Immagine dell'autore.

Baldassare Castiglione (1478–1529)

Autore di Il libro del cortegiano

24+ opere 2,626 membri 17 recensioni 4 preferito


Baldassare Castiglione is chiefly known for his prose dialogues titled The Book of the Courtier, which passed through more than 40 editions in the century after its original publication in 1528. Written in Italian based on Dante's Tuscan, it helped to establish Tuscan as the national literary mostra altro language. The book was celebrated throughout Europe as a manual of courtly manners. However, the attentive reader senses the peculiarly Italian atmosphere that envelops the four main participants in the dialogue as they avoid talking of the political realities that had prompted Machiavelli to write The Prince just a few years before. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Image from Courts & Camps of the Italian Renaissance (1908) by Christopher Hare


Opere di Baldassare Castiglione

Il libro del cortegiano (1528) — Autore — 2,120 copie
Opere (2006) 3 copie
Vita di Guidubaldo, Duca di Urbino (2006) — Autore — 2 copie

Opere correlate

Italian Short Stories from the 13th to the 20th Centuries (1932) — Collaboratore — 5 copie


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Castiglione, Baldassare
Altri nomi
Castiglione, Baldesar
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di nascita
Casatico (now Italy)
Luogo di morte
Toledo, Spain
Luogo di residenza
Mantua, Italy
Urbino, Italy
Milan, Italy
Attività lavorative
Breve biografia
Baldassare Castiglione was born in Casatico in the province of Mantua to a noble and illustrious Lombard family. After receiving a classical education, he served first at the court of Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, then entered the service of Francesco Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, and then Guidobaldo da Montefeltro at Urbino. Castiglione's service in Urbino gave him an entree to the court of Pope Julius II, where he became a friend of the artist Raphael. He was sent as ambassador to King Henry VII of England in 1513. A few years later, Castiglione married, but became a cleric in 1521 after the death of his wife. In 1524 he was sent by Pope Clement VII as ambassador to the Emperor Charles V. Castiglione's "Book of the Courtier,"published in 1528, was a huge and immediate success. It quickly became the most important book of etiquette for both the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy in Italy and beyond. The work helped spread the values of Italian humanism throughout western Europe. Of particular note, still prized today, were the ideal courtier's qualities of grace and nonchalance, which Castiglione called "sprezzatura."



Etwas altmodisch und in der Dialogform deshalb schwer zu lesen, aber dafür, dass das Original erstmalig 1528 veröffentlicht wurde, ist es teilweise immer noch erstaunlich aktuell. Zum Beispiel gibt es ein interessantes Zwiegespräch zur Gleichberechtigung der Frau, dass erstaunlicherweise pro Gleichberechtigung endet. Dass Tjostieren heute nicht mehr so wichtig ist, überrascht stattdessen kaum.
Kurzum - alles was man schon immer über Grandezza wissen sollte! "Dort sei man die wahre Kunst, wo man die Kunst nicht sieht!"
… (altro)
iffland | 12 altre recensioni | Mar 19, 2022 |
Dentro del género de "espejo de príncipes", tan característico del Renacimiento europeo, este es quizá el mejor, o al menos de los mejores. No tanto por el contenido en sí, un tanto tópico, sino por la forma y por los aditamentos. Toma su idea general de las "jornadas", es decir, de las reuniones de jóvenes cultos y desocupados que se dedican a contarse historias durante varios días. Aquí es un grupo de nobles, alrededor de la duquesa de Urbino, que se reunen por la noche y, para distraerse, proponen hablar sobre lo que debe tener el perfecto cortesano. Cada noche, uno de ellos deberá llevar la voz cantante, pero cualquiera podrá interrumpirle en cualquier momento, bajo la moderación de una de las damas de la duquesa. El eco del "Decamerón" es evidente, y, de hecho, Bocaccio es citado de forma repetida durante toda la obra.

Lo mejor es que todos parecen hablar con bastante libertad pero con educación y efectivamente abundan las interrupciones, los cambios de tema, las digresiones e incluso las esgrimas verbales entre los participantes. Y se habla de muchas cosas: de política, por supuesto, pero también de estética, de moral y religión (de esto último, solo un poco, para evitar problemas), de psicología... Por cierto que se le dedica toda una jornada a la "controversia de las mujeres", asunto en el que se llega a enfrentamientos muy directos entre los partidarios de la igualdad de los sexos y los partidarios de la inferioridad femenina. Pero los monólogos son constantemente interrumpidos por conversaciones rápidas, comentarios marginales, chismorreos y hasta chistes (se dedica también amplio espacio a tratar muy seriamente del uso de los chistes en política, pelota a seguir). Incluso se baila y se toca música. Estas veladas debieron ser de lo más distraídas.

No obstante, este libro se me ha hecho más difícil de lo esperado. Tiene que ver la impresión de esta edición, en letra muy pequeña (engañan las 350 páginas) y escaso margen, y quizá las circunstancias de mi lectura. Pero, pese a todos los muy loables esfuerzos del autor, lo cierto es que no acabé de cogerle el tranquillo a este libro. Todavía no sé por qué.
… (altro)
caflores | 12 altre recensioni | Mar 6, 2021 |
It's difficult to read because the sentences are excessively elegant and artificially pleasing. After several failed attempts I began to read aloud and then I was able to break through to the style and demeanor of the author and subject.

It is divided into 4 books were members of the court of Urbino discuss the qualities that make for a successful courtier.
Some, but not all of the qualities are ability to dance, play an instrument, give good advice to the Prince, compete in mock battles, and compete in real battles.

The second book is full of short entertaining stories that they find amusing. Occasionally they are funny and the stories are a good representation of comedy in the 1500s.

There are many examples of poor behavior and what the courtier should avoid.

There are examples of a successful female in court and how she should behave. One gentleman criticises women. His criticisms are valid and and he is fiercely scolded. I suspect the author included the excoriation in order to please his female readers.

The last book concerns love and raises the discourse to a lofty level concerning the value of love.
… (altro)
cakecop | 12 altre recensioni | Apr 2, 2020 |


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