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Anna BrooksRecensioni

Autore di Make Me Forget

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Liam and Meara’s story is not finished and now they may be facing their greatest challenge yet. Liam took time away from his band but years later a wife and child later he has decided it’s time to go back to doing what he loves. While they have a strong marriage, and a happy life can things stay the same or will they disintegrate under the pressures they are facing? While Liam is out touring with the band Meara is at home working and taking care of their daughter Melody, underneath all this she is trying hard to accept things the way they are but deep down she knows things are changing again. Can Meara handle all the pressure and can Liam handle being away from those he loves most? A very emotional and angsty read that I thoroughly enjoyed.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Shelby is in bad date hell but a chance happening has Dallas swooping in to save the day, but she has no clue who he truly is and she has other responsibilities so she walks away. Dallas knows from the instant he sees Shelby she is means so much more to him than anyone has ever and he isn’t willing to let her go. Fate throws these two in each other’s paths over and over again and while they create a friendship there is more dying to come out. Dallas was such an amazing character who loves hard, protects those he loves, and is all around perfection. I did love Shelby and her hardworking ways but at times she was a tad harsh to Dallas because of her own insecurities. This was such a sweet read and Cam stole the show along with Dallas.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
Summer has a string of bad luck that has dictated a lot of her life now she is leaving the past behind to start again, but a runaway cow and a handsome cowboy stops those plans by accident. Hunter can’t believe that when the cow escaped that it would lead him to the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, he knows he can’t leave her stranded with a totaled car and no where to go so he takes her in. The more time he spends with Summer the more infatuated he becomes, and their attraction is off the charts, but he knows she is hiding some things and isn’t ready to open up yet. Hunter has trust issues when it comes to women because of his mother leaving and his brother’s girlfriend walking away so he is hesitant when it comes to Summer and her secrets, but he knows no matter what she is the one for him if he can get her to trust him back. This was such a cute read, with a few secrets, and misconceptions that lead to misunderstandings, but ultimately love wins. I loved this family, the group of brothers, the small town, and seeing Dallas again. I can’t wait for more.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book was such a great story of finding young love, losing it, second chances, and forgiveness. Wilder and Frankie meet when she clumsily falls into him while on her family vacation and they just keep running into each other, the feelings become strong, but can young love be real? Throughout the book things happen that keep them apart and when they come together again, I loved how Wilder knew exactly what he wanted and refused to settle for less. With so many things trying to keep them apart, insecurities that try to come in between can they make things real or last? Wilder was perfection in every way, he had his vulnerabilities, yet he never wavered in the way he felt or wanted. Frankie knew what she wanted but she always had things in her head, especially her sister Piper, telling her love is a joke nothing lasts. These two have a lot of work cut out for them to get to where they want to be and a lot of family issues to wade through, but I could not stand Piper. Frankie was a sweetheart but too easy to forgive but she was admirable for it, I just don’t think Piper is through wreaking havoc on others’ lives and I hope she doesn’t in the next story. Overall I loved Wilder and Frankie, Wilder’s family, I just don’t see her sister maturing enough to not cause any more problems but I guess people can change and only one way to find out is to see what happens in the next book.
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
After reading about Maverick’s reaction in previous books anytime Cricket was brought up you knew he harbored intense feelings towards her and those feelings were mostly of the hate kind. Maverick hasn’t had it easy lately finding out he had a daughter he knew nothing about with an immature crazy person and also having a young daughter with an alcoholic but when the love of his life walked away form him years ago the only way he knew how to cope was drown his sorrows. Now years later and some growing up he lives for his kids and he still has a deep hatred for the woman who broke his heart. Cricket left her small town and her heart behind years ago but she is back and wants to right her wrongs. She has been painted in this bad light by everyone but no one really knows her reasoning and I knew it had to be good for her to walk away from Maverick. WIth so much animosity that borders on hatred yet love these two have a serious uphill battle to endure to even see if they can forgive each other. Both have hurt each other and Maverick really didn’t make it easy on Cricket coming back to his life. Maverick’s daughters were so sweet when it came to Cricket and I was happy when his siblings finally came around to accepting her being back, but there is some baby mama drama and I just knew that Piper’s nice facade couldn’t last long and her true colors would show, I just hope this is the last we see of her. This was an emotional read and it went back and forth for pretty much the whole thing but when the truth comes to light there is no stopping true love. “……even though the universe kept throwing us together, fate continued to tear us apart.”
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |

I love book one and I know I will love the second book too. It's wonderful when you see love come together and work out the way it does in a fairy tale romance.
JKJ94 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 27, 2023 |
Pretty good. Between 3 and 4 stars so I rounded up. I think the people were just a little too understanding. This girl should have had some conflict creating hate and/or disdain coming her way after the stunt she pulls in the beginning, from the secondary characters mostly but even the hero forgives her too quickly. But overall I enjoyed it.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
3.75 - 4 stars

Good solid story. I enjoyed it. However, at times the characters seemed immature and I wanted the story fleshed out a bit more.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
I loved reading about Billie and Carter's story. Both of them had a past that they would rather forget but together they got to heal and move past it. The characters were perfect for each other and the story had my heart breaking for the both of them. Can't wait to read book 3.
StephanieVee888 | Dec 18, 2020 |
This was my first time reading anything written by this author but it certainly won't be the last. Surface is book 1 of the Guarding Her series and if this book is anything to go by the second one will be a great read too. The book was well written and the story line was interesting and kept my attention.
Royce was the perfect alpha male character who protected and loved hard. Paisley was also an enjoyable character. They were a perfect fit.
StephanieVee888 | Dec 18, 2020 |
I know the heroine is a mess but she really got on my nerves.
izzied | 4 altre recensioni | Oct 29, 2020 |
It was less than 300 pages, it felt more like 800. I thought it was never going to end.

1) While I understand that words have meaning and expletives emote, when every other word is “fuck” it kinda looses its power.
2) If Liam called him self a “little bitch”, or a “pussy” one more time I was going to gouge my eyes out. Repetitive isn’t a strong enough word.
3) The sex was pretty cringy. And, PLENTY of it to keep the cringes coming.
4) She was absolutely devastated one minute and then completely over it the next. Whiplash!

The series on the whole is a middling 3 star meh up until this one. This one was my least favorite by far. Not sure if I’ll read on or not.
Amelia1989 | Jun 10, 2019 |

Charlotte annoyed me sometimes, otherwise this would’ve been a solid 4 star contemporary romance. Travis was yum! :D

I’ll definitely read on. I’ve GOT to find out Mary’s story!! We’ll see if she manages to hook me in for book three. *snorts*
Amelia1989 | 4 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2019 |
I really enjoyed this book, the characters. there were times where she annoyed me like no other like she needs to just tell him about what happened with Todd. I don't think any normal human being would blame her for that...and if they did then they didn't deserve her anyway. I love Travis. he's such a sweet guy. the story wrapped up perfectly.
nicolemeier111 | 4 altre recensioni | Aug 29, 2018 |
*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

The book started well and had me hooked, wondering what happened to Mellie in the past and how it was currently affecting her. That storyline kept me hooked. The romantic storyline between Smith and Mellie was a little too much for me; however I don’t like romance books so those who do may enjoy that part. When Mellie’s worst fears are realized, the story became too far-fetched for me to enjoy. I had to read parts because the twist came from out of the blue. At times the story moved quickly, but in others, it slowed to a crawl. Didn’t love the book, but didn’t hate it.
JaxlynLeigh | Jun 28, 2018 |

This book was a great read.. From the first couple of words on the page I could not put it down. With vivid details and some cliffhangers the secrets, love, and understanding that comes through this book is truly remarkable.

Syd has a past that we aren't prived to at first. From the beginning we are left wondering how she became the woman she is homeless on the street and so cut off from human touch or emotion. A chance encounter with Viv who works at the local diner gives her the opportunity she needs to get back on her feet and turn her life around. But will she be able to trust herself and the people that have come to love her or will she continue running because she feels that she doesn't deserve to be loved.

Gunnar very direct and handsome was smitten with Syd from the start. From saving her from a fire to becoming her night in shinning armor these two have chemistry like no other. He opens his heart and his children to her and she proves that she is the sweet loving person he always knew she was. Only if he could understand her and her past which happens when she decides to let her guard down and a chance encounter with her parents.

I wish this book didn't end. The more and more I read the more and more I fell in love with all the characters on the pages. Sequel maybe?!
Chanada | Nov 16, 2016 |
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