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Was pretty good enjoyed it as an audiobook. Nothing too explicit does get a scene but over all the long chase was fun and the end did a great job of wrapping things up in a satisfying way would recommend as a read.
LordAlexander | 6 altre recensioni | May 20, 2024 |
Ashe0201 | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 29, 2024 |
The amount of "oh shit" moments I've had in this 9 hour audio book oh my god.
NovaQueen27 | 4 altre recensioni | Jan 11, 2024 |
NGL there was a lot of cringe on certain spots but I binged the entire thing in less then the 7 hours it was supposed to be. It feels like it was a strange read, but it was really good and I love a good vengeance ending
NovaQueen27 | 6 altre recensioni | Jan 11, 2024 |
I read this whole series back to back so it all kind of blurs together. Overall though this series was really good. I found that I genuinely didn't know what to expect at any given moment, but not in a bad way. The characters are all very good, but I wish Mauvil (is that how you write her name? I read this via audiobook) had a redemption arc instead of what happened. There where many "holy shit" moments and also many "I'm sorry WHAT" moments. This book though I found that a lot happened and I kept thinking "well that's suspiciously easy," or some variation there of. A lot of the boom was me just waiting for the Really Bad Thing to finally go down. I will say that I love Tiv and I was going to be VERY upset if anything had happened to him.
NovaQueen27 | Jan 11, 2024 |
The angst is getting intense and the slow burn ❤️‍
NovaQueen27 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 11, 2024 |
Binged in like two days. It was very interesting but I wish the end was a bit longer and explained/drawn out. It left a lot of stuff in between the climax and the very end just kind of up to the reader. That's fine, but I feel like it was a really good opportunity to expand upon what happened with the MC instead of a "this happened now move along" kind of moment. I will say though, I reread the last like four chapters three times I think. It gave me chills.
NovaQueen27 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 11, 2024 |
This is like a solid 2.5 for me. The general story is good but once you start thinking about things it gets confusing. There's too many "wait why is that happening" moments for me to give it a three. I really liked the other two books but this one kind of feels like it was cobbled together, like there was a couple of ideas that were thrown together and then things were added around it too make it a book. I don't mean that in like a rude or judgy way, like it was a good read. I read virtually the whole thing in a day. I just wanted to review what I felt while reading it. This one just wasn't my personal favorite
NovaQueen27 | Jan 11, 2024 |
It started as Beauty and the Beast, suddenly I felt I was watching Avatar, then it was Twilight and at the end Anne Rice.
Was it bad? No. But it wasn't the best book I read in this vibe, kind of cliche and the sex scenes were really bland, but it's ok overall and I'll read the next one.
Tratiezone | 6 altre recensioni | Nov 8, 2022 |
Good book, 3.5 but I'm feeling generous
Tratiezone | 1 altra recensione | Nov 8, 2022 |
It had all the right elements, but just didn't enthrall me like I wanted. Also, who chose the narrator? He's a snooze if there ever was one.
fuzzipueo | 4 altre recensioni | Apr 24, 2022 |
I didn't really enjoy this. It's definitely not fully a bad book, that's why it's getting two stars, but it definitely had some issues.

The major problem for me was that I didn't believe the romance. I didn't think the characters spent enough time together developing their relationship so when they said they loved each other, I didn't understand why. The point of a romance novel is to see two people falling in love. That's what makes the moment they admit they love each other so cathartic. There was not enough build-up in this story to make that meaningful and because the stakes of the relationship are so high, this caused the entire premise to fall apart for me.

I was also bothered by the writing style. This is written in a very deliberate style. I think the author is going for a sort of lordly and high-minded style but it just seemed very stilted and the sentences were over-long. It's perfectly fine to have a very specific writing style but I still want the sentences to be well constructed and I want the characters to still sound like people. I think it's possible not a single contraction was used in this book. It is full of "it is" and "I am" and "did not." In this case, the writing style actually took away from the relationship to me because they spoke like this to each other and that made them seem really distant and overly formal and made it hard to believe they were in love. Also, while I thought the sex scenes were mostly fine and not too cringy, this line

"He opened the bedside drawer and withdrew the only liquid that made sex with him possible."

Is outrageously bad.

This is also a fantasy romance but it definitely doesn't have the world-building to back that up. I wish this story had either turned away from any type of world-building and only discussed the relationship or was a little longer and had a bit more development of the world before Jak and Marius meet. The way it is, I feel like the world-building takes away from the romance and the romance takes away from the world-building and we ended up with not enough of either.

This book was still ultimately easy to read. Two stars is my rating for "it was okay" and this was okay. I think with the help of some more drafting, proofreaders, and an editor, this author could improve a lot. The makings of an interesting story and relationship are here but the pieces didn't completely come together in this book.
AKBouterse | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 16, 2022 |
Rate 3.5 ish maybe 3.75. The plot was 110% my thing, cool magic and stuff. I couldn't really emphasis or love the characters that much though.
Kat_books | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 9, 2021 |
A fun and entertaining new fantasy series featuring different kinds of elves and elemental magic. The writing is very easy flowing and I almost finished this in a single sitting.

Zac is a very relatable protagonist and it was great to see an MC with such great magickal powers also get overwhelmed and show his vulnerabilities to those closest to him. Hadrian is the perfect prince - charming, powerful, compassionate and so so sweet. These two were just amazing together. The development of their relationship from friends to more is written beautifully and their interactions are flirtatious and swoony. I’m totally in love with them.

The plot is very quick paced, with elaborate action sequences occurring frequently, which kept me on my toes. The ending is explosive but I think I saw it coming; it still broke my heart and I can’t wait to read what happens next.
ksahitya1987 | 4 altre recensioni | Aug 20, 2021 |
Story wise it felt too slow and full of anguish and damn, it got boring fast. With a breathtaking and horrible/f up cliffhanger. I can't give less then 4 stars tho. It's very well written and all that.

I only want to read the next out of rage. The progress felt like it dragged with so many moments where the characters had to rethink and change couse. It just got repetitive as F.

The book is good tho but with no happy ending in sight you have to be prepared to soldier thought some nasty situations that just go downhill from the first book.
JohnNephilim | 1 altra recensione | Jul 14, 2021 |
Everyone needs to read this book!

From the offset this book drew me right in. Loved the scene & character developments & descriptions, just enough to give you an insight but not too much to slow down the pace of the book.

For a debut author I think Ben has definitely came into the scene with a bang & I can't wait to read more of his work in the future.
kymisan | 4 altre recensioni | Jun 23, 2020 |
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