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Stormy Weather

di Debi Gliori

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As nighttime approaches, a baby fox and his mother imagine all the different animals around the world preparing for bed and falling asleep.
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I think this book would work really well in a 3rd grade class when doing a lesson on writing poetry. I think this model would serve really well as a model text and the activty I would have students do after reading this book would be to write their own poem and illustrate it using this text as an example. Another use for this book would be with discussing sequence of events or cause and effect. Students would answer a prompt asking why the parents were comforting their kids and what the result of that comfort was.
  JMudd | Apr 18, 2017 |
This book would be best used with younger students such as kindergarten and first grade because this poetry book is more-so based upon lullabies, which would help these students make better connections with the book. It would be more interactive to use this book when the weather is gloomy and rainy, making it easy for the students to make connections to the book and to the characters.
  apecaro01 | Apr 18, 2017 |
I would use this book as an interactive read aloud for students in grades K-1st because it is a rhyming type of lullaby that fits best of this age group and I would use this book to teach students how words rhyme and I will ask question during the read aloud os student scan make connections with the characters. This book could be used when learning about the theme of weather and the different type of weather we experience.
  mmccrady01 | Apr 12, 2017 |
I would use this book with 1st grade as an interactive read-aloud to teach rhyming because the sentences are simple one sentences per page. Students will also be able to connect to the content of the book on a personal level to be interested in the book.
  SaraGraviss | Apr 10, 2017 |
I LOVE THIS STORY! My daughter insists we read it every night at bed time! It has beautiful illustrations and the text is very creative as it wraps around the pictures. I like how it explores different animals and habitats and shows how the mother animals protecting their babies.

I would share this book with students pre-k to second. The words are big and easy to read, and it could also be used to teach rhyme and rhyming words. The illustrations are absolutely amazing and I think students would love this heartwarming story as much as I do! ( )
  RiaO | Nov 26, 2013 |
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As nighttime approaches, a baby fox and his mother imagine all the different animals around the world preparing for bed and falling asleep.

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Riassunto haiku

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