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I really prefer this version to the Disney version.
BDent114 | 25 altre recensioni | Dec 2, 2023 |
I really prefer the de Beaumont version to the Disneyfied version. Good solid fairy tale with a moral and consequences.½
AliceAnna | 25 altre recensioni | Nov 17, 2023 |
Eurekas | 25 altre recensioni | May 2, 2023 |
Descubre con esta preciosa edición de Alfaguara Clásicos los cinco mejores cuentos de hadas de Madame de Beaumont, autora de La Bella y la Bestia y de otros muchos cuentos fantásticos sobre hadas, príncipes y el amor verdadero.

La historia de una Bella que logra ver la belleza interior de una Bestia; las maravillosas aventuras de un príncipe generoso junto a su leal paje y su hada madrina; la fábula de un príncipe que no sabía que su nariz era muy muy muy grande; el cuento de un matrimonio al que concedieron tres deseos; y lo que le ocurrió a un príncipe inteligentísimo al que una hada condenó a ser requetefeo...
Natt90 | 25 altre recensioni | Jan 17, 2023 |
Colección de cuentos infantiles Libro CD, Grupo Milenio
bibliotecama | 25 altre recensioni | Sep 26, 2022 |
Serie - Cuentos Infantiles El Pais
Zhipeng1 | 25 altre recensioni | Sep 30, 2021 |
Giscard | May 17, 2021 |
Beauty and the Beast provides a romantic , fantasy between two unpredictable lovers. While both are on different journeys the unlikely pair seem to find something within themselves. This award winning book will connect to the assignments in class when learning about genres involves fictions and romance .
Haley.c143 | 25 altre recensioni | Nov 20, 2020 |
I was surprised by the differences to the story as I remember it, this version was quite the read! I loved Belle's fierceness and determination, though she still retained her bookish nature and loving heart. I also enjoyed the curious nature of the castle in which they live (which was not simply filled with enchanted talking servants!) and the horrible evil that lived side by side in the shadows. ~shudders~ It was definitely different than the Disney versions many of us know, but equally memorable!

**copy received for review
GRgenius | Sep 15, 2019 |
Texte intégral dossier par Marjorie Robillard. Folio collège. Nouveaux programmes.
Juanance | 25 altre recensioni | Jun 13, 2019 |
My updated thoughts are @Bridget Blogs Books

Review from 2/2012
Just as adorable as the movie...but even better! Even though this would be the abridged version of the story/actual book I guess..I still enjoyed it...It was, of course, a little different than the Disney movie but I still really enjoyed them both equally.

This is one story, whatever the form (book or movie), that a lesson can be learned in it all...

That a prince isn't going to come up on a white horse, kiss you, and save the day...or slip a slipper on your foot and ride off into the sunset with you...

This story allows love to develop despite the obstacles in the way. Or how someone may or may not look. And one of the best things about this story, she loves to read! She not only had a beautiful face, she had a beautiful soul/spirit about her. On both ends of looks, what some may think is attractive and others may think is unattractive....Never judge a book by its cover...You may be missing out on a wonderful, life-long love and/or friendship
RamblingBookNerd | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 5, 2019 |
This is a French style fairy tale. I did not really enjoy this version of Beauty and the Beast. Maybe it is because I am a huge Beauty and the Beast fan and it didn't meet my standards. I did not find the characters the same as the classic Beauty and the Beast book. The only thing that I liked about the story was the little illustration that it did have. I would have to stick with the original classic Beauty and the Beast because in my opinion no one can beat it and it is the best.
CKISSINGER | 25 altre recensioni | Mar 17, 2017 |
Loved the idea of combining together similar regional authors who specialize in similar type of stories, especially when combining the more famous Perrault with the lesser known Marie LePrince de Beaumont who was the creator of an even greater known fairytale.

The writing is simple and close to large print that it is easy to read while each story was offered an accompanied uncolored picture. Even with the picture included I wouldn't recommend this for younger children but probably young adults due to some of the stories were kind of too graphic as these aren't Disney but the way the stories were originally written.

And although Perrault is more known for his Cinderella, that particular story wasn't included but instead some of his lesser known works, which was refreshing for a change. And although Beauty & the Beast did have some morals within them it wasn't obvious while the morals of the other stories were put in nice rhyming pairs at the end of each of Perrault's..

Loved the simple easiness of the reading while can't wait to get my hands on some of the other Dover Classics fairytales to see how they broke those ones up. Too bad these books aren't selling still for the price they were originally sold for :(
flamingrosedrakon | Aug 26, 2015 |
A classic French 18th century version (it's not the original) of the fairy tale. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favourites ever since I saw the Disney movie as a child. Classic versions and reworking alike are stories I want to read. This has to be one of the better versions I've read, which goes into more detail than most. I loved the sisters' punishment!

Favourite Quotes

The definition of a monster
"Yes, yes, (said the Beast,) my heart is good, but still I am a monster."
"Among mankind, (says Beauty,) there are many that deserve that name more than you, and I prefer you, just as you are, to those, who, under a human form, hide a treacherous, corrupt, and ungrateful heart."

On the kindness of sisters
"In what is this little creature better than us, that she should be so much happier?"
"Sister, (said the eldest,) a thought has just strikes my mind; let us endeavour to detain her above a week, and perhaps the silly monster will be so enraged at her for breaking her word, that he will devour her."
"Right, sister, (answered the other,) therefore we must show her as much kindness as possible."

On the qualities of a perfect husband
"Why did I refuse him? I should be happier with the monster than my sisters are with their husbands; it is neither wit nor a fine person in a husband, that makes a woman happy; but virtue, sweetness of temper, and complaisance, and Beast has all these valuable qualifications. It is true, I do no feel the tenderness of affection for him, but I find I have the highest gratitude, esteem, and friendship; and I will not make him miserable; were I to be so ungrateful, I should never forgive myself."

You get what you deserve
"Beauty. (said this lady,) come and receive the reward of your judicious choice; you have preferred virtue over wit or beauty, and deserve to find a person in whom all these qualifications are united: you are going to be a great Queen; I hope the throne will not lessen your virtue, or make you forget yourself."

Is it possible to change a leopard's spots?
"Pride, anger, gluttony, and idleness, are sometimes conquered, but the conversion of a malicious and envious mind is a kind of miracle."
Cynical_Ames | 25 altre recensioni | Sep 23, 2014 |
Just as adorable as the movie...but even better! Even though this would be the abridged version of the story/actual book I guess..I still enjoyed it...It was, of course, a little different than the Disney movie but I still really enjoyed them both equally.

This is one story, whatever the form (book or movie), that a lesson can be learned in it all...

That a prince isn't going to come up on a white horse, kiss you, and save the day...or slip a slipper on your foot and ride off into the sunset with you...

This story allows love to develop despite the obstacles in the way. Or how someone may or may not look. And one of the best things about this story, she loves to read! She not only had a beautiful face, she had a beautiful soul/spirit about her. On both ends of looks, what some may think is attractive and others may think is unattractive....Never judge a book by its cover...You may be missing out on a wonderful, life-long love and/or friendship

MsBridgetReads | 3 altre recensioni | Jul 8, 2014 |
Just as adorable as the movie...but even better! Even though this would be the abridged version of the story/actual book I guess..I still enjoyed it...It was, of course, a little different than the Disney movie but I still really enjoyed them both equally.

This is one story, whatever the form (book or movie), that a lesson can be learned in it all...

That a prince isn't going to come up on a white horse, kiss you, and save the day...or slip a slipper on your foot and ride off into the sunset with you...

This story allows love to develop despite the obstacles in the way. Or how someone may or may not look. And one of the best things about this story, she loves to read! She not only had a beautiful face, she had a beautiful soul/spirit about her. On both ends of looks, what some may think is attractive and others may think is unattractive....Never judge a book by its cover...You may be missing out on a wonderful, life-long love and/or friendship

OBridget1 | 3 altre recensioni | May 4, 2014 |
A quick read. The point seemed to be that good things happen to kind hard working young women especially if they seek out ugly dull men (or, at least, men not overcome with their own beauty and wit) with kind hearts, good temperments and being a little overdramatic about the actions of others. Threatening to kill, no, promising to kill a man for taking a rose, unless that man gave up a daughter to die in his place. Later starving himself because the woman he kind of likes is late returning by three days.

Written in another era, Beast would be seen as an overly dramatic overly emotional bully. Emo.

Beauty being overly selfless, intelligent, hard working young woman.

A match made in heaven, I'm sure.
Lexxi | 25 altre recensioni | Jan 19, 2014 |
Beauty and the Beast, illustrated by Hilary Knight.

Originally published in 1756, as part of her Magasin des enfants, ou dialogues entre une sage gouvernante et plusieurs de ses élèves, which was then translated into English in 1757 ("The Young Misses Magazine, or, Dialogues Between a Discreet Governess and Several Young Ladies of the First Rank Under Her Education"), Mme. Le Prince de Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast is the version of this popular story with which most modern readers are familiar. Although not the first written version of the tale - Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve published a much lengthier version in 1740, as part of her La jeune ameriquaine, et les contes marins (translations of both versions can be found in Jack Zipes' excellent Beauties, Beasts and Enchantments: Classic French Fairy Tales) - it was the one to survive in the popular mind, the one that was most influential, in the evolution of the story over time.

This picture-book contains the complete original story by Le Prince de Beaumont, translated by Richard Howard, and illustrated by the celebrated American artist, Hilary Knight. It also includes a brief afterword by French filmmaker Jean Cocteau, whose black and white film adaptation of this story is considered a classic of the genre. As always, I enjoyed the story, being struck, in the course of this reading, by the presence of Beauty's three loving brothers. I don't think I'd ever really considered them before (some retellings leave them out altogether), but suddenly I found myself wondering about them, and whether any revisionist take had ever concentrated on them...

In any case, despite my enjoyment of the text - not the best translation ever, but readable enough - I wasn't that taken with Knight's illustrations. I was surprised by this, as I did appreciate his retelling of Cinderella, but somehow, this artwork just wasn't for me. I found the Beast here interesting - he had a sort of horned, "Green Man" appearance - but I can't say that the rest of it, from human figures to background settings, appealed to me greatly. In fact, I found some scenes rather repellent - not so much because they were grotesque, but because they departed so thoroughly from my own internal vision of the tale. Still, tastes vary, so fans of the illustrator might still want to peruse this particular illustrated edition. They might also want to seek out the versions (also fairly faithful to the original narrative) illustrated by Diane Goode or Binette Schroeder, to see how other artists have dealt with the same themes.
1 vota
AbigailAdams26 | 25 altre recensioni | Apr 8, 2013 |
Beauty and the Beast, illustrated by Diane Goode

A little more than a year ago, inspired by scholar Betsy Hearne's Beauties and Beasts - a fabulous collection of twenty-seven folktales from around the world, drawn predominantly from tales types 425 ("The Search for a Lost Husband"), 425A ("The Monster or Animal as Bridegroom"), 425C ("The Beauty and the Beast"), and 402A ("The Quest for a Lost Bride") in the Aarne-Thompson folklore classification system - I decided to track down as many picture-book retellings of this classic fairy-tale (and all its variants) that I could. Naturally (this being me), I was soon distracted by other projects, and got sidetracked for a time. But now here I am, with at least ten Beauty and the Beast retellings lined up to read, poised to finally begin again...

This picture-book retelling by Diane Goode presents a fairly faithful translation of Mme. Leprince de Beaumont's original La Belle et la Bête, first published in 1756 (itself a revision of a lengthier tale, by the same name, published by Mme. de Villeneuve in 1740), together with Goode's full-page illustrations, mostly in color, but a few in black and white. I don't think I would have stumbled upon it casually, since it is long out of print, and not on my local library's shelves, but as it was listed in Hearne's appendices, I requested it from another branch. Hurray for cooperative library systems!

I love this story, and am always happy to see a full translation of the Leprince de Beaumont text - the version of the story that is "the" Beauty and the Beast we currently know - so I enjoyed reading Goode's book. The artwork, on the other hand, was something of a mixed bag for me. I loved the black and white pencil drawings, particularly the two-page spread in which Beauty's father is riding through the snowy woods, and the portrait of Beauty herself, in profile, looking into her mirror, but some of the color illustrations weren't quite as successful. The eyes, in particularly, seemed awkwardly done, and I found it rather distracting. Still, this is a solid retelling of the tale, one I would recommend to readers interested in a fairly faithful retelling, with the full Leprince de Beaumont text.
1 vota
AbigailAdams26 | 25 altre recensioni | Apr 8, 2013 |
I really liked this story. I liked it a lot more than the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. I really liked how this story gave all of the background. I also like how the theme of the story is that virtue out weighs everything else. This would be a great book to compare with the Disney movies because there are many differences. I would really like to use this story in a future classroom.
LauraMcQueen | 25 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2013 |
This was a short story, which most of us know probably from watching the movie. I think the book does a much better job with the story and I am disappointed in the movie now. I think most of us are familiar with the story line. A story of a once very rich man who had 6 children, who he gave everything to. Beauty, as she was called, was scorned by her sisters because she liked to read instead of party. The dad lost his riches, found himself stranded one night and sought shelter in a large house with no one home apparently. As the story goes, Beauty ends up living with the Beast in place of her father. Although they get along, Beauty could never say she would marry Beast. Until she finds herself back home with her family, missing the Beast and realizing that is wasn't his looks that was most important, but her love of who he was. That love is what will break the spell cast upon the Beast and they both will live happily ever after. This would make a good story to read with my grandchildren as they get older. It wasn't too long and taught a good lesson on many levels.
judyg54 | 25 altre recensioni | Jan 12, 2013 |
All I've read so far is the afterword by Jean Cocteau, who did the movie version of the story. I'm happy to see that he agrees with me and others who feel disappointed that the Beast turns back into a handsome prince. The illustrations by Hilary Knight, who did the Eloise books, are lovely and colorful.
raizel | 25 altre recensioni | Jul 16, 2012 |
A quick read. The point seemed to be that good things happen to kind hard working young women especially if they seek out ugly dull men (or, at least, men not overcome with their own beauty and wit) with kind hearts, good temperments and being a little overdramatic about the actions of others. Threatening to kill, no, promising to kill a man for taking a rose, unless that man gave up a daughter to die in his place. Later starving himself because the woman he kind of likes is late returning by three days.

Written in another era, Beast would be seen as an overly dramatic overly emotional bully. Emo.

Beauty being overly selfless, intelligent, hard working young woman.

A match made in heaven, I'm sure.½
Lexxi | 25 altre recensioni | Jul 5, 2011 |