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Little Orphan Annie Vol. 02: 1927-1929 — The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn

di Harold Gray

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333753,992 (4.5)2
Little Orphan Annie - the original female comics hero - takes on chiseling business men and a gang of thieves, armed only with her sharp wit and a good left hook. Then she helps her surrogate parents by nursing "Daddy" Warbucks to health and helping save the Silos' family farm. And only that little chatter-box could become a cross between Robinson Crusoe and Dr. Doolittle when she and Sandy are shipwrecked on a deserted island. Enjoy all the unique adventure and earnest charm of Volume Two in The Library of American Comics presentation of Little Orphan Annie, containing nearly 1,000 comic strips from October 1927 to November 1930.… (altro)
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Finally got around to rereading and reviewing this. Annie's being rather silly - when she's working hard she dreams about being lazy, but when she's back with Daddy she complains about having nothing to do. When she's in the city she talks about how much more interesting and active it is than the country; when she's in the country she says how nice it is that it's cleaner than the city, and people are friendlier - but they're also "country hicks" and small-timers...funny. The first story is, I think, Annie's first newspaper stand (though not her last); she's also acting mother to four youngsters. Then out to the country, a waitress job, a strike, and half-interest in a restaurant, followed by a kidnapping and back to the city. Back, in fact, to her original Home and Mrs. Asthma. A fire and back with Daddy; out to the Silos, a plane crash, and a long recuperation for Daddy. Daddy's off again, and Annie ends up living with a cab-driver and his wife, and makes a friend her own age for a change. Then things get hard for them and Annie leaves to spare them taking care of her. A new town, with an old friend of Daddy's in it; a crooked banker and his son, a bit of luck and the crooked turns out to be more honest than he seemed. End of book. The preface is interesting, too - something about Harold Gray's life while he was drawing these stories. One odd thing, though - the pictures they use as "in the first book" and "coming attractions" are both from this book - or possibly, repeated panels (though that seems unlikely). There also seem to be some missing continuity Sundays, unfortunately. Fun - nothing outstanding, but good stories. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Jan 20, 2012 |
Of several great strips which I feel merit complete reprints (and joy of joys, these days several publishers are doing just that), "Little Orphan Annie" is near the top. I know the stories and themes are repetitive, and that "Daddy" Warbucks probably ranks as one of the most negligent loving fathers in comic strip history, and the art is no great shakes - but there's something about the values, spunk, love and honesty that are championed here that appeals to me. I think it works because Harold Gray sincerely believed in these values. Annie spends most of this book away from Warbucks for various reasons, and when they are together much of her time is spent nursing him back to health from an arranged plane crash. As is often the case, when Annie is "on the road", she and Sandy are taken in by poor but decent people who find their own lives enrichened by the plucky orphan. ( )
  burnit99 | Aug 20, 2009 |
2nd of 6 tiny books in a set
  JamesLemons | Apr 4, 2020 |
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Little Orphan Annie - the original female comics hero - takes on chiseling business men and a gang of thieves, armed only with her sharp wit and a good left hook. Then she helps her surrogate parents by nursing "Daddy" Warbucks to health and helping save the Silos' family farm. And only that little chatter-box could become a cross between Robinson Crusoe and Dr. Doolittle when she and Sandy are shipwrecked on a deserted island. Enjoy all the unique adventure and earnest charm of Volume Two in The Library of American Comics presentation of Little Orphan Annie, containing nearly 1,000 comic strips from October 1927 to November 1930.

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