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Driftwood Summer

di Patti Callahan Henry

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21111133,733 (3.7)3
Three sisters -- responsible Riley, vivacious Maisy, and fun-loving Adalee -- reunite to celebrate their mother's birthday and save the family's beach-community bookstore. But summer also marks the return of Mack Logan whose choice of Maisy over Riley years ago destroyed the special closeness between the sisters. Now Riley, a single mom who doubts that any man can live up to her idealized image of Mack, is hiding a shattering secret. Maisy, a California designer, still blames Riley for ruining her one true love. And Adalee resents the family's intrusion into her summer plans. All three will be forced to confront the conflicts that tore them apart and the bounds of love and loyalty that still draw them together. Garnering comparisons to Anne Rivers Siddons and Pat Conroy, Patti Callahan Henry's, lush, lyrical voice draws readers into a rich, engaging novel of three sisters -- their loves, their rivalries, and a summer that changes their lives.… (altro)
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This was one Callahan Henry that I could just not get into. I gave up halfway in. I just could not relate to any of the main characters or the plot. ( )
  sunshine608 | Feb 2, 2021 |
Driftwood summer by Patti Henry Callahan
Book starts out with Riley, raising her son above the bookstore. We learn of how the store got to be where it's located.
Alternating chapters from the 3 sisters as the story unfolds.
200th year anniversary week long party is planned, something for everybody. She learns when her mother falls down the stairs that she also has cancer in her bone that will be treated after the party.
Her sisters are to come also to visit, which they are not to be told about the cancer. She also has broken bones...
Maisey had run away years ago from Georgia to CA, working as an interior designer. The boss can do without her for a bit.
Adeline goes to college but enjoys the years partying her life away. She's coming home early to help with the bookstore as it's failing.
Ladies have long time sorrows and joys, some they are able to work through as others who visit the summer town return for the summer...
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device). ( )
  jbarr5 | Nov 10, 2015 |
"Good read for summer - beach town with 3 sisters coming together after a long period of time over falling in love with same guy years ago - and a mother about to lose her book store - if you love reading and summer beach small towns you will love it" Great author - read all her books! ( )
  JudithDCollins | Nov 27, 2014 |
This light-weight read tells the story of three sisters, and the summer that ultimately heals their old wounds and brings them back together.

Kitsy, mom to Riley, Maisy and Adalee owns the local bookstore. Single mom Riley stayed in the family’s resort town, rearing her son and running the bookstore. Maisy ran off to California after high school graduation and only came back once for her father’s funeral. Adalee is partying her way through college. The bookstore building’s two hundredth anniversary, and Kitsy’s birthday are to be combined into one party. When Kitsy falls and breaks her leg, Riley rallies her sisters to come home earlier than expected to help with the bookstore and the party. Many secrets from the past are exposed, and old wounds healed while the sisters work together.

This was a fairly predictable read, with likeable characters. It’s the almost-perfect summer beach book. ( )
  SilverKitty | Jul 19, 2014 |
I don’t believe that there is a man’s or women’s book, but this is just a chick flick in words. It's a Romcom without pictures and so badly written. I only finished it because I had a day to spare before I went back to the library. Avoid!!!!!!!!!! ( )
  bergs47 | Oct 21, 2011 |
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Bookstore owner riley Sheffield believed that even the most ordinary life was like a good novel, a tale to be told.
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Three sisters -- responsible Riley, vivacious Maisy, and fun-loving Adalee -- reunite to celebrate their mother's birthday and save the family's beach-community bookstore. But summer also marks the return of Mack Logan whose choice of Maisy over Riley years ago destroyed the special closeness between the sisters. Now Riley, a single mom who doubts that any man can live up to her idealized image of Mack, is hiding a shattering secret. Maisy, a California designer, still blames Riley for ruining her one true love. And Adalee resents the family's intrusion into her summer plans. All three will be forced to confront the conflicts that tore them apart and the bounds of love and loyalty that still draw them together. Garnering comparisons to Anne Rivers Siddons and Pat Conroy, Patti Callahan Henry's, lush, lyrical voice draws readers into a rich, engaging novel of three sisters -- their loves, their rivalries, and a summer that changes their lives.

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