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In book one, On the Run, Elijah's supernatural gifts have drawn the attention of dark forces. Separated from their parents, Zach and Piper (with a lot of help from heaven) must protect their little brother.
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Sixteen year-old Zach Dawkins and his thirteen year-old sister Piper are on their way to school with their six year-old little brother Elijah when they witness an accident. A little girl chasing after her run away puppy are both hit by a car. While all eyes are on the little girl, little Elijah picks up the puppy, sits on a curb rocking and whispering. Piper realizes Elijah is not with them and sees him on the curb with the puppy. She's not the only one. A TV news van arrives on the scene and captures, to Piper's horror, the lifeless puppy get up. It's happened--again.

Thus begins an adventure of three kids on the run from an organization that has been tracking Elijah. In the process, they are separated from their parents who are kidnapped by the same organization. The henchmen chasing the kids are comical almost to the point of cartoonish. Throw in a bus ride, crazy inventions and hot-wiring an RV and you have the makings of an exciting adventure.

This is a hard-to-put-down read. If you enjoyed A Wrinkle in Time, you will love this as well. ( )
  jennyrosewriter | Jan 21, 2011 |
NCLA Review - Elijah is a six year old boy with special powers. He can bring a dead kitten back to life, turn a small amount of food into plenty, and bring a young girl in a coma, close to death, back to her normal life. I'm sure you see the similarities between Elijah and Jesus. Elijah and his parents, brother Zach, and sister Piper have been forced to move many times whenever Elijah does something extraordinary. Shadow Man and his group of thugs are constantly trying to capture Elijah. They are not sure what they will do when they catch him, possibly kill him. This easy read is about how the children outsmart the evil people. Their parents are captured so the children have to run by themselves. The story ends without closure so you want to read the next book to see what happens. The story is fast action and fun that juveniles will enjoy. I especially think boys would like this book. Discussing this book with a parent or group, and comparing Elijah and Jesus would be very interesting. Since the books are inexpensive, you could purchase the entire four books. Rating: 4 —PD ( )
  ncla | Dec 22, 2009 |
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In book one, On the Run, Elijah's supernatural gifts have drawn the attention of dark forces. Separated from their parents, Zach and Piper (with a lot of help from heaven) must protect their little brother.

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