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If the Shoe Fits

di Stephanie Rowe

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Behind Every Successful Woman Is the Right Pair of Shoes

Run hard. Run fast. Just don't try to run in heels.

Especially if your name is Paris Jackson and you're fashion-impaired. Designer labels and stilettos aren't exactly Paris's thing. Give her a pair of sneakers and she's a happy woman. That's why she's spending nights designing running shoes for her start-up company, and why she doesn't have time for an ex-husband on a therapy quest. A best friend with a death wish. A mom who has suddenly developed an obsession with funerals and sexy ex-cons, a boyfriend who's changing all the rules, and a confusing attraction to the boss about to fire her from her day job. And now people are telling her the way to succeed is through high-fashion shoes.

Those will only trip Paris up. Won't they?

She's about to find out.

… (altro)
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Fun, breezy chick lit, though at times I had to suspend my disbelief. She started a running shoe company without knowing anything about shoes? She didn't notice her boyfriend studying hard to get into med school despite the fact they spent so much time together? (and you don't take the GMATs to get into med school but I suppose I'll let that one go). And the end wrap-up chapter was a little...strange. But I enjoyed the story nonetheless.
( )
  akbooks | Sep 12, 2019 |
This *looks* like standard chick lit, right down to the pink back cover, but it's actually the story of a young woman with her own startup making foam for running shoes. Sure, it's the usual chick lit fare of relationships and best friends, but at its core is a woman who hates high heels, loves to run, and is finally discovering who she is and what she wants. A quick, light read, but engaging and fun! ( )
  terriko | Dec 17, 2008 |
Paris goes from thwarted Olympic athelete with troubled relationships to a happy life as a shoe manufacturer. Pleasant. ( )
  marnattij | Sep 15, 2007 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Behind Every Successful Woman Is the Right Pair of Shoes

Run hard. Run fast. Just don't try to run in heels.

Especially if your name is Paris Jackson and you're fashion-impaired. Designer labels and stilettos aren't exactly Paris's thing. Give her a pair of sneakers and she's a happy woman. That's why she's spending nights designing running shoes for her start-up company, and why she doesn't have time for an ex-husband on a therapy quest. A best friend with a death wish. A mom who has suddenly developed an obsession with funerals and sexy ex-cons, a boyfriend who's changing all the rules, and a confusing attraction to the boss about to fire her from her day job. And now people are telling her the way to succeed is through high-fashion shoes.

Those will only trip Paris up. Won't they?

She's about to find out.


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