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Scott Clements

Autore di Gasparilla's Treasure

7 opere 67 membri 7 recensioni


Fonte dell'immagine: My dog decided my face was dirty...

Opere di Scott Clements


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Trip is a decent, reasonably hardworking young man, loves his great grandfather 'Pappy' who is ill in a care home, and has just discovered a whole new world of emotions when he set eyes on a new girl in school. Trouble is, the school bully has seen her too. Fuelled by a few coherent words Pappy said, he searches the loft for a trunk, inside which there are papers and clues to be studied and unravelled. Trip and his friend Josh are joined by a new friend, bright, attractive, and new to the school... with a nice turn in finding the answers to the most obscure clues. Trip occasionally can't believe his luck, but there is a puzzle to be solved and the bully to be evaded, avoided and outwitted.

Scott Clements' story is pacy and enjoyable. It paints pictures of young love, secret treasure and the fascinating history of the Florida coast, with no cloying romance or cliched travelogue. You care about the characters (well, not the bully and his henchmen, who early on were somewhat irritating but were gradually woven into the main plot). Mother, great grandfather and a few other necessary adults are skilfully portrayed. A mystery Native American is suitably mysterious and the intricacies of the treasure trail carefully managed to be neither so easy you wonder why previous generations of the family couldn't solve it, nor so obtuse that the reader can't follow.

Altogether a very enjoyable tale and one for young readers of any age.
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Jemima_Pett | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 11, 2014 |
I received this book for free for an honest review.
Let me just say that I have not yet read the first 2 books.
That being said I will read them when I find them.
The book was very interesting and history was woven into the story in a very fascinating way. You learn many fascinating things about our forefathers and our country. The author wove them into the story without overpowering you with details. Each let to a clue and kept you guessing right along with the characters. Trip, Sarah, and Josh were teens out on an adventure to save the world from the bad guys. Many trips to places filled with history and how it has shaped our country. I especially enjoyed the Epilogue. Great possibilities ahead. Don;t want to give away the book but it was truly enjoyable to read for all ages. A history lesson without being boring. If I were a teacher I would recommend it to my American History class as a must read.… (altro)
1 vota
dahlsal | Oct 15, 2014 |
The Pet Finder Kid -Catnapped by Scott Clements

The Pet Finder Kid is entertaining,funny,mystery novel. I loved the characters.
The plot was good. I remember some of those feelings the kids faced in JR. High School.
Chet Parker feels that his pet Zoey is his only friend that he has. He is not good in sports,awkard talking to girls.
When Zoey was a puppy she needed help to survive and the Vet was going to give her a shot of DNA of a bigger dog. Thier was a accident and Chet got the shot. He can now sometimes feel what animals around him like.
Chet does have one good friend he has made by walking past his house every day and walking together. Douglass a smart nerdy kid.
With the help of Zoey he comforts the popular girl Heather who he sees outside crying because her indoor cat has runaway. Chet offers to help her find her cat.
With Zoey's help Chet makes new friends and finds he is not alone feeling lost in the world of school.
I hope thier will be more books in the Pet Finder Kid series. I have now read two books by Scott and have enjoyed both very much and plan to read more in the future.
He keeps you guessing,laughing along the way. Could not put the book down untill I had finshed it.
I was contacted by the Auther and given the ebook and asked to give honest review after I had read the book.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 8, 2012) 178 pages ISBN 9781480068513
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1 vota
rhonda1111 | Nov 10, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
A fun, fast read best suited for middle school students. There were a few errors, but I enjoyed the story - it has potential!
madamediotte | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 1, 2012 |


½ 4.5

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