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Opere di Ember Dante


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Romance with a slice of family intrigue

“Love is one of those emotions you can’t control. It happens when it happens.”

Age Rating: NC-17
Age Rating Comments: Sex

If you enjoy spicy romance, true-to-life characters, and some family drama getting in the way, you will love this book. It embodies a well put together contemporary fiction novel with a heavy slant toward the Romance genre. I’m not a normal Romance reader, but once I dove into this novel, I found myself wanting to know what twists and turns Ian’s and Emmy’s relationship would take along with the turns that happened in their lives that threatened to tear them apart.

I have a feeling that Emmy will be the most identifiable character for many, but I found that Ian was the most troubled. He pulled me close to this story. It’s also nice to read a story where the main male character isn’t the bad-boy. He really is the good guy, Emmy’s hero, as well as mine in this novel.

In my opinion, this novel would best geared toward the adult–post college through mid-thirties. That’s the age level of the main characters, and the issues they face in the novel are likely geared toward that age group: young professionals, I’d call it. It was fun to see all the references to pop culture, and see the twists Ms. Dante put onto some well known quotes. I’ll leave those gems for you to discover though.

My primary reason for the 4/5 rating is that I believe there were some scenes that could be omitted in order to trim the plot to one or two specific drivers. Both characters bring baggage to the relationship, but it seems to get resolved rapidly, and they are on to the next stumbling block.
What I loved most about it was that everyone was so real, and it explored relationships both between the main characters and within their lives. All-in-all, it’s a quick and easy read with lots of modern culture, steam, and nice heart-felt relationships.

As always… Turn the page, a new adventure awaits!
… (altro)
SusanStradiotto | Jul 12, 2023 |

