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Wicked Pleasures

di Penny Vincenzi

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1521186,126 (4.08)7
A saga set throughout the latter half of the 20th century traces a mega-wealthy family's efforts to orchestrate respective agendas from their Hamptons summer homes and English countryside manor, while a brother and two sisters discover that they all have different fathers.
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This is the first Vincenzi novel that I have read and what a huge one. Over 800 pages! But it was a really good saga read and, as big as it was, I enjoyed it and will read others by her.

Back Cover Blurb:
There was a time when American heiress Virginia Praeger believed that she was destined to be alone. Then she met Alexander, Earl of Caterham, in the Palm Court of the Plaza, and it was love at first sight.
She has a husband who adores her. A palace of a house set in the exquisite English countryside. A successful career as an interior designer and two beautiful daughters and a son.
But Virginia is hiding a dark secret which could destroy them all: each of her three children has a different father. And none of them is her husband, Alexander. How could a 'nice girl' such as Virginia do something like this? How far-reaching will the consequence of her deceit be? And will she and her family survive? ( )
  mazda502001 | Jul 26, 2009 |
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A saga set throughout the latter half of the 20th century traces a mega-wealthy family's efforts to orchestrate respective agendas from their Hamptons summer homes and English countryside manor, while a brother and two sisters discover that they all have different fathers.

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Media: (4.08)
2 1
3 4
3.5 1
4 5
5 8

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