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Cathy CruiseRecensioni

Autore di A Hundred Weddings

1 opera 7 membri 1 recensione


** spoiler alert ** First, let me just start off by saying this book actually KILLED ME! I loved it to pieces! It made me laugh, cry, and scream at the same time. Cathy Cruise, you have a way with stories, and I certainly want to read more of them. I am almost out of sticky notes at the amount of things I want to cover. And that's crazy in itself!

A Hundred Weddings, if you haven't read the book or summary yet, is about a girl named Katie Jacobs, who basically hates weddings. Her mother is a wedding planner, and she herself has been to most of the weddings her mother has planned. Only problem is, every one of them (that I know of; didn't go into much detail about that) had something bad happen, per say a groom puking on his bride and priest and podium. YUCK!

First thing I want to cover, in the bazillion things I have sticky noted, is how Katie and her younger sister swore (in a sister pact) to NEVER get married. Welp, her sister broke that by falling in love, and Katie is pissed! Katie refuses to return any of her sister's or her mother's calls and instead works as hard as she can, all the while dating an almost 4o year old man, named Dan. Ha! That rhymed (unintentionally). Katie doesn't really understand the meaning of "LOVE" yet, and calls marriage the "M" word. How funny!

All while getting let off of her summer classes, Katie finds out that Dan was going to propose on their trip to Cancun, before she kind of pushed him away and out of her house. Don't get me wrong, I understand her point of wanting to be alone sometimes, but having a boyfriend means that you are halfway committed to someone. Marriage is just the final step in saying that you want to be together forever (unfortunately, half of the marriages that occur, do not stay together if I remember correctly). Katie feels terrible for how she let go of Dan, but she moves on with no further plans for the summer and calls her sister to tell her she will be attending the wedding and going to Florida to help out with the repairs of their childhood home.

Arriving in Florida, Katie finds herself thinking about her old bestfriend Will, all while meeting her sister's fiance for the FIRST time. How nerve racking! Taking a short trip down memory lane, Katie gets caught up with an overbearing mother. Now, I'm sure a couple (or a lot) of us have overbearing mothers, me being one of them. It can get a little crazy sometimes, especially when you clash personalities, and when they decide to plan out your future for you, a bit. It can get on your nerves (believe me, I understand), but see it in their point of view for just a sec. They don't want you to make the mistakes that they did. They don't want you to go through the problems they had, or face the pain they felt. And I understand that now, which kind of sucks because it's all a little scary.

Katie's mother continuously tries to get Katie to make things up with Dan, and get him down in Florida, but Katie pushes past it and begins to ignore the subject entirely. Now, moving past Dan, Katie's mother has her start a blog for her business, that her sister Caroline was supposed to do, but is too busy with her own wedding. With her mother's idea of the blog in her mind, Katie finds it to be a little bit hard to make the first post, and instead looks back at old memories that she remembers at those weddings her mother planned.

Like for instance, the one where she snuck out to go be with her best friend, Will, and his new car. They drove around for a while, and I believe this is where Katie first fell in love, but didn't realize it. Will had even said, "I love you too much." But what is that supposed to mean? Well, we find out later in the book.

Fast forward to Will's first marriage/wedding. He's getting married to a girl named Allison, and Katie, for some reason, feels unsettling about it. Having a few drinks, Will pulls Katie outside to speak to her. He basically confessed EVERYTHING to her, how he doesn't truly love Allison, but he loves her, Katie. He even kissed her! The day before his wedding! Oh my lawd! Katie, doing the right thing, tells him that he is getting married to another woman, and that he is just tipsy. She may love him deep down, but she has yet to figure that out. After giving a very short toast to the newly weds, Katie runs off to the bathroom and has a breakdown. Becoming a sobbing mess, Katie cleans up and heads back out. Finding a man, Katie kindly asks him to tell the bride and groom that she had to leave because she was feeling ill (an excuse everyone uses when they're feeling emotionally unwell or are just up to something they shouldn't be). *pulls off the 10th sticky note* These are still usable, I'll just stick them in a box for the next review!

I believe we're still a month (or a couple weeks) before the wedding, correct? Well, lets start off with Caroline's problems. Her dress stinks, literally. B.O stinky, so gross! Already having taken it the dry cleaners once, Katie, her mother, and Caroline are a little upset that it gets stinky everytime it gets hot (which is because its a silk fabric, but anyways, onward with the review).

Now, we all have a dream house, right? Well, I know I surely do. Only problem is I will never be able to afford to build it or find one to buy. In Katie's 7th blog post, she drones on and on about her dream house dreams, and how she feels about certain things inside and out. I have to admit, this part was just a tad bit boring, but it did not change my view on this book!

I can speak for some people, and say that bachelor parties get a little crazy sometimes, and people get a little too drunk and crazy for their liking. Well, poor Caroline had to witness (as she tried to talk to her husband about an important topic) a naked girl giving a lap dance to her fiance. Pissed as hell, Caroline storms out while Katie tries to reason with her. Then......BOOM! Pregnancy bomb! Caroline is pregnant and pissed at her fiance for doing this. Little does she know, it wasn't his fault, and instead his friend Pete's.

NO! We're getting to our sticky note! Don't worry. I'll try to make it last long. After Will had said he would NOT be attending the wedding, Katie finds him attending after all! And guess what she does? She drops the bomb that she loves him! YES! FINALLY! We get the fragging "L" word! And she evens says "Marry me, Will?" - "Please?". YES! YES GET MARRIED! HALLELUJAH!

And guess what? Their wedding sounds a lot like what mine would be like if I was a late bloomer, which is what will probably happen since I have ZERO faith in finding someone perfect for me. Black bridesmaid dresses, crying babies, a peeing dog, and a happy bride and groom. Sounds like a cute and disastrous wedding, but I'm all for it!

I absolutely LOVED this book and cannot wait to read more from Cathy Cruise! Now, I know I give 5/5 stars a lot of the time, but each review has a different meaning from the last. This one is, you can find love anywhere, even when it seems impossible. At least, that's what I've come up with. Such a cute book and I will most likely be rereading it in the future!
booking_belle | Nov 8, 2019 |