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Beyond the Darkness

di Alexandra Ivy

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334780,656 (3.98)4
Salvatore Giuliani finds the pureblood werewolf female he needs to save his people from extinction in Harley, but she refuses to become his mate until she discovers that he is her key to saving the family she never knew she had.
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- 4 Beyond Stars -

Love the action and world Ms. Ivy has created in her Guardians of Eternity series.

Beyond the Darkness is book six in [a:Alexandra Ivy|40881|Alexandra Ivy|]'s Guardians of Eternity series. Ms. Ivy does not disappoint she knows how to pull her audience in and keep us entertained, with a strong plot, action, adventure, and just the right amount of romance.

We are taking on a fast paced action packed adventure and learn more about the Weres in this world. By the end I had a better understand of the Weres. It was nice to see Salvatore get his comeuppance, a mate who won't fall at his feet. We see Salvatore change slowly oh so slowly now that he has a mate to protect. Finding Harley opened up new possibilities and also gave a sense of completion to the Were King. As for Harley she is a strong heroine. I liked that she never fully trusted Cain and everything he told her. It was refreshing to see her question her reactions to Salvatore. Makes it more real. I will say I had a hard time feeling the romantic love blooming between Salvatore and Harley, not sure why, might be because I'm not a Salvatore fan, just could not get that connection I usually get between couples.

As for Cain I liked his side story maybe leading up to his own book. Something unexpected happens to him that I am interested in learning more about. We also find the fourth and final missing pureblood sister Were and I did not expect her abilities/gift.

Lastly Levet; I just love him. He always brings humor to the stories. All the male characters hate him, but each female just falls in love with him. He is such a great character and something happens to him in this book…..

The story was great. Ancient evil, unknown foes and possible enemies that could become allies. Their is something stirring in the Guardians of Eternity world and you can just tell everyone is in for a ride. I always enjoy seeing previous characters return. There where some great fight scenes and steamy ones as well. I highly recommend pick up this series and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

( )
  angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
Ze nas ceka dil s jednou z vlkodlacic, ktera bude tou pravou pro Hafaniho krale, bylo jasny, uz kdyz se objevil poprve. Ze nebyl tak zlej. Zmena na hafany od pijavic by byla dobra, kdyby to nebylo na jedno brdo. Trosku vyblbnoput v sexualnich popisech by se mohla, kdyz jede podle stejny sablony. Ostatne, kvuli tomu sem to cetla, ze mne to vzrusi. A vono zas nic:-D ( )
  mountbatten | Oct 26, 2017 |
Harley & the King of Weres are the topic for this book. The book was exciting and on the edge ( )
  BookJunkie777 | Oct 16, 2016 |
Beyond the Darkness is the 6th book in Alexandra Ivy’s Guardians of Eternity series. Of course this being the last book yet released in the series, so far, I believe the series is pretty solid and very satisfying. The only issue I would raise is that each book seems to have the same issues and the same story line, with different characters. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it……I definitely did. I am a huge fan of paranormal romance novels and series, and so I am always looking for new ones to read. I can definitely say that Ms. Ivy didn’t disappoint.
This book in the series takes a different perspective than that of the rest, meaning this was not the love development between a vampire and his love, but instead of the King of Were’s and his Mate.
I can say that I was not entirely thrilled to read about Salvatore’s story and I am still unable to make the determination that I like him yet but I was pleasantly pleased to see the previous characters and get introduced to Harley (Salvatore’s mate).
The action and suspense in the story kept me on edge and I enjoyed the mystery surrounding all the evil that was occurring.
Salvatore continued his search for the four genetically altered pureblood cubs and has finally stumbled across the third, Harley. He is surprised when he realizes that the third of the female cubs is not only within his grasp, but is also his true mate. Harley is living and kept hidden by Caine, the upstart cur who's been using Harley's blood to try to find his personal holy grail - turning curs into purebloods and being the messiah of the species. Caine has lied to Harley for her entire life saying that her sisters were dead and that the Were King is looking for her so he can kill her. So when Harley runs across, okay, okay, actually traps, the Were King she is anything but receptive to him. The relationship between these two is an excellent match as Harley continually puts him in his place and he teaches Harley to open up about her feelings.
Excellent novel, and fun, fast read. I won't go into further to prevent spoilers. Very much enjoyed it. ( )
  Deserie.Comfort | May 10, 2012 |
I swear Alexandra Ivy never lets me down with her books. I seriously have not found one of her books in her Guardians of eternity series that I just did not like. I loved Salvatore and Harley. They were perfect for each other in my opinion. This book made me laugh a couple of times at Levet the lil gargoyle pain in the butt lol and Salvatore's personality. I have to say that I was not looking forward to read about Salvatore at first only because in the other books Alexandra didn't really focus on him and the one book she did I hated him lol, but I am happy I read it and got to know Salvatore's character because I love him! He was so funny, sweet and powerful. Harley's character sorta urked me though. I felt like she was a lot like Regan and didn't really have her own personality. She reminded me of Regan in a lot of ways so it was like reading about the same female. That was the only problem I had with the book. I love how Alexandra makes sure that all the previous characters from the other books are in each book. I love Styx! I also love where the story is heading and I can not wait to read Tane's story. I read the sneak peek at the end of the book and OMG! LOL it's going to be one hell of a read!! :-) ( )
  DamarisGCR | Nov 18, 2011 |
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Salvatore Giuliani finds the pureblood werewolf female he needs to save his people from extinction in Harley, but she refuses to become his mate until she discovers that he is her key to saving the family she never knew she had.

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