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Girl on the Platform (Quick Reads)

di Josephine Cox

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472557,930 (2.29)Nessuno
A quick read from the bestselling storyteller, Josephine Cox. Love at first sight and a mysterious disappearance. Best friends Mark and Pete board a train to London for a night out. As Pete finds a seat he notices a girl sitting on a bench. She looks sad and lonely. When the train leaves, he can't get her out of his mind because in her he has seen a glimpse of himself. Over the coming months Pete sees the girl often, but when tempted to speak to her, his courage fails. Then one day she simply disappears. Hopelessly besotted by this girl he believes to be his kindred spirit, Pete will not rest until he finds her...… (altro)
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Very disappointing, completely unbelievable. The majority of this short story is taken up with a farcical trip to London with a horrendously unrealistic timeline, while the girl in the title features for barely a minute. Not a Quick Read that is likely to encourage anyone to read more, certainly not of this author's work ( )
  TheEllieMo | Jan 18, 2020 |
This would have to be the worst novel I've read so far in the "Quick Reads" series. The plot was totally implausible and the dialogue was terrible. If "Girl on the Platform" is supposed to encourage adults to read, it has failed big time! ( )
  HeatherLINC | Nov 18, 2017 |
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A quick read from the bestselling storyteller, Josephine Cox. Love at first sight and a mysterious disappearance. Best friends Mark and Pete board a train to London for a night out. As Pete finds a seat he notices a girl sitting on a bench. She looks sad and lonely. When the train leaves, he can't get her out of his mind because in her he has seen a glimpse of himself. Over the coming months Pete sees the girl often, but when tempted to speak to her, his courage fails. Then one day she simply disappears. Hopelessly besotted by this girl he believes to be his kindred spirit, Pete will not rest until he finds her...

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Media: (2.29)
1 3
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5 1

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