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Intrepid: The Epic Story of America's Most Legendary Warship

di Bill White, Robert Gandt (Autore)

Altri autori: John McCain (Prefazione)

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952294,731 (4.17)1
The first official history of the legendary aircraft carrier that fought in World War II and Vietnam and continues to serve as a major air and space museum in New York City. Since her launching in 1943, the 27,000-ton, Essex-class carrier has sailed into harm's way around the globe. During World War II, she fought her way across the Pacific, surviving kamikaze and torpedo attacks and covering herself with glory. The famous ship endured to become a Cold War attack carrier, recovery ship for America's first astronauts, and a three-tour combatant in Vietnam. In a narrative based on archival research and interviews with surviving crewmen, authors Bill White and Robert Gandt take us on its many journeys.--From publisher description.… (altro)
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Interesting covering ww2 pacific battles, torpedoed, kamikaze multiple times, Korea war, Vietnam, astronauts retrieval, becoming museum ( )
  mk885 | Nov 17, 2018 |
As a history, this book is a fair job; as for painting the continuum of a popular naval vessel, it is very good. The history is straight forward, almost like a diary. There came a time when the Intrepid, and others like her, were needed so they were built and they fought. They got hurt and they lost crew members. Captains came and wen, Air Groups came and went,t but the ship continued on. And then they were no longer needed so the were set aside until they were needed again. Intrepid was unusual in that it twice came back from the backwaters of the mothballed fleet. And then she put out again, this time to await the cutting torches, only she survived again, this time in the improbable role of museum ship. Scientifically, it can be said that steel and the other materials used to build a ship are totally inanimate and yet any sailor who served aboard her will insist she has a soul. Who can prove otherwise? ( )
  DeaconBernie | Oct 9, 2016 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Bill Whiteautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Gandt, RobertAutoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
McCain, JohnPrefazioneautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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The first official history of the legendary aircraft carrier that fought in World War II and Vietnam and continues to serve as a major air and space museum in New York City. Since her launching in 1943, the 27,000-ton, Essex-class carrier has sailed into harm's way around the globe. During World War II, she fought her way across the Pacific, surviving kamikaze and torpedo attacks and covering herself with glory. The famous ship endured to become a Cold War attack carrier, recovery ship for America's first astronauts, and a three-tour combatant in Vietnam. In a narrative based on archival research and interviews with surviving crewmen, authors Bill White and Robert Gandt take us on its many journeys.--From publisher description.

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