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The Leper's Return

di Michael Jecks

Serie: Knights Templar (6)

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2583107,336 (3.77)15
Ralph of Houndeslow is the new Master of St Lawrence's, the leper hospital at Crediton. He has the daunting task of seeing to the souls of the inmates. Godfrey of London is murdered, his daughter Cecily assaulted, and the crimes are laid at the door of John of Irelaunde, a known womaniser and conman. Meanwhile feelings against Lepers are growing. A few hotheads are prepared to consider killing all of them. Amidst this gathering storm, Baldwin and Simon must try to prevent wholesale slaughter, and bring the true culprit to justice.… (altro)
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A goldsmith from London who retired to Crediton with his daughter after the death of his wife has been found murdered and his daughter and bottler knocked unconscious. In the meantime anti-leper sentiment is growing in the town, with the potential for rioting not far away.

Another intriguing puzzle mixed with interesting period detail - particularly with regard to lepers. I couldn't help but think "These people have no idea what is heading their way in 25 years." ( )
  Robertgreaves | Aug 31, 2023 |
I have virtually all of Jecks' works. I am new to Library Things so am not going to go into great detail except to say that he has given me many hours of reading pleasure and largley give him 5 stars. Although it has been some years since I found one of the later stories, I was, at the time, prompted to find the first in the series, etc. It is grand that both his former publisher and his new publisher (Simon & Schuster UK) are republishing his books in print and other formats. I have given Jecks 5 star reviews over the years since I stumbled on to him. As to his research, historically it is from primary sources wherein he writes plausible tales into the historical setting. ( )
  Bookaholic2 | Mar 16, 2015 |
Plots are getting better ( )
  DWWilkin | Nov 15, 2008 |
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Ralph of Houndeslow is the new Master of St Lawrence's, the leper hospital at Crediton. He has the daunting task of seeing to the souls of the inmates. Godfrey of London is murdered, his daughter Cecily assaulted, and the crimes are laid at the door of John of Irelaunde, a known womaniser and conman. Meanwhile feelings against Lepers are growing. A few hotheads are prepared to consider killing all of them. Amidst this gathering storm, Baldwin and Simon must try to prevent wholesale slaughter, and bring the true culprit to justice.

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