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A little bit history, a little bit STEM. The story of the creation of the beloved Ferris Wheel.
sloth852 | 33 altre recensioni | Jan 2, 2024 |
This books shows how the American inventor George Ferris worked to defy all the odds and harness his creative visison and mind for detail in order to invent the Ferris Wheel. This book is fun while being factfilled. Taking readers to the 1893 World's Fair where George Ferris and his Ferris Wheel lifted passengers and took them on a ride for the first time. I thought his book was extremely interesting and well written, shining a light onto the invention process of one of the most popular amusement park rides. As a teacher I would use this to incorporate into a STEM lesson where I would give students tools that the would need to investigate with and create a rotating wheel. This is a fun way to support STEM activities in the classroom.½
Leighann-Rathe | 33 altre recensioni | Apr 15, 2021 |
This was a lovely book about the beginning of the Ferris Wheel. It was both a story and a collection of info bits that made it that much more fun to read. Plus the illustrations take the reader back 120 years and make you ready to see the sun and walk the midway.
LibrarianRyan | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 25, 2021 |
This book is a great biography about George Farris and his journey leading to the creation of the Farris wheel. The pictures make it a fun book to follow along with and it is easy to picture yourself with Mr. Farris in his journey. This book can be related to not only science but a big part of history too with the World Fair back in 1893. This book touches on some difficulties Mr. Farris faced on his journey, but ends with him overcoming obstacles in his great creation of the fun ride we all know and love today. This book is great for the classroom to show kids the history behind a famous attraction and makes for a quick read and easy follow format.
SGiese | 33 altre recensioni | Apr 7, 2020 |
Short but interesting non-fiction read about the man who created one of the most popular fair attractions still used today, the Ferris wheel. With one or two short paragraphs per page with the occasional math, science, or history fact helps keeps readers interested along with the bright and interesting illustrations. Having a book like this within the classroom helps show students that anything can be brought to reality if they put in the work. Also, a good book to have because it covers multiple different content areas.
bnk008 | 33 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2020 |
This is the inspiring picture book biography of George Ferris and how he came to build a structure that defied gravity and became a staple at fairs, carnivals, and amusement parks. How many of us have ridden a Ferris Wheel at some point in our lives? I have to say I was intrigued by her pick and curious to learn how the first one came to be. The World’s Fair was coming to Chicago in 1893, so the search was on for the design that would top the Eiffel Tower, the standout of the last fair. None of the ideas were new and exciting enough for the committee. When George Ferris, an engineer, brought his proposal to the board they weren’t sure because they thought it was too big and that it wouldn’t work. The fair was only a handful of months away when the committee decided to give the go ahead to Ferris. There was intense pressure for everyone working on the project and they also had to deal with frozen ground and Chicago weather.

The story really makes you feel the anticipation when Ferris and his wife take the first ride. I would have been so scared! I loved learning about how the invention came together was surprised to hear about the large glass cars. Once the fair was over it was even taken down and put up at other locations! Wow! I was amazed at how fun it was to learn about history from this delightful picture book. After we finished I had to look up what the cars looked like, since I couldn’t imagine how big they were. I was stunned!

Mr. Ferris and His Wheel is a great book for people who like to learn about history in an interesting way or for people who like a good ride. I bet you will learn something new too!
Robinsonstef | 33 altre recensioni | Jul 10, 2019 |
Mr. Ferris and His Wheel is a nonfiction story of George Ferris, the man who created the Ferris Wheel. This nonfiction story is filled with facts and information for readers about the 1893 World's Fair held in Chicago, and it is accompanied by brilliant imagery to keep kids of a variety of ages and interests entertained. This book fits perfectly with units on the engineer process, innovation, and perseverance.
Brianna.Andrea | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 4, 2019 |
My favorite ride at the fair is the Ferris wheel. Kathryn Gibbs Davis, writes about the incredible engineer Ferris Davis informing readers of the “worlds “greatest ride”. Looking for something to impress America at the Chicago world’s fair was not easy, but Ferris came up with an idea. He wanted to create a structure that would dazzle and move and that is when the idea of the Ferris wheel came to be. Ferris took his idea to the construction chief of the fair that thought of Ferris as ridiculous and said the structure would collapse. Ferris had faith, as he went to scrounge up money for the project, he gathered workers and supplies he needed and went to work. Through the ups and downs, Ferris finished the ride calling it the monstrous wheel that was later renamed the Ferris wheel after himself. The bright, colorful illustrations in the book give you a feel of how dazzling the Ferris wheel really is.
Larmand | 33 altre recensioni | Jan 30, 2019 |
This non-fiction book tells the story of the invention of the Ferris Wheel for the World Fair in Chicago. This story includes obstacles George Ferris overcame and the determination he showed in creating the Ferris Wheel.
jessiechan | 33 altre recensioni | Aug 6, 2018 |
This story is about Mr. Ferris and his journey to make the world's first ferris wheel.
MelissaKetron | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 22, 2018 |
This book is about George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. who invented the ferris wheel for the Chicago World's Fair and the process it took to create the ferris wheel.
mckennalandry | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2018 |
This delightful book follows the real-life events leading up to the Chicago Worlds Fair of 1893 and the invention of the Ferris Wheel. Readers journey with engineer George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. as he goes through the stages of the engineering process, faces financial struggles, and eventually builds the world's first Ferris Wheel.
This book is a great example of a historical-informational book. The author includes several credible sources, such as quotes from Mr. Ferris's partner to solidify her claims. while there are illustrations instead of photographs, those illustrations are colorful, detailed, and correlate well with the time period in which this story takes place.
1. One way to use this book would be to bookend a lesson on the engineering design process. The teacher can read the book at the start of the lesson, and then again once the students know what the process is. Then, students can identify they different steps of the engineering design process that Mr. Ferris makes.
2. A second way to utilize this book would be to have it available during an activity on timelines. The teacher can challenge kids to use evidence found in books, such as this one, to create a timeline of when certain technologies were invented.
Age Appropriateness: primary, intermediate
Media: Digital mixed media with ink and water color.½
rstewart15 | 33 altre recensioni | Nov 13, 2017 |
Mr. Ferris and His Wheel is an informational picture book about the invention of the ferris wheel for the world fair in Chicago in 1893. The World Fair is Paris had just debuted the Eiffel Tower and America wanted to create something even more astounding for the next World Fair in America.
The book tells the story if the inventor and engineer George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. The book also gives information about Mr. Ferris, other buildings at the time, and facts about the world fair, the ferris wheel and other things happening at the time in the corner of the pages not a part of the story.½
sschilling | 33 altre recensioni | Nov 8, 2017 |
This book is about George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. and his creation of the "Ferris Wheel". George had already created designed some of the country's largest bridges, tunnels, and roads. Chicago was in competition with France's Eiffel Tower. No one thought Mr. Ferris could build the ferris wheel. He even had to use hos own savings to create it. He and his crew worked hard and created the a Monster Wheel later being named the Ferris Wheel by his investors.

Personal response
I never knew the history behind the creation of the Ferris Wheel, so I found the book informative. I loved the passage in the book by William Gronau, "Frequently I was discouraged and ready to give up. But, through the encouragment of Mr. Ferris, work was always resumed."

Extension Ideas
1. Have the children come up with their own carnival ride idea.
2. Have them create an invention of their choice.
April03 | 33 altre recensioni | Apr 25, 2017 |
The biography of George Ferris and his entry into the 1893 World's Fair. The illustrations depict the hard work and dedication that went into the creation of the ferris wheel. Students enjoyed hearing the Chicago had quicksand. They were amazed by the size of the ferris wheel cars.
Pfefferk | 33 altre recensioni | Apr 23, 2017 |
In this informational text, the author describes some of the most outlandish pets that presidents have had throughout history. Additionally, the author includes elements of each president's term in office.
Overall, this book is a pretty good example of an informational text because it provided accurate information about the presidents in a fun, creative way. Additionally, the author has done a good job of tacking the concept of presidents and presented them to children in a way that would interest them.
1. One way to use this text would be to read it aloud during a unit on pets as a way to give an example of crazy pets. The teacher can ask the students whether the animals these presidents had would be good pets for everyone and why.
2. Another way to use this text would be to have it available around presidents day. If the class is learning about one president in particular that is features in this text, the teacher can read that page aloud in order to spark some interest and make the historical figures more relatable.
Age Appropriateness: Intermediate
Media: watercolor and colored paper
rstewart15 | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2017 |
Both the story of the ferris wheel and history of the World's Fair is discussed in this book. The story begins with Ferris pitching the idea which is followed by criticism and facing other obstacles. Ending in of course its success. Adding to this is that almost every page includes a fact blurb about construction which helps add to this great story
CNealon | 33 altre recensioni | Nov 30, 2016 |
A gorgeous exploration of the events and technological climate that lead to the creation of the first Ferris Wheel.
Jackie.Spencer | 33 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2016 |
This is an informational book about George Ferris and how the ferris wheel was invented. I had mixed feelings about this text for a few reasons. I like the way that it was presented. The illustrations were very colorful and engaging for the reader. It was also told in a story like way which makes it more interesting to read to children. I did not like how it had minimal text features but was still categorized as an informational book. The main idea of this book was to explain the background information on the ferris wheel and how it worked and where it came from.
amyadams19 | 33 altre recensioni | May 2, 2016 |
Gibbs Davis has chosen an interesting approach in his book, Wackiest White House Pets. From the drawing on the front cover, showing a spry John Quincy Adams fleeing a visiting alligator, with the White House in the background, to the section in the back of the book titled “More Wacky Pet Facts”, this book provides a glimpse into a lesser known aspect of the lives of the U.S. Presidents. Davis presents the book with an introduction called, “Welcome to the White House Menagerie”, in which he discusses the changes that took place in terms of Presidential pets, from practical farm animals like cows and goats to the wallaby and elephant given as gifts over the years. Davis has a two page spread for each entry, with soft-colored illustrations by David A. Johnson accompanying the text. For George Washington, Davis writes about the President’s teeth, and that of his horses, which he insisted were polished before Washington would ride them. The illustration shows Washington brushing the horse’s teeth. This is actually an inaccurate picture, however, with Washington using what is essentially a modern toothbrush on the horse. Other Presidents and pets include Thomas Jefferson and his two grizzly bears, Franklin Pearce and his teacup dogs, Andrew Johnson and his mice, and Calvin Coolidge and his pet raccoon, Rebecca. Some of the other illustrations are also not realistic, such as Rebecca the raccoon wearing her own fur coat (she did actually ride in a limousine, however; no wonder Coolidge was unpopular!), Johnson’s mice sitting in chairs at a table to eat dinner, and Woodrow Wilson’s sheep pushing lawnmowers across the grass on two legs. Overall, though, the amount of information balances out the somewhat fanciful illustrations. This book is entertaining and provides a lot of information about each President and the time period in which he lived. I would recommend this to anyone interested in Presidential history, especially young readers.
jennyirwin | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 25, 2016 |
This beautifully illustrated picture book tells the story of one man's creation and sheds light on the invention of the Ferris Wheel. This informative biography is a wonderful combination of engineering and historical facts. With illustrations created with water colors and ink, this book is easy-to-understand and in an interesting way for all readers. Immediately after reading this book I was ready to take a ride on the Ferris Wheel.
Shannon_373 | 33 altre recensioni | Apr 22, 2016 |
What a wonderful book for all the students in your classroom, whether they are seeking adventure, encouragement, or simply want to know more about engineering. The story of the first Ferris Wheel is thoughtfully told in such as way that the reader at once wants to cheer for Mr. Ferris and go up into the "car with the velvet seats." The author adds notes that inform readers on matters of the time period, such as how information was conveyed, how the materials arrived at the fair sight, and who helped build the wheel, to help students of today's classroom better relate to the time in which the wheel was constructed.
aliceanne | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2016 |
Summary: Nonfiction picture book that tells the story of the invention and building of the world's first Ferris Wheel. The wheel was built for the World's Fair in 1893 taking place in Chicago. Despite many difficulties and doubters George Ferris succeeded in wowing the world with his invention.

Reflection: Interesting information for those interested in the Ferris Wheel. Nice side notes through book that give extra details and background information.
AlinaA | 33 altre recensioni | Feb 6, 2016 |
Capturing an engineer’s creative vision and mind for detail, this fully illustrated picture book biography sheds light on how the American inventor George Ferris defied gravity and seemingly impossible odds to invent the world’s most iconic amusement park attraction, the Ferris wheel.
sdg292 | 33 altre recensioni | Nov 15, 2015 |
This story tells of how Mr. Ferris invented the first "Monster Wheel" later renamed after its inventor, the "Ferris Wheel" for the World Fair. America was trying to out do the invention that had been revealed at the prior World's Fair in Paris, the Eiffel Tower and with only months until the World's Fair there were still no ideas. Mr. Ferris approached everyone with his idea for the Ferris Wheel but no one believed in him and he had to end up funding the project with his own money and that from investors. The Ferris wheel was revealed at the World's Fair that year and everyone was very impressed, and enjoyed the beautiful sights they could see while riding it.
Shilonwheeler | 33 altre recensioni | Aug 13, 2015 |