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To be honest i didnt love this book. I hated Lucie and i feel the book was very unrealistic. Overall the situations in the book were infuriating to read. I overall wouldnt read it again or reccomend. It was an easy read though
AshleyPelletier | Jun 17, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this book but it kind of stretched the limits on being realistic. A doctor AND a pastor both break confidentiality to talk about someone? And the doctor does it twice, the first time without even being asked.
Aside from that, it was pretty good. Not sure about the almost-friendship between Detective Tsu and the heroine, but I suppose it could happen. I love the tension with Dutch. Can't wait to see what happens there.
amandabeaty | 6 altre recensioni | Jan 4, 2024 |
WBCLIB | 1 altra recensione | May 26, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 1 altra recensione | May 26, 2023 |
WBCLIB | May 26, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2023 |
WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
The story was just about okay but the overlying God aspects became too much, too sugary, and really spoilt the tale for me.
Vesper1931 | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 29, 2021 |
The main character is in her 20s but has the empathy of a four-year old and the attitude to match. When she's not berating the (and I quote) "know-nothing (but drop-dead gorgeous) jock they've hired as her co-host", she's going on and on about his eyes. Or his smile. Many eye-roll worthy moments. This book relies heavily on a certain stereotype. Here's a quote: "You're really willing to go into an unsafe dirt tunnel."
"Aren't you?" Horror fills his face. "Any footballs or golf balls down there?" Painful.
That aside, there's also the fact that she has a vending machine mentality of Christianity as in she would live her life however she wants and expect blessings regardless.
Her aunt encouraged her to go through her co-worker's purses and later, when the damage has been done, shrugs it off. She treats the people in her life little better than dirt. There's no getting around it.
Marypo | 6 altre recensioni | Nov 19, 2019 |
The main character is in her 20s but has the empathy of a four-year old and the attitude to match. When she's not berating the (and I quote) "know-nothing (but drop-dead gorgeous) jock they've hired as her co-host", she's going on and on about his eyes. Or his smile. Many eye-roll worthy moments. This book relies heavily on a certain stereotype. Here's a quote: "You're really willing to go into an unsafe dirt tunnel."
"Aren't you?" Horror fills his face. "Any footballs or golf balls down there?" Painful.
That aside, there's also the fact that she has a vending machine mentality of Christianity as in she would live her life however she wants and expect blessings regardless.
Her aunt encouraged her to go through her co-worker's purses and later, when the damage has been done, shrugs it off. She treats the people in her life little better than dirt. There's no getting around it.
Marypo | 6 altre recensioni | Nov 19, 2019 |
I really enjoyed getting to read this set of books. They were just the right length each to read one and then get back to another one. They all went together well and I look forward to finding more from the authors involved.
polarmath | Sep 29, 2017 |
American historical retelling of Esther.

When Olivia asks for a governess job in order to help her dirt-poor family, she didn't plan on two reckless children, a gruff housekeeper, and certainly not the charm of Eli Whitman, her too-handsome employer.

Gossips demand Olivia and Eli marry, but he has one stipulation: Olivia must never interfere with his bank's business matters. His late wife did and betrayed him with heartbreaking scandal.

Alarmed at her growing feelings for her convenience-only husband, Olivia receives the news Eli's Bank is foreclosing on her parent's farm due to drought. Will she break her word to never interfere with her husband's business or let him turn her family into the streets with cold winter coming?

This book took some time for me to get into. But I'm glad I stuck it out. I skimmed a good bit, mostly because there are so many other titles waiting on me. And the writing wasn't as tight a I like. Things picked up speed nicely around the halfway point, though.

And oh, the ending. :) In the end, there was that sweet, heart-full ache that comes after the end of a good book. That's what got this story four stars from me. Eli and Olivia's romance comes very softly and quietly, but leaves a lasting impression.

NatalieMonk | Jul 3, 2017 |
First, I am not sure that I fell in love with this book because Andrea was so far from Christian that it annoyed me. I was not aware when I started reading the book that it was Christian Fiction but then the references to god were there and I think that it was an awful telling of a snobby and annoying MC. I thought the story reached too far and there were many times that I was really bored. The first 25% was funny as hell and the real reason that I gave it 3 stars.
Angel.Carter | 6 altre recensioni | Aug 11, 2016 |
So this book had some really great points but also I think that the christian references in the murder mystery were a little overkill. I know silly me for not realizing that the book was a christian fiction and even if I would have known I probably would have read the book.

The fact is the MC was great, funny, and I really liked her but the trouble was all the Christian reference and who really killed the lady was a little crazy to me. Not that I would not recommend the book I just think you have to be able to tell a story if you are going to use Christianity in a book and it did not fit well with this one.
Angel.Carter | 6 altre recensioni | Aug 11, 2016 |
It's about a lady homeopathic doctor who goes to Colorado to practice because so much prejudice against women doctors in Pennsylvania
lopemopay | 4 altre recensioni | Oct 6, 2015 |
Title: A Gentleman's Kiss Romance Collection: 9 Modern Romances with an Old-Fashioned Quality
Authors: Ginny Aiken, Kristin Billerbeck, Lynn A. Coleman, Peggy Darty, Nancy j. Farrier, Rebecca Germany, Bev Huston, Yvonne Lehman, Gail Sattler, Pamela Kaye Tracy
Publisher: Barbour Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Gentleman's Kiss Romance Collection: 9 Modern Romances with an Old-Fashioned Quality" By: Ginny Aiken, Kristin Billerbeck, Lynn A. Coleman, Peggy Darty, Nancy j. Farrier, Rebecca Germany, Bev Huston, Yvonne Lehman, Gail Sattler, Pamela Kaye Tracy

My Thoughts about these novellas.....

1. Great Expectations... by Ginny Aiken

What an apology from Rissa to Jase. Will he except it?
What was up that Rissa forgets her birthday?
What was the mystery of the two dogs that had been stolen?

2. Mattie Meets Her Match by Kristin Billerbeck

Will Mattie and Jeff get together after ten years has gone by and he has moved back to Heaven, Arizona?
What's up with Jeff's sister...Joan and his nephew Kenny?

3. Harmonized Hearts by Lynn A. Coleman
What happens when Tyrone and Cassandra first meet?

4. Spring In Paris by Peggy Darty

What happens after Melanie Roberts [from Ohio] meets Dave Browning [Atlanta] in Paris?
Why had Melanie come to Paris?
I love this quote: "Because of my grandmother." she answered. "I'm seeing Seine by moonlight or her."

5. The Garden Plot by Rebecca Germany

What will happen after Debby's grandmother gets her involved with Scott who was their next door neighbor by planting a garden that he thought to be on his property?

6. Mix and Match by Bev Huston

What will happen when Melissa finds out she has gone out with the wrong guy Jeff [computer guy or was it Superman]her grandma had set her up with?
Who had Melissa lost that she was so sad about?
What became of that blind date with Pastor Greg?[Wrong Blind Date Guy[
Why had Melissa thought that God had let her down?
What did the song..'Seize the Day' mean to Melissa?
Who had only called Melissa... Mel and now who was calling her that?

7. Name That Tune by Yvonne Lehman

What will happen when Ava and Georgio meet for the first time at her parents Alono's restaurant?
Who was Jack Darren?
Who will win Ava's heart?

8. Sudden Showers by Gail Sattle

What happens when Sharmane is caught in a Shower and takes cover under a tree and Alex comes to the her rescue?
Why did Alex not want Sharmane to know who he really was?
Had Sharmane finally found Mr Right?

9. Test of Time by Pamela Kaye Tracy

Rebecca Harper Payne[Ray now dead...was a gambler..had .lost home now moving to Iowa] ... with Hannah.... moving from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Creed, Iowa. What will she find
back there...a place Rebecca thought she would never return?
Who was this Mason Clark at her new school at Shiloh Christian College?

These were nine beautifully written Christian stories that were simply a wonderful novellas. To get all of the questions answered above you will have to pick up this novel and get it from each author's presentation. I found them all to be good reads.

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
arlenadean | Sep 12, 2015 |
Originally posted at The Scribbling Sprite

Rating: 3.5 stars

Inspired by the biblical story of Abigail in 1 Samuel, Remember Me When is an intriguing story, and has a great message.

Faith Nolan is a humble, God-fearing woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. After all, she's never even put a hand up to defend herself against her abusive husband, Roger. So why is it that when she discovers her husband dead, that she's the one accused of his murder?

Sure, there was that confrontation they'd had before his death. And then there's her brother-in-law's relentless accusations. And to top it all off, other crimes happen only when Faith is around. Even Nathan, the man she thought of as her protector, starts to doubt Faith's innocence.

Yet while Faith seems to come to terms with her fate—that she must pay for crimes she didn't commit—Nathan and a few others decide to take action. Because if Faith is innocent, as Nathan desperately wants to believe, then there remains a mystery to be solved. Who really killed Roger Nolan?

I enjoyed reading Remember Me When and trying to guess who the killer was, although in the end I found the revealing to be kind of predictable. Also, there were a few things about the story that didn't feel quite so realistic, such as when nearly all of the women of the town believed in Faith's innocence despite the evidence surmounted against her. You'd think some of them would be more skeptical.

But, despite all of that, it was a nice, touching story. I found myself rooting for Faith as the odds stacked against her. The romance was sweet(although, I should clarify that there's not that much romance to the story. It's mostly about clearing Faith of the accusations). And I enjoyed the sprinkling of humor, elements of mystery, and inspiring message about trusting God even in the most difficult circumstances.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes Christian Historical Fiction with a touch of mystery. It's a great clean read.
ScribblingSprite | Aug 14, 2015 |
This was a story that had a few surprises in it that I wasn't expecting, but I always like to be surprised (in a good way). It is the third and final story in this trilogy and although you could read it as a stand alone, I encourage you to read them in the order they were written so that you are familiar with all the characters in this story.

It is the winter of 1894 and 18 year old Angel Rogers finds herself burying her dearly beloved father and trying to maintain their sheep ranch, which is on the Rogers Creek, the water source everyone in the surrounding area would like to get their hands on during the drought season. Rancher Jeremy Johnstone is watching his heard slowly die of thirst and so offers to buy out Angel, in order to gain the water rights. Angel is not selling and from there these two continue to "butt heads".

I enjoyed watching both Angel and Jeremy struggle to get along, although I must say at times I thought Angel was just a little too stubborn and "pigheaded". When Angel's life is in danger I appreciated the way Jeremy took it upon himself to protect her, even though she fought it every step of the way.

This was a story of determination and desires. There was danger and heartache, but also a strong bond of friendship and love between people. I enjoyed myself as I was reading this and the other two in this trilogy.½
judyg54 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 9, 2015 |
This was a good story. It is book two in this series and although you could easily read it as a stand alone, I recommend reading them in order. You will know and recognize many of the secondary characters in this story from book one.

As the back of the book states, "When you're running from the past it always catches up to you". And Adrian Gamble has fled from his real life and has ended up in Hartville, Colorado as the new owner of the silver mine in this town. As the author says, he is an "owner of a mine full of troubles greater than he could solve and a heart full of love for a woman he couldn't have". That woman is the spunky young widow, Phoebe Williams, who runs his general store there in Hartville. Phoebe and Adrian will find themselves thrown together and trying to figure out what is really happening at the mine, where her husband died with other mine workers. Did God bring them together for a purpose? And can Adrian share his secret with Phoebe and still keep her safe.

There will be danger and mystery, death and sorrow, but through it all love will prevail as these folks trust in their God and wait upon Him for answers and for healing. I enjoyed reading this story, but felt it "wrapped up" the ending rather quickly. I am looking forward to the final book in this series next, "Spring of My Love".½
judyg54 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 4, 2015 |
This is the first book in this trilogy and I enjoyed myself so far. I would like to borrow another reviewer's simple take on this story; it was "a warm, uplifting faith based romance". It is set in 1893 and tells the story of Dr. Letitia Morgan (Letty) and the struggles she goes through in the silver mining town of Hartville, Colorado. Women doctors are not looked upon very highly at this time, especially by men. Letty was brought to town to treat women and children, but she is not a woman who stays "inside the box" that people set her up in. The town's newspaper man, Eric Wagner, has brought the doctor here to help the women and children, having lost his wife and child during childbirth. These two people you know are right for each other but the "dance" they do throughout the story is enjoyable at times and frustrating at others. Eric can't commit to love again and Letty can't stop doing things in town that anger folks and that that worry Eric. It is a battle of the wills and enjoyable to read. There is some mystery and danger in the story, but mostly a good romance that is blossoming. It did deal with the whole brothel situation at that time and the sad way young girls were used by wicked and greedy individuals. I appreciated the way the author also incorporated the need to depend upon the Lord in every circumstance and see Him change and bring about the best for everyone involved.½
judyg54 | 4 altre recensioni | Feb 28, 2015 |
First off, I loved the cover to this book. That is how I pictures the main character, "Andie" Adams to look as I was reading this story. This is a story filled with humor, which I appreciated very much. You get inside Andie's head and get to know what she is thinking and I had a smile on my face throughout most of my reading.

Andie, who is a expert gemologist, leaves her lucrative job and goes back home to live with her Aunt Weeby. While there she takes on a job at the "Shop-Til-U-Drop Network as their jewelry and gemstone gal. Her co-host is an attractive man who is clueless about gemstones and the interaction between these two people is priceless. Each character in this story is a "gem" and there is adventure, danger and mystery along with the neverending wit and humor throughout this story. The "who did it" will leave you guessing till the very end. Be prepared to be entertained.
judyg54 | 6 altre recensioni | Feb 7, 2015 |