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The Medieval World: An Illustrated Atlas

di John M. Thompson

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1681168,255 (4.42)1
This comprehensive historical atlas concentrates on the Mediterranean world but also shows what happened across the globe between A.D. 400 and 1500--from the fall of Rome to the age of discovery. Sumptuously illustrated, it features period works of art, fascinating maps, quotes from medieval figures, close-ups of intriguing artifacts, and rich landscape photographs. For every century, a signature city is spotlighted to represent that era's developments, and time lines connect the many dramatic events that took place in these dark and exciting times.… (altro)
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Excellent introduction to the middle ages, the Medieval World: an Illustrated Atlas by the National Geographic condenses into 11 chapters about 1000 years of history. It is readable and great way for adults to refresh their knowledge of a period that seems to get lost in history education in primary and secondary schools. The information span reflects the excellence of National Geographic publications as well as a contemporary attempt to go beyond typical Western European-centric looks at history. I particularly appreciated the clear explanations of the various tribal nations that conquered and re-conquered Rome and other parts of the Mediterranean. ( )
  davidpwhelan | Dec 26, 2011 |
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This comprehensive historical atlas concentrates on the Mediterranean world but also shows what happened across the globe between A.D. 400 and 1500--from the fall of Rome to the age of discovery. Sumptuously illustrated, it features period works of art, fascinating maps, quotes from medieval figures, close-ups of intriguing artifacts, and rich landscape photographs. For every century, a signature city is spotlighted to represent that era's developments, and time lines connect the many dramatic events that took place in these dark and exciting times.

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