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mmundorf | 22 altre recensioni | Apr 22, 2024 |
Copy 1: Resource Center; Family and Youth Ministries; Minister Support-Ideas
Copy 2: St. Ignatius of Loyola; Meditation; Spirtuality
StCharlesBorromeoLV | Mar 30, 2023 |
Based on a Gallup study of over two million people who have excelled in their careers, this text uses a program to help readers discover their distinct talents and strengths.
OLibrary | 22 altre recensioni | Mar 21, 2022 |
Short but fascinating read. Uses the metaphor of filling or taking from others buckets, and the research of impact of negativity/study of what we do wrong and shifting to impact of positivity/study of what we do right.
sigje | 19 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2022 |
I read with interest, and took the quiz at the web site, and as an indicator of how applicable they are, I have hardly referred to the results since then. I really like the concept that success is more likely to come from utilizing one's strength. But going from knowing one's strengths to utilizing them is the difficulty.
bread2u | 22 altre recensioni | Jul 1, 2020 |

I've to this one with a solid decade of reading neuroscience and positive psychology behind me, so not only am I already familiar with the research he cites, but I am well aware of when it is misused. Let's just get this out of the way before we discuss any strengths (haha) the book may have, as I have yet to see its weaknesses covered in any of the reviews:

a) it is NOT TRUE that you can't significantly strengthen your weaknesses. Read The Brain that Changes Itself for a good introduction. Saying that most of us DON'T change is NOT the same thing. Even his own statistics don't support him: yes, you can draw a 0.7 to 0.9 correlation between people's scores on personality tests over time, but this is an AVERAGE--there will be some people with a 0.99 correlation and other people with a 0.5 correlation. Some people do change significantly over time, and it is worth discussing how and why, and when this is important. Not to mention that a 0.7 correlation is impressive, but it implies a CHANGE of 0.3--and that's not insignificant. (I've read a few of his books at this point and parts of this are drawn from more than one of them.)

It takes a lot of hard work and effort over a serious amount of time to really change an aspect of personality, and it likely is not worth it if you're trying to tackle something benign like "I hate public speaking." But some people's 'weaknesses' are serious character defects that cause harm to their friends, families and colleagues, and these folks should absolutely be expected to put the time and effort required into real change. Moreover, much research has shown that it CAN be done. So wtf, Buckingham?

b) The ipsative nature of the scoring makes the tool of use only on an individual level, though the author argues that organizations can use this in hiring. Nuh uh. No way.

So, the strengthsfinder gives you your top five strengths in business contexts. Handy, if you're trying to figure out what job to take or a continuing ed course or how to tackle some big project at work. But.

But it doesn't give you a SCORE. Just a list of your top five. Just because you and your best friend both have "empathy" as a top strength doesn't mean you're equally empathic; indeed, just because your best friend's top strength is "empathy" and it doesn't even appear on your top five doesn't mean you're not in fact MORE empathic than your friend. Maybe your best friend is mediocre in everything and even their top strengths are not very strong. This is harmless so long as it is used for self-discovery and planning, but used for hiring and promotions, as Buckingham openly advocates?

Stupidest idea ever. Sorry.

(deep breath)

So, the pluses: it was certainly rigorously researched and the central thesis of focusing on developing strengths rather than correcting weaknesses has a lot to recommend it. Much research backs up their claim that this is a better use of resources for corporations, and that I will buy. I was amused by the test results (I am very good at thinking: I like thinking abstractly, thinking about concepts, thinking about strategies, collecting thoughts, and then, when all of this is done, thinking about my values and beliefs. And yes, those are my top five strengths. They do seem somewhat repetitive, no?) and given previous experience with Seligmen et al's research on character strengths, not entirely convinced by them. I mean, yes, I love thinking--but it's not all I do, not even at work, and I got much more balanced results from less commercially-oriented researchers.

Incidentally, the tests developed by the positive psychology researchers, who are also looking at character strengths and how to focus on them, are available for free on the internet--you don't need to buy the book to take the test. Just an fyi. It's a brilliant marketing strategy but that doesn't make it sound science.
andrea_mcd | 22 altre recensioni | Mar 10, 2020 |
More people need to read this book. :)
Cfo6 | 19 altre recensioni | Mar 19, 2018 |
Very short and easy to read, but some excellent points using praise rather than criticism to energize people around you.
KenMcLain | 19 altre recensioni | Jul 18, 2017 |
This book's goal is to inform the reader on how to unlock their potential and become a "top achiever". Rooted in research, it offers strategies to discover and develop your strengths in academics, career, and beyond.

This book has a lot of wide spread appeal and anyone would be able to get something valuable from it.
OHIOCLDC | Jun 29, 2015 |
Desde Leader Summaries recomendamos la lectura del libro ¿Está lleno su cubo?, de Tom Rath y Donald O. Clifton.
Las personas interesadas en las siguientes temáticas lo encontrarán práctico y útil: habilidades directivas, crecimiento personal y psicología positiva, mejorar el clima laboral.
En el siguiente enlace tienes el resumen del libro ¿Está lleno su cubo?, El asombroso poder del elogio para cambiar personas y organizaciones: ¿Está lleno su cubo?
LeaderSummaries | 19 altre recensioni | Dec 20, 2014 |
This book reminds us to do good things each day. This helps children learn their place in the community and how they need to do good to help out each day.
lexibaldwin | 19 altre recensioni | Dec 4, 2013 |
I have to read this for work which immediately lessens its appeal. I finally started to read it and, thought I am skeptical about whether or not it is cult-ish, I think they make a lot of sense. The premise of the book is to manage your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. You might think that this concept is a given, but after I thought about it, I realized that most organizations try and improve employee weaknesses.
jlapac | 22 altre recensioni | Aug 14, 2013 |
I would use this book to encourage good behavior. I would put a bucket at each table in the classroom and put an object in the bucket when they were behaving well or doing what they were supposed to be doing.
cbs022 | 19 altre recensioni | May 2, 2013 |
I'm returning this to the library without finishing it because I decided to buy the updated version: Strengthbuilders 2.0. I'm excited to start reading that one because I found this one very interesting.
mawls | 22 altre recensioni | Apr 4, 2013 |
A great little book that presents the philosophy/psychology of enabling and pursuing positive interactions with others. A good reminder to be kind to others for a healthier, happier life.½
aarondesk | 19 altre recensioni | Feb 18, 2013 |
Rated: B+
I recommend this book. I agree with its premise: Master your Stengths; Manage your Shortcomings. Love the introductory parable as well as the Nine Principles of Relationships. Practical read.
jmcdbooks | 1 altra recensione | Jan 28, 2013 |
A little more substantive than some of the other pop motivation/biz books, but it also refined the "recognition for recognition's sake" culture applying common sense to it.
stringsn88keys | 19 altre recensioni | Aug 7, 2012 |
When I first read through the Strengthsfinder material in this book, I took guesses at what I thought described me. Then I took the online test. What I found not only surprised me, but revealed to me some insights about who I am. Over time, I've found these descriptors to be useful not only in self-reflection, but in the practice of leadership and, in my case, ministry.

You should know that each book allows for one test. Like other personality profiles, the results need to be interpreted and thought through, but with this text that process remains engaging and revealing. Worth the experiment and reflection.
PastorBob | 22 altre recensioni | Apr 8, 2011 |
I read this for work and I enjoy the reminder about the influence that I have on other people's days based on how I interact with them. The psyc major in me enjoyed taking the StrengthsFinder quiz. It was a very quick read. My only complaint is that I wish it gave me more specific tips on how to actually be more positive in my interactions with other people and how to deal with people who are constantly negative.
jasminemarie | 19 altre recensioni | Jan 17, 2011 |
The authors of this book suggest one way to have a more fulfilling life is to surround yourself with positive people. Negativity tends to breed negativity. Those who wish to enjoy each and every day need to ensure that others aren't taking more than they give to your "bucket" of positive energy.
CTLLibrary | 19 altre recensioni | Oct 1, 2010 |
Nice little simple book about being positive and being a positive force in the lives of those around us. Very quick read.
amymelniczenko | 19 altre recensioni | May 3, 2010 |
Nice little simple book about being positive and being a positive force in the lives of those around us. Very quick read.
amymelniczenko | 19 altre recensioni | May 3, 2010 |
Nice little simple book about being positive and being a positive force in the lives of those around us. Very quick read.
amymelniczenko | 19 altre recensioni | May 3, 2010 |