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God is the Cure. was a raw, unfiltered diary of a woman who's faced the darkest of times and emerged, not unscathed, but certainly stronger.
Nikolov doesn't shy away from the gritty details of the abuse she suffered, it is heart-wrenching, and there were moments I had to put the book down, take a deep breath, and remind myself that this is someone's reality. But what's truly remarkable is the resilience she displays.
The narrative weaves between past and present. It's like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, where each chapter provided another piece, slowly revealing the bigger picture. I really thought the prayers and inspirational quotes at the beginning of each chapter was a nice touch too.
This is a powerful memoir, and testament to the idea that, there is a higher power watching over us. The memoir is not a light read by any means, but it's certainly a memorable one.
John599Parker | 15 altre recensioni | Oct 24, 2023 |
This story is a well-developed read of the author's quest in the spiritual, emotional, and social worlds. This narrates the author's experience of developing spirituality and developing a gradual, long-lasting bond with her family. This includes a horrific personal instance of physical and sexual abuse of two sisters in Miami set between 1989 and 1994. As the charges were pressed on their parents, it was a difficult case for them. It was a tough and tragic path for Aimee to stand against all the legal challenges, custody battles, poverty, sexual abuse, and addiction. But she defied all the odds, rose against the burden, and learned lessons from this battle. The struggle has taught her the biggest lesson: belief in God, trust, and faith will drive you in the right direction. This read reveals the fact that even if the conditions are worse, there is a supreme power who takes care of everything and keeps you going.

The unique blending of personal experience with lessons for life will definitely serve as a good self-help read.
SRodek | 15 altre recensioni | Sep 28, 2023 |
God is the Cure, Love is the Answer by Aimee Cabo Nicolov is an emotional and heart-rending story. The author has certainly had to endure a lot, yet created a new life for herself. You can never predict when certain events in life change everything forever, and this holds true for the author. Aimee tells her story in a heartfelt way, from enduring terrible sexual abuse as a child to being homeless, to substance abuse. Custody battles also took their toll over time while she was fighting for her first daughter. This book reads as a tragedy that turns into a consummate love story. She overcame terrible odds and created a wonderful life. Aimee writes with clarity, faith, and an openness that is hard to find. You will enjoy this true story with all of its beauty and positive spirit. Strong recommendation.
Seanyh | 15 altre recensioni | Sep 28, 2023 |
God is the Cure by Aimee Cabo Nikolv. I read the book because i am a fan of real life experiences and this I found to be a deely moving read. One that was uplifting, heart wrenching, soulful and completely inspirational, Im not afraid to admit that this book pulled on every emotional heart string and had me in tears on a few occasions and this is why i love to read real life stories.
Aimee’s story is a powerful, honest journey, as she discovers the connection between childhood trauma and addictions. Aimee Cabo Nikolv gives a compelling, honest and unflinching account of her own journey into and out of addiction. She shares cinematic episodes from her life beginning at the earliest memory and taking us up to the present day

A must-read for anyone who is touched by issues relating to abuse, addiction and recovery, but also to anyone who is trying to make sense of their lives, face their demons, or take responsibility for their own past actions. Highly recommended.
Dollyy | 15 altre recensioni | Sep 7, 2023 |
This is a memoir that covers some very dark times - but glimmers with a beacon of hope nonetheless. Although I’m not particularly religious myself, I can appreciate how Aimee’s faith helped her to overcome some horrible circumstances and serious obstacles to become the successful, caring woman she is today. She does an amazing job of painting a vivid picture for the reader, drawing you into her story. Even if you’re too young to remember when her abuse was plastered all over the headlines, you’ll find this a fascinating and compelling read. If you’re looking for a memoir that at its core is truly uplifting and inspirational, then you’ve found the book that should be at the top of your TBR pile.
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 15 altre recensioni | Sep 7, 2023 |
God is the Cure by Aimee Cabo Nikolv is more of a spiritual journey that had me nodding along and sometimes teary eyed. Reading God is the Cure was an enlightening experience for me as Aimee shares tales of faith, love, and the abuse she suffered. I liked the fact that she wasn't afraid to get real and raw, but still manages to write with a gracious tone.
The book talks of resilience, faith, and the power of love and how forgiveness is transformative. The story wasn't just a recounting of her life events, rather a reflection on the deeper meanings and lessons learned along the way.

The narrative is both powerful and deeply personal. Its not a book that excites but it did keep me highly engrossed in my reading corner. This is a very interesting, well written and emotional book.
It is a story that will linger with you and I look forward to reading a lot more by this author…
CurtisCall | 15 altre recensioni | Aug 25, 2023 |
Book Title: Love is the Answer, God is the Cure
Author: Aimee Cabo Nikolov
Format: Ebook

Book Title:
The title of the book' Love is the Answer, God is the Cure ' appears to be spiritual and emotional.

Book Cover:
The cover image of the book is a close up of a branch in the thick woods. The image gives the reader the impression that the story is going to be extraordinary.

About the book:
When a person runs out of every possible option he or she has to expect any sort of help from the people around, the last option to have faith is ' God '. The same thing is explained in the story. Author Aimee here in this book puts forward before her readers with her story which has hard truths and deepest dark that can occur in one's life. In the toughest situation when one takes God's faith as the ultimate strength, and Aimee in the story attempts the same. As this sort of extremely disturbing situations is hard to be accepted and digested, I found it a little difficult to relate though they come from the author's real life. I had to, therefore, read it as a story rather than like an autobiography.

The brave and fighter attitude shown in the story is as good as many other inspirational books around. The intense storytelling will definitely have a profound effect on the reader's mind. The author, she has taken this bold step to present the world the dark ages in her life that is so very personal to her and no one else can really understand the horrified emotions she faced.

What I like:
1. The author's honest way of explaining the trauma a girl kid experiences during sexual abuse in various staged of her womanhood.
2. Age is just a number and love is transcending, this concept has been beautifully illustrated.
3. The book is narrated in the first person and this makes a great impact on a reader's mind.
4. The issues of an open relationship which is prevalent in some parts of the world and especially in the USA is explained well.
5. The raw emotions portrayed by the author have shown the true face of society and its behavior towards a victim.
6. The court proceedings are very well explained.

What I didn't like:
The story is very engrossing and therefore no setbacks are found.

As the story is being inspired by the author's personal life, all the characters are real and very honestly scripted.

Since the book is written in first-person, it is also quite interesting to get into the narrator's mind and know the thought process behind her each and every experience.

Language & Grammar:
A lucid language with good vocabulary is used during the story narration.

My Final Verdict:
Ray of hope in maximum distress - A compelling read

Book Title: 3/5
Book Cover:3/5
Plot: 3/5
Characters: 3/5
Narration: 3/5
Language & Grammar: 3/5
Final Rating: 3/5

BookReviewsCafe | 15 altre recensioni | Apr 27, 2023 |
God is the Cure, Love is the Answer by Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a dark, sad, heartbreaking and totally inspirational book of love, life and faith. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and this story is a true testament to that indeed!

Aimee is an abuse survivor who against all odds overcomes her abusive past and her fight against drugs and alcohol addiction (amongst many other traumas) and the memoir provides, in great detail, just how she did this and the driving forces behind her decision making.

While soulful, touching and tender at times despite the sometimes difficult to read content, Amy’s writing is very good, and the story unfolds in a well put together way.
ZetaDionn | 15 altre recensioni | Feb 6, 2023 |
Life for some people can be cruel and for author Aimee Cabo Nikolov life was undoubtedly so. In her memoir God is the Cure, Love is the Answer, Nilolov tells her true life story in great detail.

The book is sometimes dark and sometimes extremely difficult to read, I had to put it down on a few occasions to compose myself, but it’s also at times an extremely enlightening story of faith, hope and love. Aimee takes sanctuary in her faith in God, which is what carries her to where she is today, a formidable woman with the strength and courage to turn her life around, even amongst the tragedies she so cruelly had to endure! Highly recommended.
Booklookerr | 15 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2023 |
God is the Cure, Love is the Answer by Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a memoir and story about the faith, love and an impassable strength she found in God and in herself. That faith and strength carried her through some of the most horrific times of her life. Nikolov details her story of survival in one of the most heartbreaking but yet also heartwarming memoirs I have ever read. This is a truly inspirational, unforgettable and emotional read, so if you are planning on reading this book I think you'll need keep the tissues handy.

The writing in the book is incredibly well done, especially dealing with such difficult issues there is a real composure to it all. If you have endured any kind of abuse in your life then I would recommend that you read this memoir, as it may just give you some hope, and show that no matter what life throws at you, with strength, love and faith you can not only overcome but you can grow and flouris. Through reading this I feel that against all the odds you can turn your pain into something that drives you to success and happiness.
CheerfulG | 15 altre recensioni | Jan 30, 2023 |
Aimee Cabo Nikolov's memoir, God is the Cure, Love is the Answer, is a potent and extraordinarily compelling account of overcoming tragedy and tremendous adversity. The book recounts the author's journey through some of the most tragic and horrifying experiences in her life or is based on a true incident. The author's confidence in God and in herself comes through despite the challenging subject matter, making this a wonderfully inspirational and uplifting read.

This work stands out in part because of its unvarnished honesty. The account is made even more potent and devastating by the author's refusal to sugarcoat the harsh truths of her experiences. The author's ability to find purpose and hope in the face of such gloom is genuinely inspirational, and it serves as a reminder that no matter how bad things seem, there is always a chance for recovery and atonement. It's also important to note the author's writing style. She has a genuine ability for distilling her experiences into compelling, emotionally charged prose. Additionally, the author has a talent for articulating difficult feelings and concepts in a way that is both profound and relatable.

The author advises readers to set the book down and return to it later because it is not an easy read, is hefty, and can be challenging to read at points. Though challenging, the story is nonetheless well worth reading. In these challenging times, the author's message of faith, hope, and love is one that is sorely needed, and it will stick with readers long after they've finished the book. Overall, God is the Cure, Love is the Answer is a memorable and transformational memoir that will have an impact on everyone who reads it.
Geezza | 15 altre recensioni | Jan 29, 2023 |
Florida author Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. She is a trained nurse and the president and owner of IMIC, Inc, a medical research company. This memoir is her first book. Granted Aimee Cabo Nikolov is bright, well educated, and has extensive experience in fields medical so reading this memoir at first feels like settling back for a well written novel. But then those same traits that enhance her skillful writing talent gradually reveal her incredible abuse by her parents, the nightmares of sexual abuse, drug addiction, poverty all played out in a memoir that shares every moment yet is always accompanied by Aimee’s intensive spiritualism.

An example of her narrative skills is present in the relatively benign opening – ‘It was the last night before we were to go home from our week-long sister honeymoon. Nicole, the manager, and I went to a club to celebrate our departure. The hotel manager invited his friend, Dr. Vaises, who brought along another doctor friend, Dr. Boris. Dr. Boris turned out to be from Bulgaria and had wanted to leave his country during the post-communism struggle. Jobs there paid very little and there was much confusion on how to operate in a capitalist system. So he had found a job in the DR as the resort doctor while he was making up his mind about what his next steps would be, and I thought I heard he also rotated to other hotels in Punta Cana. It sounded like a nice job if you could land it, although I would learn it was low-paying work. Dr. Boris was making jokes with Dr. Vaises and casting curious and gentle looks at me. I was doing the same to him. He was tall and slender, and he had an unusually handsome boyish face, with dark laughing eyes. He was wearing glasses that gave him an intelligent look. But what struck me most was how polite he was with everyone. He was funny and interested in what other people were saying. He came over to where I was sitting and asked Nicole and me about ourselves. “We live in Miami,” I said, smiling. This man simply made me light up. I told him I was in school pursuing medicine and that my mother was a doctor. So was my step-father but I left that out for the time being. He was intrigued by this medical family. “So you know what we go through?” he said, teasing. “I do,” I laughed. “Especially the fake illnesses.” “Older lonely rich women get a lot of those down here.”

The horror of the content is well distilled in the synopsis: ‘ “Love is the Answer, God is the Cure” is the story of Aimee Cabo, who was in the Miami news for almost five years from 1989 to 1994 in a case the media named “The Case from Hell.” This sexual abuse case pitted her and her sister against her parents who denied all culpability. As she fought court battles, poverty, abuse, and addiction, Aimee always turned to love and to God. Another near tragedy struck when her daughter was almost murdered by a tenant she found in Craig's list. This is the story of a woman who had all the odds against her and how she persevered to find true love and form a family that could withstand anything.’ This is a fine testimony of one woman’s ability to overcome impossible odds – and Aimee shares that her salvation was her profound spirituality. Highly recommended.
WillSS | 15 altre recensioni | Jan 15, 2023 |
Florida author Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. She is a trained nurse and the president and owner of IMIC, Inc, a medical research company. This memoir is her first book. Granted Aimee Cabo Nikolov is bright, well educated, and has extensive experience in fields medical so reading this memoir at first feels like settling back for a well written novel. But then those same traits that enhance her skillful writing talent gradually reveal her incredible abuse by her parents, the nightmares of sexual abuse, drug addiction, poverty all played out in a memoir that shares every moment yet is always accompanied by Aimee’s intensive spiritualism.

An example of her narrative skills is present in the relatively benign opening – ‘It was the last night before we were to go home from our week-long sister honeymoon. Nicole, the manager, and I went to a club to celebrate our departure. The hotel manager invited his friend, Dr. Vaises, who brought along another doctor friend, Dr. Boris. Dr. Boris turned out to be from Bulgaria and had wanted to leave his country during the post-communism struggle. Jobs there paid very little and there was much confusion on how to operate in a capitalist system. So he had found a job in the DR as the resort doctor while he was making up his mind about what his next steps would be, and I thought I heard he also rotated to other hotels in Punta Cana. It sounded like a nice job if you could land it, although I would learn it was low-paying work. Dr. Boris was making jokes with Dr. Vaises and casting curious and gentle looks at me. I was doing the same to him. He was tall and slender, and he had an unusually handsome boyish face, with dark laughing eyes. He was wearing glasses that gave him an intelligent look. But what struck me most was how polite he was with everyone. He was funny and interested in what other people were saying. He came over to where I was sitting and asked Nicole and me about ourselves. “We live in Miami,” I said, smiling. This man simply made me light up. I told him I was in school pursuing medicine and that my mother was a doctor. So was my step-father but I left that out for the time being. He was intrigued by this medical family. “So you know what we go through?” he said, teasing. “I do,” I laughed. “Especially the fake illnesses.” “Older lonely rich women get a lot of those down here.”

The horror of the content is well distilled in the synopsis: ‘ “Love is the Answer, God is the Cure” is the story of Aimee Cabo, who was in the Miami news for almost five years from 1989 to 1994 in a case the media named “The Case from Hell.” This sexual abuse case pitted her and her sister against her parents who denied all culpability. As she fought court battles, poverty, abuse, and addiction, Aimee always turned to love and to God. Another near tragedy struck when her daughter was almost murdered by a tenant she found in Craig's list. This is the story of a woman who had all the odds against her and how she persevered to find true love and form a family that could withstand anything.’ This is a fine testimony of one woman’s ability to overcome impossible odds – and Aimee shares that her salvation was her profound spirituality. Highly recommended.
Roman_ | 15 altre recensioni | Jan 2, 2023 |
In this book they have a lot of things to Love and a couple of things that I aren’t so Great. For example most of the songs I had to look up on Spotify as these on the type of songs I listen to the very secular and in some cases the real words were so far from religious. Not to mention in the text of the book they use common vernacular such as“God is my boo!“ I attended church for many years of my life and I’ve never heard the pastor referred to God as his boo his baby ET see, but even though I started this review all negatively I sell that only to say the rest of the book is really good you can even read the songs as poetry. For the songs I couldn’tFind the music for, I read it poetry and found those to be much more heartfelt. I say all of this to say this is a great book and if you were looking for something to inspire you and feel closer to God this is a good book. Just remember if you don’t know the songs read it as poetry it’s much better!
Snowboyz | 11 altre recensioni | Aug 31, 2021 |
This is a really inspiring book, the author Aimee Nikolov narrates how she found hope in God and music, when the world seemed to have abandoned her, after the abuse at the hands of her parents and after suffering so much, now she’s helping others find comfort in her book. This book completely made me reevaluate how fortunate I am to be at the place I am right now, and to be grateful for the family I was born.
Each one of the poems is accompanied by a beautiful illustration. I totally recommend this book if not for support, then to experience though someone else’s perspective of life and how your could me different from what it is now
Silverduck | 11 altre recensioni | Aug 3, 2021 |
Disclaimer: I'm not Christian. Ok, now that that's out of the way, I loved this poetry collection. The poems and illustrations were beautiful. Although I know I'm not the target audience, these were just so moving. For those that are interested, the end of each poem tells you the songs that inspired the poem, and the episodes of both the radio show and podcast that they were featured on. (Which I thought was a nice touch). A unique look into Aimee's mind through the lens of faith, Christians and fans of poetry alike will enjoy this collection.
Dorlough | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 24, 2021 |
Inspired by The Holy Ghost by Aimee Cabo Nikolov is an innovative and different kind of poetry book. Inspired by her religious beliefs and convictions, Aimee uses the power of music to create poetry. Overcoming some horrific and challenging events in her life, the author uses music and poetry to overcome them. There are beautiful illustrations in this book as well. Very unique and satisfying to read and enjoy, the poems resonate well on an emotional level and stay with you. With her podcast- The Cure with Aimee Cabo- Aimee hopes to help others with their own traumas and issues. This book has a unique approach to emotional healing and a journey worth taking as you read this poetry book. Highly recommend.
Eliseem | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 24, 2021 |
Aimee Cabo’s life is a testament to the power of honesty, love, and belief. At age 15 Aimee was part of what the Miami media dubbed “The Case from Hell”—a sexual abuse case that pitted her parents against Aimee and her sister. To this day, Aimee credits her faith in God and the love of her support network for helping her through surviving child abuse. Aimee found the incentive to write her debut novel “Love is the Answer, God is the Cure” and her faith in God continues with her poetry, which she shares with us in her book “Inspired by the Holy Ghost”.

Inspired by the Holy Ghost is a collection of 48 poems, which Aimee created from a profound feelings she experiences from listening to music, Aimee finds meaning from songs which develops into poetic messages and prayers. Her hope is that others will find comfort from these poems as she did.

This was such a moving compilation of poems that I felt were written with deep sincerity and emotion. Music has always been a great solace to me, and it was refreshing reading these poems from someone who is also moved and inspired by listening to music. I found this to be a very profound read, and I highly recommend it.
Orione1 | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2021 |
This book starts out with a list of the chapters where each title of the song along with the artists name is listed.
There are 47 chapters in total.
The artists names themselves intrigued me because I have listened to many of the artists songs, just not these songs. I'll have to go listen now as they fascinate me, the words how they rhyme and bring the message home.
A preface is included which talks mostly about how this book came about, the origins.
The songs are also denoted at the apple sit URL along with other locations.
Very touching, meaningful, emotional happy moments, something to look forward to during the times of the pandemic. Love Cardigan the best, by Taylor Swift.
hTimSs66 | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 20, 2021 |
This is a pretty cool concept. Nikolov is basically taking popular religious songs and writing a poetic response to them. I’m a big fan of poetry (I moderate some high traffic poetry forums), and the idea of responding/interpreting other forms of media via poetry is a fantastic concept. Music and poetry are so closely aligned, and concepts are so fluid that seeing them transform into something more than what they were created for is pretty awesome.

These poems are a collection of material that came from the podcast, which is often referenced in the book (I’ve unfortunately not checked it out, but I just may as the concept here is pretty neat). I’m not particularly religious and only a handful of religious books really grab my attention and Nikolov has written two of them so far, and I’ll say the concept of this book stands out. The poetry itself is good, a lot of it is paced well and I’d expect to see this quality in a published chapbook. It’s clear that Nikolov takes the craft seriously and still has some fun with it. That’s a balance a lot of poets tend to lose in their careers. In between poems there’s a bit of artwork and sometimes biblical quotes that are relevant to the content. Overall, I think this is a pretty cool book and idea. If you’re into poetry and interpretation, religious aspect aside, then you’ll enjoy this a lot.
Th40eo | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 19, 2021 |
Florida author Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. She is a trained nurse and the president and owner of IMIC, Inc, a medical research company. Her debut book was LOVE IS THE ANSWER GOD IS THE CURE, a memoir about abuse by her parents, the nightmares of sexual abuse, drug addiction, and poverty accompanied by her intensive spiritualism. Now she offers a collection her poetry. She hosts the radio show ‘The Cure’ and a live-streamed podcast offering a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced or is currently experiencing domestic violence, abuse, trauma, mental health, or other challenges. It is a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope, and love. Her poetry reflects those influences.

As Aimee explains, ‘I always found music therapeutic and discovered great meaning from songs. So, I wanted to share my music in my radio talk show, The Cure. As I grew in my relationship with God these meanings started to form into poetic messages that would follow the one minute of the song that was played on the radio show. The same song can give different messages according to the atmosphere, my feeling and what was needed at the moment. It would follow the same idea from the one-minute clip of the song that was played as well as a key word, phrase or name of the song included to tie it together. As a rule, I regularly asked the holy spirit for assistance in remembering what I originally thought when I first heard a particular song and would expand as necessary with what came to mind. To my surprise these poems I wrote from popular songs were of great help to me.’

Each of Aimee’s poems is accompanied by colorful illustrations with biblical verses followed by the name of the inspiring song and the performer. Example, “Monster” by Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber provide the impetus for the following poem:

It is important to be humble
and admit the times that we went wrong.
Have a sight full of compassion,
for it is to Jesus we belong.

Failures have to happen
when experiencing success,
Otherwise it wasn’t worth it,
and there is no merit nonetheless.

What’s worth it won’t come easy,
it seems more than we can take.
But with God nothing’s impossible,
turning tragedies into miracle, simply for our sake.

There is no monster with God’s children,
no matter how big or small the sin.
Forgiveness is our gift, paid in full by Jesus.
So we can do the same and find the love within.

Aimee Cabo Nikolov continues to expand her sensitive modes of expression. Where will she lead us next? She is definitely an artist worth of respect.
Roman_ | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 19, 2021 |
Inspired by the Holy Ghost by Aimee Nikolov
This book starts out with a list of the chapters where each title of the song along with the artists name is listed.
There are 47 chapters in total.
The artists names themselves intrigued me because I have listened to many of the artists songs, just not these songs. I'll have to go listen now as they fascinate me, the words how they rhyme and bring the message home.
A preface is included which talks mostly about how this book came about, the origins.
The songs are also denoted at the apple sit URL along with other locations.
Very touching, meaningful, emotional happy moments, something to look forward to during the times of the pandemic. Love Cardigan the best, by Taylor Swift.
Received this review copy from the publicist and this is my honest opinion.
jbarr5 | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 7, 2021 |
Disclaimer: I'm not Christian. Ok, now that that's out of the way, I loved this poetry collection. The poems and illustrations were beautiful. Although I know I'm not the target audience, these were just so moving. For those that are interested, the end of each poem tells you the songs that inspired the poem, and the episodes of both the radio show and podcast that they were featured on. (Which I thought was a nice touch). A unique look into Aimee's mind through the lens of faith, Christians and fans of poetry alike will enjoy this collection.
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 11 altre recensioni | Jul 7, 2021 |
Inspired by the Holy Ghost by Aimee Nikolov
This book starts out with a list of the chapters where each title of the song along with the artists name is listed.
There are 47 chapters in total.
The artists names themselves intrigued me because I have listened to many of the artists songs, just not these songs. I'll have to go listen now as they fascinate me, the words how they rhyme and bring the message home.
A preface is included which talks mostly about how this book came about, the origins.
The songs are also denoted at the apple sit URL along with other locations.
Very touching, meaningful, emotional happy moments, something to look forward to during the times of the pandemic. Love Cardigan the best, by Taylor Swift.
Received this review copy from the publicist and this is my honest opinion.
jbarr5 | 11 altre recensioni | Jun 4, 2021 |