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I'm all in favor of strong women, Gemma came across as neurotic. She's a boss in business, but a disappointment in love. Her need for control has left her in a dire romantic drought. Will her thirst ever be quenched? Renegade has a Sex in the City vibe with a splash of mystery thrown in. More funny than sexy, Declan and Gemma encourage getting your feet wet, before diving in to romance. Cute meets tempting.
(3.5 stars)
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
So we finally got Liam's story and we have been waiting a while. I implore you to start from the beginning with Mckenzie's book to get the whole story and to know who is who. Liam has been thought of as dead and he left behind a necklace and a bucket list, and so McKenzie (his sister) has been living thru him so she can feel closer and ends up finding danger. Then we have in the second book his best friend Walker and Gemma looking for clues trying to clear his name because all sort of info came out on Liam that were not very good, and Walker can't believe it and so he and Gemma begin there journey, but now we get to Liam and Charlotte. Charlotte is McKenzie and Gemma's business partner as well as best friend and she had a crush on Liam and they had an explosive night but then he disappear's and then is thought of as dead, but now she is kidnapped and it is Liam who saves her and explains what happened to him and that he is not who they are thinking that he is (a traitor) and while they are together they rekindle their romance and try to stay ahead of the danger surrounding them...Grab a copy!

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions.
NelisPelusa | Jan 15, 2019 |
Received an ARC for my fair review for netgalley. Hmmm. What to say. It was not bad, and it did keep me entertained, however, it did contain, for me anyway, too much sex, that I felt detracted from story. McKenzie was still grieving the death of her brother Liam who she had on a pedestal and believed he could do no wrong. Liam was a Navy Seal killed in the line of Duty, and he leaves a bucket list behind and she feels she has to complete it, and while she is doing this she comes in contact with danger and she also feels closer to Liam. While doing this she meets Noah, who she is instantly attracted to. Noah is working for a drug cartel and assigned to get the bucket list from McKenzie, but when he sees her, she is not what he expected and there are sparks flying, he tries to fight the chemistry, because he has an agenda, which is to get revenge on those who killed his wife and daughter, and getting involved with McKenzie could disrupt that. He manipulates the situation so that she has to get his help in finishing list and they fall in love. Of course, she ends up finding out who he is and what he does, and is heartbroken, but who is he really? We do not get all the answers in this book
NelisPelusa | Jun 8, 2017 |
Shameless by Brynley Bush
Book #3: Black Brothers Trilogy
Source: Purchase
My Rating: 5/5 stars
My Review:

The third and final installment of the Black Brothers Trilogy starts out awesome and doesn’t let up until the very last second. Victoria (Tori) Raine has always done what is expected of her, right up to the moment she applied for the FBI. Drake Maddox has never done what is expected of him, right up to the moment he agreed to have a pretend girlfriend.

As a celebrated country singer, Drake Maddox (aka Drake Black) is a household name and used to a lot of attention. He is on the front of every magazine, he is the topic of all kinds of gossip, and women line up to share his bed. Drake rarely ever refuses a bed partner and if the rumors are to be believed, he is just like his brothers, Beckett and Griffin and likes to be in control of his women. Having a girlfriend has never really been on Drake’s agenda but woman have been disappearing from his concerts and the FBI has a plan.

When Tori is told she is to be Drake Maddox’s girlfriend in order to help catch a killer, she readily accepts the assignment then asks who Drake Maddox is. Her research is eye-opening, her first meeting with Drake is somewhat awkward, and their first “date” is seen by the public as friendly and far from hot. In private, the heat is definitely turned up but Tori realizes she is in way over her head with Drake. His reputation certainly precedes him and if she is going to convince the public she is really Drake’s girlfriend, she is going to need some instruction. Under the guise of it “being for the case,” Tori asks Drake to teach her how to be edgier, more like the girls he usually “dates.” Knowing an opportunity when he sees it, Drake agrees to teach Tori what it means to be edgier.

Teaching Tori to be edgier is not only exciting but entirely sensual and sexy and certainly no burden for Drake. With Tori’s agreement, Drake takes total control of their relationship from what Tori wears to the things she does both in public and private. Much to both Tori and Drake’s surprise, Tori is not only a willing participant but an enthusiastic one as well. While both are enjoying their time together and clearly convincing the public of their relationship status, they know they situation is temporary and meant to be nothing more than a show. As the deadline to catch the killer draws ever closer, Tori and Drake also become closer and neither are at all prepared for how the whole mess is going to shake out in the end.

The Bottom Line: It is no secret how much I love trilogies and the Black Brothers Trilogy is no exception. From beginning to end, I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and was really sad to come to the end. Drake Maddox is quite the surprise and I liked him from the moment he was introduced in book two. Seriously? It’s kind of hard not to like him after that island scene. . . .but I digress. Tori is spunky and eager to learn but she is also searching for something more for her life. Drake is the perfect fit for Tori and once they actually lay all their cards on the table they are a very good team. The reveal of the big bad is not at all unexpected but getting to that moment is well worth it and I was glad to see the continuation of the theme/characters through all three books. Bush has created a group of characters and a plot line you are glad to see continue. Don’t get me wrong, each book focuses on one of the brothers exclusively but the other brothers (and their respective partners) play a vital role in that character’s book. It is clear, there is a great sense of respect, love, and loyalty among the Black brothers and that is a theme that is carried throughout the series as well. Bush has created an excellent series with solid, well-rounded characters and a plot line that is equal parts naughty and nice. I was quite thrilled to follow the Black brothers through three reads and would gladly do so again.

P.S. Though these books can be read as stand-alones, I highly recommend reading all three of them in order. There is so much crossing over and continuation of certain elements and characters that to read the trilogy out of order would create a far less enjoyable experience.
arthistorychick | Sep 4, 2015 |
Matchless by Brinley Bush
Book #2: Black Brothers Trilogy
Source: Netgalley and Purchase
My Rating: 4/5 stars
My Review:


Round two of the Black Brothers Trilogy belongs to middle son, Griffin Black, a navy SEAL with a penchant for domination, protection, and adventure. Like his older brother, Beckett, Griffin will do anything to protect his family and for the time being that means taking a leave of absence from the Navy. The Black family is knee-deep in a lawsuit related to the elder Black’s research into a cure for cancer and Griffin is at the center of the mess. Knowing he needs someone he can absolutely trust, Griffin turns to an old friend who is now a lawyer for help.

Mila Kingston is very good at her job and her specialty, intellectual property takes a considerable amount her time. Much to her mother’s great displeasure, Mila is focused on her career and not at all interested in a long-term relationship. A one-night stand is a very good idea though. The panty-dropping gorgeous SEAL she met at the bar on her birthday was exactly what Mila needed and the things she did with him will be seared in her memory for years. And come crashing to the forefront of her thoughts first thing Monday morning when she finds him sitting in her boss’s office. Well, hell. So much for a no-strings-attached-never-thought-I-would-see-you-again fling.

Once the awkwardness is out of the way and Griffin has his say (and other things!) about Mila sneaking out, the work to help the Black family begins. The situation is a sticky, awful mess but it is a phenomenal opportunity for Mila for do what she does best and continue to see Griffin. Griffin is very clear about his situation, he wants to help his family and be with Mila for as long as his career will allow him to. In the time he is granted, Griffin intends to be with Mila in every way imaginable and some he hasn’t even considered until the moment he met her. For Mila, Griffin is an absolute revelation and once she agrees to be with him, there is no going back. Griffin’s sense of adventure, his honor and, his extremely kinky mind is everything Mila could hope for in man. You know, if she were looking for a long-term commitment. 

As the days and weeks go by, Mila buries herself in work with her every thought and effort going toward Girffin’s case. Though she is young, Mila is incredibly intelligent and crafty when it comes to the law. She knows her stuff and as she learns more of Griffin’s story and exactly how he is involved, she becomes all the more determined to sway the judge to their side. Meeting the rest of Griffin’s family (and soon to be family) just seals the deal for Mila and she knows, when all is said and done, leaving Griffin is going to be the hardest thing she has ever done.

From the very beginning, Griffin knows his job will call him back into service and he will be forced to leave Mila. Like Mila, Griffin expected a simple one-night stand but Mila is everything and when he has to walk away, it damn near kills him. To make matters far, far worse, Griffin leaves after the most beautifully erotic night either has ever experienced and before the court case can be settled. With nothing more than a goodbye letter, Mila picks up the pieces of her broken heart and moves forward as best she can. Little did either of them know, the sh*t has only just begun to hit the fan.

The Bottom Line: Yep, round two of the Black Brothers Trilogy pulled me right in and kept me hooked from start to finish. Griffin is a less severe version of his older brother, Beckett but he is no less sexy for it. He is strong, intelligent, capable, sexy, and fiercely loyal. Though he never saw his life taking the course it is, Mila is non-negotiable and will he do anything to be with her. His romantic side is balanced by his kinky side and Mila (and me!) that makes him a thoroughly likeable character. Mila is an instantly likeable character though she does make some dumb choices in the name of self-preservation. Her relationship with Griffin grows so quickly but it is clear, even in the direst moments that the relationship is meant to be! There is more than a suitable amount of action in this read, some truly excellent naughty bits (the island scene!!!!), a continuation of the plot established in book one, Fearless, the return of old characters, and a clear indication of where the third book in the trilogy, Shameless is going. All in all, a really good read 
arthistorychick | Sep 4, 2015 |
Fearless by Brynley Bush
Book #1: Black Brothers Trilogy
Source: Purchase
My Rating: 4½/5 stars
My Review:

Emmaline Hart’s self-confidence took a hard hit during her long marriage. Her once supportive and charming husband became a worthless piece of sh*% who blamed all his failures on Emmaline and held her success in contempt. Clearly, that marriage failed. The only real advantage to come out of her lousy marriage is her daughter, Nikki. Since the divorce, Nikki and Emmaline have more than made their way with Nikki killing it in school and Emmaline continuously advancing her professional writing career. With her life on track, Emmaline has only one desire, to regain her self-confidence and become fearless.

Beckett Black is fearless, confident, successful, gorgeous, and totally interested in Emmaline Hart. From the moment he first saw her in his medical practice office, Beckett was intrigued. Everything about Emmaline calls to Beckett’s dominate nature and meeting her is imperative. Beckett isn’t one to go into a situation unprepared so after a little research and a serendipitous moment in the office, Beckett not only gets his chance to meet Emmaline but he offers her a chance of a lifetime, to help his father write his memoir. In addition to helping his father, Beckett also makes it clear he is interested in pursuing a relationship with Emmaline. No time like the present to be fearless, right?

From the beginning, Beckett asserts himself and Emmaline finds herself on uncertain but absolutely erotic ground. After a little research of her won, Emmaline finds she is not just involved with an assertive man but a Dominant and if she is willing, Beckett will help her explore a whole new world of sex and sensuality she never knew existed. Though Emmaline was sure her life was complete, Beckett’s presence fulfills her in a whole new way and in no time flat she is hopelessly in love with her Dominant man. For Beckett’s part, Emmaline is precious and being a part of his life quickly becomes as critical as breathing. Though only thing that could possibly tear Beckett from Emmaline’s life is betrayal and when that moment comes, even his legendary control slips.

Not only does the betrayal come but it comes in a huge and very public way and Emmaline Hart is caught right in the middle of the storm. Not only is her relationship with Beckett blown all to hell but her work with Beckett’s dad is also compromised. If Emmaline has any chance of making things right, she is has to pull off something huge in order to get Beckett’s attention and convince him of her innocence. Emmaline certainly gets Beckett’s attention but it is what happens later that is the real game changer.

The Bottom Line: Fearless had me hooked from the very beginning! Bush doesn’t make the reader wait for the good bits, those happen pretty quickly and the story just gets better from there. Though Emmaline’s self-confidence is a bit on the low side, she quickly comes out of her shell under Beckett’s care. Beckett may be a Dom but he is a pretty mild Dom and that is exactly what Emmaline needs in her life. The book becomes even more interesting as Beckett’s father tells Emmaline the story of his life and his research which of course, inherently means learning Beckett’s story. Beckett’s story is as much a surprise as the ultimate betrayal but it certainly makes for good reading. There is just one scene in the book (at the club at the end) that set me somewhat on edge but in the end, Bush pulled everything together and created a pretty perfect HEA. Guess what, dear reader? There are two more Black brothers . . .I am on to book two, Matchless!!½
arthistorychick | Sep 4, 2015 |
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