admit that even as I've enjoyed these historical ChristFic novels, I didn't have the best sense of "why" after I read the first two. They were two threads of events happening to two sets of loosely related characters, but I didn't have a firm overall takeaway after reading the books.

Interesting stories without memorable plots for me.

But as I read this third novel, I got more of an overarching sense of the series, more of a "why" coming together within the trail of events. Also, the diversity in this book includes not only Aborigines but a few Chinese immigrant characters, which I liked. Although the delivery of evangelistic/salvational content and Gospel-talk in this series hasn't been my thing, this novel was a 4-star read for me…until I saw what was coming toward the end.

*Spoiler-ish: I'm leaving out names and other specifics, but skip the next paragraph if you wish.*

While conversion may happen quickly, character is something you have to work on over time. In my view, you can't spend almost three whole novels' worth of years showing that you're such an outwardly good-looking but inwardly unscrupulous, untrustworthy, murderous rogue who'll selfishly do anyone dirty—anyone, even someone you claim to love—and then after a spiritual conversion toward the end of the third book, you're suddenly suitable marriage material for your upright love interest. The initial, glowing wonder of newfound faith doesn't complete or replace the nitty-gritty work to develop one's character for lasting change. It's far more compelling to me when one or both romantic parties get on-page time to grow away from their old selves, rather than rushing to nuptials within a chapter or two of a "come to Jesus" moment.

*End of spoiler-ish part.*

Even so, this author is a skilled writer, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll tie it all up in Book Four, the last of the series.
NadineC.Keels | Aug 21, 2020 |
Pearl wants to escape the back country and return to big city life where she can marry well. Marty wants to forge ahead with ambitious plans for his own land and cattle, even in the midst of a bad drought. And Indirri wishes to one day seek revenge for the past massacre of his family in Power of Pinjarra by author Sandy Dengler.

I'll confess I set aside this second novel in the Australian Destiny series on the first try, as the ending of Book One left me wanting more of those previous characters rather than the new set here. I had trouble getting a sense of direction for the story as the characters hopped from here to there, much of their lives blurring by in the background while the book fast-forwarded over some large gaps in time.

(Admittedly, I skimmed over most of the evangelistic content, as stretches of Gospel-talk generally don't work for me in fiction.)

Nevertheless, I'm glad I gave this book a second try, as the story eventually gets into a smoother groove. Although the journey toward the climax is fairly slow, the author uses it to tie hanging threads from earlier together, and when the climax does finally hit, it's explosive. Not to mention a few other parts along the way that popped with suspense or poignantly pricked my heart. Enid! Mungkala!

There's an overall richness to this historical fiction series, and I hope to continue on to Book Three.
NadineC.Keels | Feb 19, 2020 |
With no work or marriage prospects for her in her native Ireland, Samantha Connolly seizes an opportunity to go work in Australia—as an indentured servant to one Cole Sloan. But Cole's legal and financial struggles, along with his callous ways and shady business dealings, put Samantha in a precarious position in Code of Honor by author Sandy Dengler.

From the first page of this first book in the Australian Destiny series, I was taken in by the fluid, expressive style of a clear wordsmith. The author blends beauty with a measure of bite and danger in this layered story that comes alive Down Under.

A few jumps in the timeline, particularly in the novel's opening stages, made it difficult for me to get into the characters at first, but I got a better feel for them after a while. Samantha has an imperfect but admirable head on her shoulders, and I appreciate that the question of romance in her life isn't maneuvered into a fairy-tale answer. Likewise, while there's more evangelistic content than I go for in fiction these days, I'm glad "come to Jesus" moments aren't forced in to wrap up the story with a tidy, shiny bow.

I'll admit I was nervous about seeing how the author would depict Aborigines. I wasn't surprised by some of the characters' thoughts about people of color, but overall, there's nuance and dimension to the racial/cultural themes, with more than one side and perspective that significantly comes to light.

I'm looking forward to continuing this series.
NadineC.Keels | 1 altra recensione | Jan 23, 2020 |
The puzzles are fair, but the characters will appeal mostly to "Guideposts" readers. The mystery isn't bad, and there is the advantage of suitability for younger readers as an introduction to the genre.½
librisissimo | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 14, 2017 |
The Comatose Cat was the first Church Choir mystery I read, and that only because my local library had it on a display table in the juvenile section.

The mystery is an illness that is affecting some of the pets in Willow Bend. Two of a local farmer's sheep have died as well as another man's favorite dog. Gracie Parks' cat, Gooseberry, and her next-door neighbor Marge Lawrence's Shih Tzu, Charlotte, become two of the victims. What's causing this mysterious illness? Can vet Dr. Wilkins find out in time to save Gooseberry, Charlotte, and other pets?

There are several subplots, each with lessons for young and old. A big one is a proposed factory. Willow Bend is losing its young persons because there are so few jobs available. The town needs jobs, but the environment is a consideration. The two most vocal critics of the proposed factory have their own reasons to oppose it.

Chuckie Moon, a skinny high school student who dyes his hair green, is another important subplot. He frightens others, including his girlfriend Angie, who would like to see less of him. Is Chuckie spying on Gracie? If so, why?

A lesser mystery is why Gracie's zesty potato salad (recipe in the back) tasted like bananas at the EHCC Youth Group Hot Dog Roast in chapter 14. Also, who stink bombed the Eternal Hope Community Church during choir practice -- and later, the police station?

Unsurprisingly, the persons most critical of the local speed trap are speeders. One of them becomes upset when he receives a polite suggestion that he wouldn't get tickets if he drove at the speed limit.

Jessica Larson, a perpetual civic volunteer, is very proud of her son, Jeffrey. She's a bit of a control freak, something she should try modifying before Jeffrey reaches 15 -- unless she wants him to rebel too hard. It's when Mrs. Larson starts asking for money to help send Jeffrey to a special science camp that we learn about an even less lovely aspect of her personality.

This is a Christian mystery, so Christians are portrayed favorably as well as unfavorably. The recurring atheist character is civic-minded, intelligent, educated, and fair. He's not perfect, but neither is anyone else.

A homeless cocker spaniel is found. He trusts Gracie, but she has her elderly uncle (who might trip over a dog), and her beloved cat to consider. Can Gracie find Gent's owner or a new home?

Two vehicles mentioned have knicknames: Gracie Park's car, Fannie May, and the local high school's oldest bus, the yellow sasquatch. (No, it is not used to take the sports teams to other towns -- it probably wouldn't make it back.)

Several real books and authors are mentioned: science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. I've read and can recommend them, too.

If you're looking for a cozy mystery without sex or profanity, set in a nice town with interesting characters, you'll find one here.½
JalenV | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 8, 2014 |
When Gracie Parks beloved cat, Gooseberry, becomes ill, she wonders if his sickness could be related to some of the other disturbing events unfolding in her small town.
gnbclibrary | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 11, 2008 |
I am not a Susanna Wesley fan. I think this book is objective and fair, but I fail to see her as a role model for godly young ladies who desire to be keepers at home.
mebrock | Feb 27, 2008 |
Very interesting twists in this! I love the recipes in the back, as I have tried out a few of them from several books of this series, and they were all pretty good!
NemesisClaws | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2008 |
This is a very short children's chapter book that focuses on the main character who is a young boy. The reader witnesses the boy's changes and maturation that occurs during the story, at first being unsure of himself and seemigly drifting without a purpose, and then, with the help of fate, discovers an "ugly duckling" of a horse who needs nuturing, and in the end they both become stronger.

The book was an okay read, though when it was bought for me when I was much younger I did not like it. As an adult, I finished it pretty quickly, but realized that the religious "subliminal" messages placed on every page became overbearing and a turnoff. It was definitely written for the Christian child in mind, and this should be considered when choosing a book.½
isisauset12 | May 11, 2007 |
WOW! What an amazing, adventurous book! The twists and turns kept coming, and the results were not predictable at all. I didn’t want to put the book down. It was filled with so much action and suspense, that I would recommend this book to any reader who fancies historic adventures. Read more:
Katie_543 | Apr 10, 2007 |
semoffat | Sep 1, 2021 |
kingwoodbible | Aug 25, 2019 |
When Eternal Hope church is hit by a tordano during choir practice, it starts a chain of events that involves the FBI and the ATF, and Gracie Parks is in the middle of it all.
gnbclibrary | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 13, 2008 |
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