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"Swords of the Six" is a great book that takes the reader on a journey through a magical kingdom. The author Scott Appleton does a great job depicting the struggles of the protagonist. The author also shows the struggle of some of the characters to hold onto their faith. This is shown when Dauntress is hurt and she starts to question why her father would allow her sister and her to put in such a dangerous situation. Even though her faith waivers she regains the confidence in what she was told by her father, which in turn makes her faith a lot stronger. Also the author shows that one must go through many trials and tribulations before he/ she can reach true happiness; and even after they still might not find this "true" happiness that they have sought for so long.
brandib90 | 2 altre recensioni | Oct 9, 2013 |
"Swords of the Six" is a fantasy book where six sisters must follow their father, Albino's, orders. They must track down a someone who betrayed Albino and bring him to justice, whatever the cost. This book ends on a bittersweet note in that there is loss but much to be gained from it. I would recommend this book to any fantasy fan who wants a change of pace form a lot of other fantasy series that are on the market.
DJRyskie | 2 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2013 |
Anything with a dragon on the cover is sure to catch my attention, and Swords of the Six was no exception. With dragons, witches, mermaids, battles for good and evil, and half dragon children, the draw of this book was too great for me to resist.

The sword of the six starts in the past where the White Dragon had a group of six men whom he trusted above all others. Unfortunately, five of them had their hearts darkened and turned, leaving only one faithful to the White Dragon. Soon, none were left who were true to the side of good, for the evil has won that battle.

The White Dragon was not to be stopped. His six may have been flawed, but the new plan will not fail. he has 5 eggs that are getting ready to hatch, and one of these eggs holds a very special...person. Yes, a person, or at least...a part-person. And that isn't the only unusual thing about this being. Usually, you would expect this type of extraordinary person to be the savior of all man/dragon kind, but she (AHEM...YES another big surprise) is not the only key to this plan.

This book started off exciting, action-packed, heavy, and a tad bit confusing. Parts of this book seem to have been written differently than other parts. Some of it felt like a typical action/adventure story, and other times, it felt like it was written in a very heavy hand. It did take me a bit to really get into the flow of this book, but once I did, it was fairly easy to stay in the story.

There are quite a few characters in the books that you need to keep track of. There are 5 sisters, then a slew of other characters. It may seem a bit daunting, trying to keep up with them all, but if you are paying attention, you shouldn't have any problems keeping them all straight. Some of the characters I am hoping to see more of in the second book because I felt like I didn't get to learn about them as much as I would have liked. You get to see some of the characters really grow, change, and develop in the story, and you want to stay with them to see what happens to them.

This is a great book for anyone looking for some adventure without all of the stuff that many authors think is necessary to include these days. The sex, language and random killing is not in this book. The author stressed the value of life and preserving it whenever possible, even if that life belonged to someone who had just tried to take yours. It is a different take than what most people are used to, but it was a nice view.
Dranea | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 12, 2011 |
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