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L'energia della preghiera: come approfondire la pratica spirituale quotidiana

di Thich Nhat Hanh

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2276123,162 (4.1)2
'The act of praying is not just an empty wish, because behind each prayer there is a practice of mindfulness and concentration.' -Thich Nhat Hanh, from The Energy of Prayer. In this extraordinary celebration of spirituality, The Energy of Prayer demonstrates the relevance of prayer in our daily lives. Thich Nhat Hanh reveals how the energies of prayer and meditation allow reconnecting with a higher self while satisfying basic need to connect with the world as a whole. With a generous spirit that acknowledges the many different types and functions of prayer, The Energy of Prayer provides a guide for deepening our spiritual practice through the use of prayer. Thich Nhat Hanh introduces the listener to several meditation methods that reenvision prayer as an open, inclusive, and accessible practice that helps create healthy lives through the power of awareness and intention. This book includes visualization and breathing exercises, as well as a rich sampling of prayers, chants, and invocations from the Buddhist tradition.… (altro)
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This is another great book by the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh.

He is no longer with us but has left us many wonderful books.

There is an introduction by Larry Dossey. He tells us that prayer is a bridge to the Absolute.

Thich Nhat Hanh informs us that a prayer can be a silent meditation or a full chorus of chanting.

He tackles the question of whether prayer works, and why it is sometimes successful and sometimes not.

Our prayer needs to have the energy of faith, compassion, and love to lead to a result.

He states that we and God are not two separate existences and therefore the will of God is also our own will.

He also says that you and the Buddha are not two separate realities. You are in the Buddha and the Buddha is in you.

I don’t know about the Buddha but I know that when I was fourteen I had an amazing out-of-body spiritual experience where I realized that I was a part of God, a cell in God’s body. The experience was pure bliss. So I know that Thich Nhat Hanh’s statement is true.

He enlightens us about reciting the Sutras, a Sutra being a teaching of the Buddha, and informs us that this is prayer too.

Buddhists also have chants that can appear very much like prayer.

Here is a chant known even by small children in Vietnam.

“Relying om the favor of the Buddha

Whose compassion will protect us,

May our body not be in ill health

And our mind not be afflicted.”

The author tells us how he sent what we might call remote healing to a nun in Hanoi, Vietnam, who was very ill. (He himself lived in Plum Village in France.) He called this a transmission of energy and said it was a form of prayer.

The nun made a complete recovery. We are told that when our heart is full of love, then we are creating more love, peace, and joy in the world.

The energy he sent was the energy of love and compassion. “When love and compassion are present in us, and we send them outward, then that is truly prayer.”

In prayer there has to be mindfulness, concentration, insight, loving kindness and compassion.

“We have to pray with our body, speech, and mind and with daily life.”

The one who prays and the one prayed to are two realities that cannot be separated from each other.

“The one who bows and the one who is bowed to are both, by nature, empty.

Therefore the communication between us is inexpressibly perfect.”

The first element of an effective method of prayer is the communication between ourselves, and the one we are praying to.

The second element we need for prayer is energy. In prayer, this is love, mindfulness, and right concentration. Mindfulness is the real presence of our body and our mind, which is directed toward one point, the present moment.

The book contains many valuable chapters, In one, the author looks at the Lord’s Prayer, line by line.

There’s a chapter about the role of prayer in medicine.

He suggests that once doctor have finished examining patients for the day, they could sit and meditate on the health of their patients. Families and friends of people who are ill could do the same.

There is also a chapter on meditation and healing.

Appendix 1 contains meditation exercises.

For example:

Breathing in, I feel calm.

Breathing out, I smile.

Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment.

Breathing out, it is the most wonderful moment.

Appendix II contains Buddhist prayers and Gathas.

A Gatha is a verse recited (usually mentally, not aloud) in rhythm with the breath as part of mindfulness practice.

Here is a Gatha for Waking Up:

“”Waking up this morning, I smile.

Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.

I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”

I highly recommend that you read this excellent book.

, ( )
  IonaS | Jul 14, 2023 |
> Babelio :
> Bibliographie :

> Dans ce petit manuel d’une limpide profondeur spirituelle, le maître zen Thich Nhat Hanh nous révèle, à travers sa longue expérience méditative, tous les aspects de cette mystérieuse énergie qui nous porte à prier.

> Un livre magnifique, d'une grande profondeur tout en restant très accessible.
Un très belle ouvrage pour donner force à l'acte de prier et développer nos capacités d'attention, de concentration et de pleine présence à la vie. Pas de moralité, simple à lire, complet, à la portée de tous. (Danieljean)

> L'ÉNERGIE DE LA PRIÈRE, de Thich Nhat Hanh. — Quelle question immense que celle de la prière. Qu’est-ce en effet que la prière ? est son pouvoir ?… En d’autres termes, la prière peut-elle avoir un effet ? C’est à tout cela que cet ouvrage de Thich Nhat Hanh cherche à répondre. L’énergie de la prière est celle du coeur qui la porte. « Si nous prions pour un être cher en train de mourir, notre amour pour lui ne fait aucun doute. Pourtant, si nous regardons en profondeur, nous verrons que parfois cet amour est lié à notre propre peur de rester seul et de perdre l’objet aimé. Cet amour n’est que la peur de la solitude. Notre prière ne sauvera peut-être pas notre ami malade. Par contre, c’est en nous qu’elle peut changer quelque chose. » Dans ces quelques phrases se situe une problématique de la prière, celle de prier avec un coeur réellement pur et simple. La pratique de la pleine conscience, selon ce que propose Thich Nhat Hanh, s’impose donc aussi dans ce domaine comme dans tous les domaines de la vie. Tout est relié, et interdépendant. « La pratique sous-tend la prière » : pleine conscience, attention vigilante, bienveillance et compassion, ouverture du coeur par laquelle je prends conscience que rien ne me sépare des autres et du monde. La prière se fait ainsi avec le corps, la parole, la pensée, notre totalité réunifiée en un acte d’offrande et d’amour. Et, nous dit Thich Nhat Hanh, l’effet est instantané. Connecté à celui que nous prions, le courant d’amour, « la concentration juste », « la pleine conscience [qui] est la présence réelle de notre corps et de notre esprit », atteignent leur but dans l’instant. Le plus important pour le pratiquant est bien sûr la prière en tant que pratique spirituelle, c’est-à-dire comme support pour entrouvrir les voiles de son conditionnement et toucher l’essence de la réalité. Cet ouvrage dresse un tableau très complet de la prière. Ainsi étudie-t-il par exemple la prière chrétienne « notre Père ». Le rôle de la prière et de la méditation est aussi abordé sur un plan médical, et sur le plan plus global de la guérison qui intègre l’aspect psychique de celle-ci. En effet, les noeuds psychologiques formés dans le passé sont des entraves à la libération. L’énergie de la pleine conscience donne « le pouvoir de reconnaître les formations internes dès qu’elles se manifestent », d’en discerner les racines et par là même de leur permettre de se dissoudre. Enfin : Thich Nhat Hanh propose des exercices de méditation. Il s’agit donc d’un ouvrage très complet sur le thème, abordant de façon claire et empreinte d’humanisme des questions que nombre de gens se posent au sujet de la prière. Ed. Le Courrier du Livre, 2008 - 179 p.).
3e millénaire, (87), Printemps 2008

> Thich Nhat Hanh. — L’ART DE L’ESSENTIEL, éditions Le Courrier du Livre. — L’auteur, moine et maître bouddhiste renommé, nous livre ici un témoignage d’autant plus précieux sur la prière qu’il vient d’un homme au fait des pratiques de méditation orientales. Prier, c’est aussi respirer, comme il nous le rappelle dans ce livre dense et lumineux. Ainsi que le dit le D' Larry Dossey, spécialiste d’études scientifiques sur les pouvoirs psychiques de la prière : « Ce livre démontre, comme les nombreuses études sur le pouvoir de la prière et des intentions de guérison, qu’aucune tradition spirituelle, malgré ce que certains prétendent, n'a le monopole de la prière. Dans un monde en proie à l’intolérance religieuse, ce message est plus important que jamais. Par cette célébration de la prière, Thich Nhat Hanh nourrit notre âme. » À signaler aussi : 24 heures de la vie d’un moine, Dom Jean-Pierre Longeât, père abbé de l’abbaye bénédictine de Ligugé, aux éditions du Seuil.
Nouvelles Clés, (59), Automne 2008, (p. 68)
  Joop-le-philosophe | Mar 26, 2019 |
n order to understand why people pray, The Energy of Prayer examines the applications and effectiveness of prayer in Buddhist and other spiritual traditions. Arguing that prayer is not about asking some external force for what we need, but about creating an internal environment in which it is easier to get what we want, the book introduces several methods of prayer. These methods are meditative in nature and reenvision prayer as an inclusive, accessible practice that is not tied to a particular religious or spiritual affiliation, but rather that can help anyone create a healthy life through the power of awareness and intention. Ultimately, author Thich Nhat Hanh presents prayer as more than just relaxation: is it a way to satisfy the basic human need to make a connection with something larger than our everyday self. Included are visualization and breathing exercises as well as a rich sampling of prayers, chants, and invocations from the Buddhist tradition.
  PSZC | Mar 12, 2019 |
This is a very straightforward explanation of prayer/meditation, mostly from a Buddhist perspective, but one of the aspects that I enjoyed most was the parallels drawn between Buddhism and Christianity, especially the author's explanation of the Lord's Prayer from a Buddhist perspective.

It is easy to read, and to the point, and includes simple meditation exercises at the end that would be especially understandable and encouraging for beginner practitioners. ( )
  miss_misc | Dec 28, 2011 |
La millor part la darrera: la meditación y la curación. ( )
  Babilon | Apr 20, 2011 |
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'The act of praying is not just an empty wish, because behind each prayer there is a practice of mindfulness and concentration.' -Thich Nhat Hanh, from The Energy of Prayer. In this extraordinary celebration of spirituality, The Energy of Prayer demonstrates the relevance of prayer in our daily lives. Thich Nhat Hanh reveals how the energies of prayer and meditation allow reconnecting with a higher self while satisfying basic need to connect with the world as a whole. With a generous spirit that acknowledges the many different types and functions of prayer, The Energy of Prayer provides a guide for deepening our spiritual practice through the use of prayer. Thich Nhat Hanh introduces the listener to several meditation methods that reenvision prayer as an open, inclusive, and accessible practice that helps create healthy lives through the power of awareness and intention. This book includes visualization and breathing exercises, as well as a rich sampling of prayers, chants, and invocations from the Buddhist tradition.

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