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Babar's Little Circus Star (1988)

di Laurent de Brunhoff

Serie: Babar (1988)

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Unhappy because she is the smallest in the family, Isabelle discovers that being little has its advantages when she is asked to perform in the circus.
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Genre: Fantasy
Age: Primary
Isabelle is sad because she is small and can not do anything with her friends and siblings. The circus comes to town and needs her because she is small. No one else will be able to do what they needed her to do.
This is fantasy because the animals are filling the shoes of humans. Where Babar is the father and Isabelle are the daughter. The plot of the story is also predictable. The child does not like a feature of herself and hates it until something good comes of this feature.
1) Talk about differences we all have and that it is alright to have differences
2) If anyone had ever gone to a circus and what they may have seen. Maybe even watch a circus excerpt from youtube
Ill Media: Computer? ( )
  Josh17 | Feb 16, 2017 |
This book is the perfect book for littler kids who are having problems with the fact that they are so little, young, or different from everyone else. It is a book that ends with the underdog on top. The character Isabelle is a little elephant that feels left out of all the big kid and grown up activities because of her small demeanor/stature. The story continues with the family going to a circus. Isabelle wants to be in the circus someday, but by saying so all of the other kids laugh at her. She shows off her acrobatic skills and is seen by one of the carnies and is invited to perform with them. This boosts her confidence about her size and ends up loving who she is even though she is small. Her family reminds her of all the things she can do as a small elephant that makes her realize, “sometimes it is nice to be little!” (32). The pictures in this book are colorful, simplistic, and eye-catching. My interpretations for possible discussions in the classroom could be about what is something about your students that they don’t like. As an educator you can discuss with him or her that it is okay to be different because not everyone is that same. The ultimate lesson is that they learn to love themselves for who they are and to love their abilities no matter what they can or cannot do. ( )
  aschuler | Sep 23, 2015 |
I think that It's the very interesting and cute story.
Isabelle is the baby of the family, so she can't do somethng.
It made her angry and lonely, but her mother told her, "Sometimes it is nice to be little."
And she could join the circus becouse she is baby. ( )
  YunaSugiura | Jun 27, 2010 |
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Unhappy because she is the smallest in the family, Isabelle discovers that being little has its advantages when she is asked to perform in the circus.

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