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Too Wilde to Tame

di Janelle Denison

Serie: Wilde (Denison) (3)

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2066136,373 (3.55)1
The hotter than hot (All About Romance) USA Today bestselling author of Wilde Thing and Wilde Side steam things up with this sultry tale of a woman who is too wild to tame--and the one man she can't resist. Original.
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this was such an accidental find on my part but I am such a fan that I have to read book 1 and two of the series. I love finding new authors and recommend this to anyone looking to find something new to dive into.
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
At first, I didn't like Mia. Her sole purpose in pursuing Cameron was to "win" because he hadn't given in to her. Seems kind of childish, and in the meantime, she is griping about her family not treating her like an adult. She did eventually grow up a little, though, and I did like her in the end. ( )
  amandabeaty | Jan 4, 2024 |
Finished Reading November 15, 2014

Normally I can remember virtually every book I've ever read. But once in a while one will escape my brain. Usually that's because it was boring but that's not always the case.

Apparently I read this out of order. It's the only one in this series I have read but I do own the 1st book and a few others in this series. So, if I didn't like it I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting others in this series.

All this means I'm going to have to do a reread. I hate having to reread.
However, this time I will read them in order.

October 27, 2014 Amz
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
I've read novels by JD before and enjoyed them, but I just could not get into this one. At 1/3 in I still couldn't care about the characters or the story, so it became a dnf. Glad it was free. ( )
  Marcella1717 | Jan 22, 2016 |
It's no secret, Mia is a wild and crazy partier. Her reputation isn't fabricated, because she will do about anything when she's out at the bar, intoxicated or not. She knows Cameron doesn't approve because he has a thing for her, but she flirts with danger by continuing her wild ways.

Despite her reputation, Cameron can't shake his feelings for Mia. It only increases when Mia comes to Cameron for help when she becomes a victim of a very personal attack. Photos of Mia during her crazy partying are leaked to her, and she goes to Cameron, as he is a private investigator.

Is Cameron able to tame the wild girl and open her eyes to the damage she's done to her reputation? I thought this book wasn't half bad, it had a descent storyline and was easy to read in a sitting. I would rate it at a 4/5. ( )
  lizasarusrex | Feb 20, 2015 |
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The hotter than hot (All About Romance) USA Today bestselling author of Wilde Thing and Wilde Side steam things up with this sultry tale of a woman who is too wild to tame--and the one man she can't resist. Original.

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