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Usagi Yojimbo, Book 02: Samurai (1987)

di Stan Sakai

Altri autori: Mark Evanier (Introduzione)

Serie: Usagi Yojimbo (2), Usagi Yojimbo [Volume 1] (1–6)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
3081088,358 (4.25)6
The bunny's back! Originally printed in the long out-of-print Usagi Yojimbo#1 through 4, this volume features Usagi's origins as a wandering rabbit warrior in feudal Japan, and introduces many members of the cast of characters. Brimming with exciting swordfights, authentic locales and costumes, drama and humor, this is some of Stan Sakai's finest work. If you're unfamiliar with this multiple Harvey and Eisner winning comic for all ages, then what rock have you been living under?! Get your history lesson right here.… (altro)
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Second volume in the series gives us first longer story arc - origin story for the Usagi. We follow him as a kid aiming to become a renown samurai warrior. While on his way to the famous Dogora sword fighting school he will come across Katsuichi, mysterious warrior challenged by the very Dogora students. Witnessing the ease with which Katsuichi defeats the gang, Usagi decides that Katsuichi is a master he wants to learn from. What follows is what in my opinion are the best parts taken from many martial arts movies, of young student learning the art of war and life from a reclusive and wise warrior.

Art wise nothing much is changed from the volume one. What catches the eye are more panoramic shots and more truly cinematic views - entry pages, for example, showing Usagi confronting a samurai from his past are truly fantastic.

Highly recommended to fans of adventure stories. ( )
  Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Ah getting back into this series! The majority of the book was Usagi reminiscing about when he started training as a samurai, being the king's guard and the reason why he killed the other king's guard two years later. The side stories were great as well especially the Zylla. Wonderful graphics and looking forward to the next one in the series! ( )
  booklover3258 | Apr 9, 2023 |
I saw that I gave Vol. 1 three stars, and it's been too long for me to remember why. Maybe I just wasn't immediately grabbing the storyline, or maybe it's that Vol. 2 really is a bit better. Regardless, I really liked this collection, and as I read I was reminded one more time that I need to get this for my nephews. ( )
  ms_rowse | Jan 1, 2022 |
I think this is where the Usagi books hit their stride, with an origin story told inside the now-familiar meta story of Usagi and Gen drinking together at an inn and quibbling over who pays the bill. ( )
  Enno23 | Aug 15, 2021 |
It builds well off the first by getting into the backstory of the characters. I as happy to see Gen return, now knowing that while non-linear 'Usagi' will have a running narrative (with short stories in-between). This one also explains a lot of the relationships only briefly mentioned in Book 1. Good stuff.
  bobbybslax | May 17, 2020 |
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Stan Sakaiautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Evanier, MarkIntroduzioneautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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This is not the same "Samurai!" as the Saburo Sakai book, although something (Amazon?) keeps linking the two. If you've added the Saburo Sakai book and it gives you this one, please separate it.
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The bunny's back! Originally printed in the long out-of-print Usagi Yojimbo#1 through 4, this volume features Usagi's origins as a wandering rabbit warrior in feudal Japan, and introduces many members of the cast of characters. Brimming with exciting swordfights, authentic locales and costumes, drama and humor, this is some of Stan Sakai's finest work. If you're unfamiliar with this multiple Harvey and Eisner winning comic for all ages, then what rock have you been living under?! Get your history lesson right here.

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Media: (4.25)
3 10
3.5 4
4 31
4.5 4
5 30

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