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A. R. Benton (1822–1914)

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Informazioni generali

Nome legale
Benton, Allen Richardson
Altri nomi
Benton, Rev. A. R.
Benton, A. R.
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USA
Luogo di nascita
Ira, Cayuga County, New York, USA
Luogo di morte
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, USA
Breve biografia
Very early in life he had an ardent desire for learning, which was fully gratified by his parents until, from too much mental labor, his health failed, which made it necessary for him to give up his studies, and seek the restoration of physical strength in laboring on a farm. This was a severe stroke to his youthful ambition; but he submitted to it as gracefully as he could, with the hope that he would yet be able to complete his education.

At the age of fifteen, under the preaching of Dr. S. E. SHEPARD and JOHN M. BARTLETT, he became a member of the Christian Church.

At the age of twenty-one, having entirely recovered his health, the old desire for learning revived, and, after due preparation at the Fulton Academy, New York, in the fall of 1845, he was matriculated in Bethany College. While at college, he was distinguished for close application to his studies, integrity of character, and a faithful discharge of all his obligations as a student and Christian. He was graduated Bachelor of Arts in July, 1847, dividing the first honors of his class with ROBERT GRAHAM, now Presiding Officer of the College of Arts in Kentucky University, he delivering the Greek, and GRAHAM the Latin salutatory.

In the fall of 1848 he became permanently established as Principal of Fairview Academy, Rush County, Indiana, in which place he continued six years, during which time he succeeded in building up a highly prosperous school. He was married, June 26, 1851, to SILENCE HOWARD, daughter of Dr. HOWARD, of Volney, New York.

Having been elected to the Professorship of Ancient Languages in Northwestern Christian University, he spent part of the year 1854 attending the Rochester University, New York, in the study of the Hebrew, under the instruction of Dr. CONANT.

In the spring of 1855, he opened a preparatory school in the Northwestern Christian University buildings, and, in the fall of the same year, the college was opened. He continued in the discharge of the duties of the Chair of Ancient Languages until the summer of 1861, when he was elected President of the University, which position he still occupies.

During all the time he has been engaged in teaching, as opportunity offered, he has done good service as a preacher of the Gospel, and has been, for several years, an efficient elder in the Church at Indianapolis. President BENTON has a somewhat feeble physical organization, but possesses a strong, vigorous, active intellect. He is quick in his movements, and his mind is characterized by very sharp angles. He throws his whole soul into whatever he undertakes; and his career demonstrates that he is not deficient in executive talent and mental power.
-- Moore, W. T. (editor), Living Pulpit of the Christian Church, 1871. Pages 559-560.

A.R. Benton also served as chancellor at the University of Nebraska.


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