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Opere di Clark Rich Burbidge


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I am familiar with Mr. Burbidge thanks to his StarPassage series. I really enjoyed that series. So, when I learned that he was coming out with this children's book, I had to read it.

This story is kind of like David and Goliath. Yet, it features Brave Howie and Sidney of Snee. Brave Howie truly earned his name. All of the villagers were afraid of Sidney but not Brave Howie. I like the concept that instead of fighting Sidney Brave Howie instead helped Sidney. Sidney ended up then making friends of the town of Snee with everyone.

The lesson is "No matter how difficult life sometimes can be, a kind word and an offer to help someone, can go a long way."
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Cherylk | Feb 25, 2024 |
Action, time travel, history, family love, and rediscovering the hope only God can offer mix into an unique tale with unexpected twists and turns from beginning to end.

It's Christmas, but Tim and Martie can't feel anything surrounding the season's spirit. Family life is more than difficult with their father's PTSD, due to his military experiences, and their mother's depression. While wishing there was a way to get things back toward a normality, they discover a message etched into the back of the star on their tree. Before the know it, they're pulled through time. The Star makes it clear that it is leading them on a helpful path, which involves meeting historic figures and experiencing certain events. While this might offer the family a chance to heal, it's not exactly a safe undertaking. Not only can everything they do alter time in unknown ways, but the situations themselves become more dangerous with each visit, especially with the evil Trackers are on their tails. These shadow creatures live in the darkness of time and will do anything to get their hands on the Star.

The first pages hit a couple grabbing scenes. This (I'm going to call it) prologue sets the atmosphere and adds a bit of background but was also a little confusing since the real story starts when the characters appear. When Tim and Martie come in, the atmosphere shifts and soon gains sympathy and pulls at the heart strings. From there, the time travel starts but with clear purpose thanks to the messages, which appear on the Star. With each trip, the tension builds, allowing the reader to sink into both the characters and the story. While one aspect of the plot seems to be improving and finding a solution, another one digs in deeper and deeper. It makes it hard to put this read down and exciting to see what will happen next.

There's an interesting weave of aspects, which despite their extreme differences, somehow come together well. While the Christmas season launches and ends everything, the plot centers around the year in between. So, it's not really a Holiday read. Instead, the main theme in this first read centers around the father's struggles with PTSD and the mother's depression. These are realistically and well-done...and themes which will hit home for certain readers. The religious aspect grounds and flows smoothly into the plot, offering hope and encouragement with a wholesome dusting. Then, there's the scifi/time travel end, which adds an entirely different direction. Not only does this weave in lesser known moments of history, but then, even takes an exciting, fantastical twists with the evil Trackers. These shadows add constantly building tension and danger, putting more than the lives of Time and Martie on the line.

This is sold as a read for 9 to 16 year-olds, but I'd put it into the solid, middle grade category. Tim and Martie (especially Martie) come across younger than teens. I was surprised when I revisited the blurb after reading this and discovered that Martie was even a teen. The subject material starts softer but does get more aggressive as the story goes on. Still, even this isn't beyond the middle grade range and will keep readers in the pages. This promises to be an exciting series with much more to come.
I received a complimentary copy and enjoyed the adventure quite a bit.
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tdrecker | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2024 |
I highly recommend the Star Passage series by Clark Rich Burbridge for family and group reading. This is a series the whole family will enjoy!
In the first book, The Relic, on one of the family's ventures, they went into an out-of-the-way store. The mother was seeking unusual things but especially ornaments and a tree top for their Christmas tree. What they purchased came through mystic means and changed their lives forever.
This book covers PTDS and some challenges it caused. This is personal to the author since his father suffered from PTDS. This makes the story even more meaningful to many. I, for one, have a few close loved ones who battle this problem and I know countless others do, as well.
This story is full of action suspense and family closeness.

*This book was gifted me with no pressure for a positive review. This is my honest review.
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LAWonder10 | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 22, 2022 |
For over almost two decades we have read a wonderful children's book 'I Wonder When He Comes Again' as part of our Christmas celebration before opening presents. Although it holds a very special place in our hearts, it is being retired to the next Easter celebration, and 'A Piece of Silver' is or new family Christmas storybook along with a nativity scripture.
​'A Piece of Silver ' is a wonderful story that ties the birth of the Savior with His crucifixion. It is short, yet profound. It begins with a precious "piece of silver".
This well-written story will surely become a favorite family story in each "home" who invites it in!
This is a tenderly touching story.
The illustrations created by Annie Henrie are a combination of sketch and painted illustrations reflecting the time period with the antique-looking faded images and backgrounds. She did an excellent job in not only the artwork but in the cognancy of the time period. It was inspirational insight.

*This book was gifted me with no pressure whatsoever to post a positive review. This I do freely. This is my honest review.
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LAWonder10 | 1 altra recensione | Dec 19, 2021 |

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